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Yan Filiatrault

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Everything posted by Yan Filiatrault

  1. I think I bought SSD 5 for lower (around 50$) some years ago. But yes, expansions prices are low.
  2. I bought it many years ago, and no other synth comes close to it in my opinion. A definite upgrade buy for me.
  3. Move on to another deal, it’s not for you!
  4. Did you tried their demos? Surprising from a reverb junkie like you to stay away from top contenders.
  5. At Best Service, they are a little bit higher, but a bit less if you consider Best Coins.
  6. This is not 12 days of Christmas, it says it won't be included in that upcoming sale, and counter is at 0, so I don't know how long this one will last.
  7. And if you continue to say those kind of things over and over again, you may even end up with some legal problems. We all have the right for our opinions, but even if what you say is true, I feel like you’re in dangerous ground for you. And yes, plenty of drama at VI-Control, it’s a breath of fresh air around here.
  8. I just bought 2 Forever 29 vouchers on sale in another forum. I got AMEK Mastering Compressor and Brainworx bx_console AMEK 200
  9. Or Musio 1 on sale for 299$ which includes a ton of stuff from Cinesamples.
  10. He’s trying to turn all deals into freebies.
  11. This is for me, by far, the DAW with the more intuitive workflow on the market.
  12. I did the upgrade earlier today. It was 40$ Canadians dollars more last year at launch to upgrade to V2
  13. Upgrade to Elevate bundle is 139,10$… hasta la vista…
  14. You mean another couple of years for many SDX
  15. I’m currently on version 14. Sorry, previous post was sent from the future lol
  16. You already have a ton of effect plugins even just from UAD Signature. Komplete has a lot more diverse stuff if you want that. For me, I own KUCE 15, and I think that any Komplete edition is by far the best bang for buck bundle. Ton of quality stuff at a great price.
  17. If you’re willing to deal with awful business practices, any of them will do.
  18. Yes, you are the GOAT, because you are generally the fastest to post, and when you're not, you simply post 'DUPLICATE' to avoid doubling the threads, especially now with so many deals coming every day. Keep going!
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