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satya last won the day on March 1

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About satya

  • Birthday October 19

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  1. OFFER EXTENDED TO MAR 31 https://www.uaudio.com/ua-1176-classic-fet-compressor.html
  2. Kiive Audio Warmy EP1A UPDATED To vr 2.1.4 new preset menu and oversampling https://www.kiiveaudio.com/products/warmy-ep1a-v2
  3. https://thecrowhillcompany.com/marshal-brass/ The Crow Bill Co. have released Marshal Brass, available at the intro price of £99.00, increasing to £129.00 after the promotion. The offer ends March 4th. Features include: Over 12 GB of Uncompressed Material (Compressed Losslessly to 6 GB) Detailed Multi Sampled articulations: Sustain (Normale) Sustain (Poco Vib) Sustain Accented Legato Crescendo Diminuendo Hairpin (Short) Hairpin (Long) Sforzando Marcato (Tenuto) Staccato Staccatissimo 3 Mix-Ready Stereo Signals (Close, Wide, Ambient) Reverb Control with exclusive Crow Hill impulse responses. Dedicated & Curated front panel compression and EQ designed specifically for this ensemble and space. Designed to work with our other brass, woodwind and strings libraries recorded in this space.
  4. https://songathletics.com/products/gems Gems is a collection of 5 free exploratory instruments. Originating from BORO’s ongoing R&D in digital lutherie, these simple sound objects offer an eccentric palette of new colours for your music. Presented in the free Decent Sampler format, with a simple and intuitive interface, Gems gives a no-barriers look into the world of BORO. Gems requires Decent Sampler 1.10.0 or later.
  5. With the code GROUP https://www.jrrshop.com/psp-25th-anniversary-bundle 25 plugins in total, $8.40 CPP
  6. https://www.pluginboutique.com/articles/2005-Claim-your-FREE-copy-of-Steinberg-Backbone OR choose Steinberg Backbone
  7. https://soundiron.com/products/clickclickbang Soundiron have released Click Click Bang!, available at the intro price of $29.00, increasing to $49.00 after the promotion. The offer ends March 11th. Features include: Long gun, Pistol, Revolver SFX: Indoor & outdoor gunshots, brass bouncing, weapon shaking Mechanical action, loading, slide racks, trigger and safety noises, and so much more 20 ambient pads and evolving drones created from the source content 21 Powerful Kontakt .nki instrument presets 11 Powerful Decent Sampler presets 1,845 stereo samples in unlocked .WAV format 1.03 GB Installed • A flexible, intuitive user interface and mixer with pro features and deep customizability Full FX rack with convolution reverb with custom rooms, halls, chambers & FX environments Watch the walkthrough video HERE. Click Click Bang! requires a full version of Kontakt 6.2.2 or later or Decent Sampler 1.11.18 or later.
  8. https://smaolab.org/product/akira-tube-free https://smaolab.org/product/akira-tube-pro
  9. satya

    Gamer VST FREE

    Gamer VST is a Free plugin by StudioLinked. Inspired by classic 8bit video game music themes. Contains 13 instruments ready to go into your next beat. https://studiolinked.com/products/gamer-vst
  10. https://sonixinema.com/pages/scorehub Whats Included? A 14 piece chamber string ensemble A beautiful moving sound Works with the free Kontakt Player
  11. With the code: 37m8ww23 https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/14439-Bloom-Synth-Atmosphere-Lite
  12. https://www.babylonwaves.com/cakewalk Cakewalk allows you to control instrument articulations. But the feature comes with a hefty price tag: Every single articulation in every library needs to be defined with names, controller data and a remote switch definition. That's why we've decided to release the most complete collection of Articulation Maps in this galaxy ... You get over 12000 maps containing over 160000 articulations. And, we are constantly adding new libraries to our collection and supply free updates to you. for 99
  13. satya

    Free Waves H-Comp

    Waves gives H-Comp away a lot. If you somehow don’t have it yet, or you want to get the newest version, here it is. https://waves.alzt.net/Xmd6y3 very lil time left to claim
  14. wow Lars here welcome Larry
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