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Jesse Screed

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  1. Hey, just wanted to say thanks to the creators and developers. I didn't realize until now how much I have benefited by stumbling upon this app. So many beautiful memories and experiences. Thanks to Meng for salvaging splat from the ashes when the Gibson debacle transpired, and don't get me started on the Roland fumble. All the great SI instruments, the Pro Channel, Rapture and Dimension, zeta, the forum, on and on and on. Specially all the nights with friends, or solo, a beer or two, and hitting record to our hearts content. Not sure I jive with the new direction, but it is yours to do as you wish, and I hold no grudge. Just gotta say that because of you I have learned to try new things. I still remember the first girl I kissed. It was in kindergarten. I was walking home with her, and she was pleasant, and I had seen me ma and pa kiss when they left for their jobs, so I kissed her. I still remember the first time I used sonar. Kind of the same thing as my first kiss. I still wonder what happened to my first love, she is etched in my memory, but I just can't seem to find her. Sincerely, thanks for everything!! You taught me so much.
  2. Thanks, Bob was creative. You would have liked him very much.
  3. Thanks Equality, I left the long tail because I thought it represented the loss, on and on we go.
  4. Ha, signed in to Cakewalk Discuss this morning and just got my first 2FA for this site. Very Interesting. Haven't changed any setting so not sure if this is an option I can change, but I'll check on that later. Right now I'm going to try and poach a couple of eggs (pun intended.)
  5. As I mentioned in an earlier post, my friend Bob Hermes was taken of life support in January 15th, and he succumbed 14 days later. I thought I would post one more song of his for you to hear. It is called There Must be Magic Around Here. Thanks for all your listens, comments, and thoughts. https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14927774
  6. I think the point I was trying to make is that the drums are out of sync with your playing. Your playing is in time as far as I can tell. You could try to nudge the drum tracks to see if that makes any difference, especially if you programmed them in clips. As I said though, I have a cold and it could just be my hearing.
  7. Happy Birthday Bapu! Who are the Beatles?
  8. Jesse Screed


    I really like the lyrics. It would be cool to add some backing vocals. Is this a true story?
  9. A great story, well played and sung. The lyrics are very nice. I like it. The drums are ok for me except the timing seems off just a hair, but I have a cold right now so that could be why.
  10. I love me some Rod but That's some really good lip syncing.🙃 None of the instruments are plugged in🤣
  11. Was this soul a vaxxer, or an anti vaxxer? The message isn't clear.
  12. Jesse Screed


    Yes, very nice. Was that a real bass? Great sounds and agree about your guitar playing, mighty fine.
  13. Very nice, created many mental images for me. Nice use of sounds, textural, expansive.
  14. There is nothing I can possibly say that can ease your grief, but your post has jolted me to reset my priorities. I hope the hole in your heart heals quickly.
  15. Mark, your productions are really, really good! Ding dang is all I can say.
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