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Everything posted by boxed

  1. This would have to be amazing and many times better than TAL Chorus to justify that price.
  2. Good find. Going off their usual schedule 11.5 was due to be announced soon, so it looks like they will skip a year. Hopefully this means v12 will be a much more significant update and hopefully it will have the new dongle free licensing.
  3. I'm waiting for them to give out $20 holiday season vouchers.
  4. Yeah am also waiting for the RND and Yamaha vintage plugins to go on sale.
  5. These are the lowest prices I've seen these go for.
  6. This is a good find if only for the 5GB of free loops. Being limited to 32 bit VST3s is quite the limitation, but there's included versions of Halion SE and Groove Agent One which are both pretty capable instruments. Does anyone know if the paid Sequel expansions are already included inside of Cubase? https://www.steinberg.net/sequel/expansions/?utm_term=HM&utm_source=POS&utm_medium=Sequel 3&utm_campaign=Sequel Content Sets&utm_content=Info
  7. Codes is invalid for me also even though I didnt buy anything yet. I will contact them after 5pm GMT as they said.
  8. It's always been free on the Sonic Atoms site https://sonicatoms.com/novel-piano/
  9. He basically made a sample library with a frying pan.
  10. Are you on the subscription?
  11. I hope its better than Taip from Baby Audio.
  12. 70% off all products starting 27 September https://www.nembriniaudio.com/collections
  13. Scaler 2 is only a few bucks more when its on sale. And it's alot more useable than folders full of chords you can get for free.
  14. Do they think this is revolutionary? You can already split transients from tonal elements in Eventide's Physion and then process them with effects. Boz's Transgressor allows you to split transients and apply filtering and EQ.
  15. You would think the installer would update to hi-res graphics automatically.
  16. I just found I have installers for Loocloud 5.2 for both Windows and Mac lying around. For anyone interested there is also a download for a dev build of Loopcloud 6.0 floating around the internet. Apparently this one still allows free users to add new folders. I have not tried it myself.
  17. Anyone have links to old versions prior to 6.0? I have ADSR but I don't like it as much and it crashes quite alot on my system.
  18. Would Moho Debut be good enough for simple lyrics videos for Youtube? I would also be looking to make explainer videos using vector art assets, with bits of animation here and there.
  19. boxed

    BEAT MAG #187 08/21

    If it's no different to Pro Tools First then there's nothing of interest here.
  20. boxed

    Apogee Duet 3

    Ideally it would come with the dock. But they want $150 for it.
  21. boxed

    Apogee Duet 3

    This Apogee uses a breakout cable and less analogue inputs than the Baby Pro.
  22. I read it like "British Kolonizer" at first. Their Facebook page says they're a startup from Taiwan. Whats British about this?
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