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Everything posted by bluzdog

  1. I stand corrected. I have been refused in the past, maybe it was because of a promo code or user error.
  2. I installed the content again in the existing BFD core folder and the installer added several more kit and percussion piece folders. It looks like it's all there now. Thanks for the help.
  3. Thanks for the idea. I couldn't find another location and I did a fresh install. The BFD core folder has folders for kits 1, 2 and 3 but none of those folders have the missing pieces.
  4. I did, thanks. The missing pieces are from the BFD core samples. Horsepower loads correctly.
  5. Does anyone know how to solve the missing kit piece issue? All the kits I load have missing pieces.
  6. IK is offering a free signature collection when you register a new Tonex pedal this month. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?id=FreeTONEXCollection2025
  7. I didn't find a way to change content locations in the Inmusic installer. It overwhelmed my C drive and I had to give up on installing the core library. edit: the settings menu is under account at the top right corner. The downloads folder is selectable there.
  8. The Scaler 2 Official course is on sale for $5 here: https://online.schoolofsynthesis.com/scaler-2-course-page
  9. I don't remember the whole scenario but here it is.
  10. I got the Scaler 2 from Scaler upgrade on 11/3/22 for free from PB. I paid $22 for Scaler on 11/19/19. I consider this a great value and I'll most likely pony up for Scaler 3 because it looks like a fantastic upgrade.
  11. The arrow key navigation is fantastic!
  12. In that case you can put licenses on an iLok dongle and keep your machine off line.
  13. I think Ultrachannel and 2016 Stereo Room were the best freebies from Eventide so far. I haven't tried Deboom or Sheen yet. At one point they were giving away the H9 series plugin bundle with the purchase of an H9 pedal.
  14. I prefer it over SDT because you only have to buy the samples once. Slate charges seperate for SDT and SSD for the same samples.
  15. BFD drums sound awesome. Unfortunately, at least for me, the software has been buggy and I gave up on it a long time ago. Maybe something has changed since then.
  16. F.w.i.w.......Addictive Trigger is awesome and works with all AD kick,snare and tom samples.
  17. Hmmmm........ I'm lacking Vintage Dead and Boutique Mallets AD Paks, Dead Beats & Songs midi and 5 kit pieces. My price is $78.04. I guess I shouldn't have bought United Heavy during the last sale.
  18. https://www.xlnaudio.com/products no code needed.
  19. the XLN site shows that I partially own Vintage Dead. I have the blue oyster AD pack, it must be the snare. At least they tell you. edit: I also have Dry beats and songs midi which is included with Vintage Dead.
  20. It doesn't work with midi packs either.
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