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Everything posted by bluzdog

  1. I have 2 free Kramer HLS channels in my account both from last year. Wup expires on 1/28/24 and 10/19/24.
  2. The latest firmware for the Tonex pedal includes a tuner.
  3. Do you have it selected as the input on the track you are trying to record on?
  4. UA connect won't open for me anymore. edit: never mind, I just updated and it's working
  5. These are often cheaper on the developers sites. Amalgam is running a sale right now. APPLIES TO ALL QC AND ToneX CAPTURE SETS SPRING SALE! GET 3 CAPTURES FOR THE PRICE OF 2 PROMO CODE 3FOR2 GET 5 CAPTURES FOR THE PRICE OF 3 PROMO CODE 5FOR3 GET 10 CAPTURES FOR THE PRICE OF 5 PROMO CODE 10FOR5 THROUGH MARCH 31st https://www.amalgamcaptures.com/tonex
  6. I guess this could be a good solution for some genres but I wonder how it deals with secondary fifths, parallel mode substitution, tritone substitution etc?
  7. I had an over zealous moderator at the old Cake forum threaten to ban me once. She shall remain nameless. Long live the King!
  8. First Come, First Serve https://tonejunkiestore.com/
  9. Finally, after 7 years of development... MIDI GUITAR 3 BETA We’re thankful that you’ve been supporting us as a customer and this is a free upgrade for all customers since 2012. Please don't reply to this email. Instead get in touch with us and other users in the forum. The first BETA version is experimental and for Mac only, but in the coming months updates will follow with improvements, features and documentation, so you may want to wait upgrading until BETA testing is over and follow progress at the BETA page. Thank you for your support https://www.jamorigin.com/
  10. Audimee is sick! It's easy enough to recreate her flow chart if your interested.
  11. I have the one from the Tonex partners which I believe is the CRR Tonex Essential bundle. There are two others on the Amalgam site: Core DI and Expansion DI. They run frequent sales that are buy 2 get one free. I definitely want the Core DI.
  12. Never pay full price for Tone Junkie packs. He runs more frequent and heavily discounted sales than Waves! It's worth paying a visit to the partners websites to check pricing. I do like the Amalgam Carr Mercury V set. Jam points are valid on IK's site.
  13. I was told that they don't allow Jam Points on sale items. That's why I didn't get the Tonex ODS Legends collection when it came out.
  14. I was absolutely blown away to find out that Jam Points are valid for the Tonex Pedal.
  15. I do like the idea of a the hardware version. It would be cool if it could handle multiple sets of monitors and associated settings. Maybe with a monitor controller and different presets.
  16. https://reaper.blog/2023/07/bug-in-amplitube-5/#:~:text=There's a known bug in,other processing you can do.
  17. No doubt, too bad they won't allow jam points on sale items. That would have put the Dumble collection at $35 with jam points.
  18. As much as I like IK products, especially the Tonex pedal, I can't get onboard with their first two high dollar tone model collections.
  19. Snap up the synth MusicRadar calls "a future classic" It's your chance to add an icon to your model collection for just $19. Model 82 Sequencing Mono Synth faithfully captures the sound and feel of the most-used mono synth of the late '80s and early '90s. Uber-inspirational sequencer and arpeggiator included. Save on our rigorous re-creation of this techno idol now. Just make sure to log in to your account on Softube.com to get access to these super synth savings! https://www.softube.com/products/model-82-sequencing-mono-synth Log in to your Softube account and add Model 82 to your cart to SAVE 80%
  20. Waves never abandons anything ?
  21. Do you know about the generic six packs? https://www.thomannmusic.com/toontrack_ezkeys_midi_6_pack_download.htm https://www.bestservice.com/en/ezkeys_midi_6_pack_bundle_generic.html
  22. bluzdog

    UAD $50 coupon

    Here’s $50 on the House! New Year's resolutions are hard… don't beat yourself up. Let’s get your creative juices flowing with UAD plug‑ins. We’ve issued you a $50 coupon, redeemable toward any UAD plug‑in or bundle.* Use code JAN2024 at checkout https://www.uaudio.com/uad-plugins.html?utm_source=drip&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2024+-+January+-+Hangover+Coupon+(Announcement)&utm_content=campaign
  23. bluzdog

    Raum reverb FREE

    Thanks for the heads up. This is included with Izotope MPS 6. I just realized that I have a bunch of stuff I haven't checked out that has been added the MPS 6 from Native Instruments..
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