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Yan Filiatrault

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Everything posted by Yan Filiatrault

  1. Code removes 19,80$ when I try it. How do you end up with 70$ off?
  2. But… but… How much would it cost you to take a cruise up to England and book a session with the BBC Orchestra?
  3. I don’t know if it’s a price mistake, but I have 30% EDU discount from the course I bought a couple of months ago, valid until September with Spitfire Audio, and it’s stacking with the sale price. Previous sales deeper than 30% off were not stacking with EDU.
  4. My upgrade price from Core to Pro is 192,50$. I don’t recall seeing it that low.
  5. https://www.spitfireaudio.com/bbc-symphony-orchestra?__s=g6rhjotnjyik26l1f9wt&utm_source=drip&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Save+50%+on+BBC+Symphony+Orchestra&utm_content=BBCSO+5+Year+-+Save+50%
  6. They already had a combo of similar SDX products. I wonder if they are really different.
  7. The price doesn't stick with me. At least, I'll have it included with the PA sub.
  8. KVR has a 15% off code valid today only (code GOLD2024), bringing down Fantasy Orchestra to 337,15$ https://www.kvraudio.com/marketplace/hollywood-fantasy-orchestra-bundle-by-eastwest
  9. You have to checkout with Silver only, then the offers will appear.
  10. If you go to checkout with the freebie Silver, it offers Genesis for $149, LASS Lite for $99 and LADD for $99 https://audiobro.com/product/silver-a-free-library/
  11. Site is crashing. Must be the Demon drop
  12. Code is working on the current PA_EXT deal Modern Metal Songwriter Gamma Vocal Suite. Grab the glitch while you can!
  13. I’m glad I bought everything recently at 50% off with EDU discount instead of waiting for this sale.
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