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Yan Filiatrault

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Everything posted by Yan Filiatrault

  1. Only available with the subscription
  2. Studio One Hybrid is interesting, as you keep a perpetual license of S1 Pro if you stop subscribing.
  3. Not working in US dollars
  4. Yes, if you think Big Fish Audio and April Fool belongs together, you’re right!
  5. What about this one? Does it have anything new or special to be the Mastering plugin of the future?
  6. I didn’t check the course yet. But with the EDU discounts I could get from many companies, I got deals like 50% off Fabfilter, 69$ a year for EastWest Composer Cloud, a permanent 20% off Orange Tree Samples, 30% off UVI still for many months that I could recently stack with another 50% off discount, etc.
  7. This offer contains among other stuff the course I bought in end of 2023 for 49$ and from which I got a letter of enrollment that I could send to many companies to get their EDU discount, which I got currently for most of those I requested. Now there’s an even better offer for 27$ and it includes more stuff: https://cinematiccomposing.com/composer-in-a-week-offer
  8. That’s 5 years of subscription with EDU discount
  9. I have not resisted getting their Complete bundle recently with 50% off EDU discount
  10. It's a lot more money to spend every year that way.
  11. 41.16$ with code GROUP https://www.jrrshop.com/tracktion-kult
  12. https://marketplace.tracktion.com/dawesome-kult.html
  13. No, you just have to accept to install it through Native Access.
  14. 34,49$ at Plugin Discounts https://plugindiscounts.com/product/sonnox-voca/
  15. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/75543-mastering-the-mix-spring-sale-until-april-16th/
  16. 1 year license? It's subscription based?
  17. But you will end up paying 199$ each year to PA. Depends on what you want.
  18. For me, I got the Mega L yearly subscription at 99$ per year. I get 3 free plugins each year, so I end up at 33$ each and have access to all their stuff all the time.
  19. Thanks, I missed that. I took the occasion to add a Canvas on Spotify for my single recently released.
  20. The voucher stacked with my already 30% off discounted EDU pricing.
  21. I wrote to support and they replied that they updated their servers to allow the latest packs to work with the promo code. I tried the code again and this time it worked. I was missing only their 2 latest packs.
  22. I bought the Everything bundle in the past, but do they keep adding products for free? I also bought the upgrade to MPS version 6 after that when there was a glitch to get it dirt cheap, so I wasn’t expecting to get this for free.
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