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Everything posted by fret_man

  1. I'm working on a 1930's Paris bohemian gypsy jazz piece that could use a clarinet. Any recommendations for VSTi? Thanks!
  2. To get my hammers/slides to work the way that makes sense to me, I have to change the fret position on the fly as the fingering moves around the fretboard. AmpleSound does this thru key switches. OrangeTree requires Kontakt's CC MIDI learn functionality. So, to do this with OT's Gypsy Jazz guitar, I had to map out CC values and fret positions. I've listed this mapping below in case it saves anyone some time, or helps make more realistic programming for you. As you may know, the same note can be played in several places on the fretboard, and they all sound different. This will help you to program the way a guitarist thinks. Since different Evolution guitars may have different max # frets, this mapping may not be applicable to other OT products. Evolution Django Jazz Fret CC Position Values 0: 0-3 1: 4-11 2: 12-18 3: 19-26 4: 27-33 5: 34-41 6: 42-48 7: 49-56 8: 57-63 9: 64-70 10: 71-78 11: 79-85 12: 86-93 13: 94-100 14: 101-108 15: 109-115 16: 116-123 17: 124-127
  3. This version is required for the latest Win11 update. The previous version won't even run and update itself.
  4. I went ahead and bought the last 6 paks I didn't have for $6 a pak! Check your custom offers.
  5. https://www.sonarworks.com/soundid-reference/christmas-sale The new Virtual Monitoring Add-on is included in bundles. The add-on is (still) NOT on sale by itself.
  6. Thanks, I also noticed my Mark Studio needed an update.
  7. Ah, yes. I think you're right.
  8. But, what good is a group buy when you already have everything. You still have to BUY one item (the flute) to get the rest free (which are useless if you already have everything else).
  9. Never mind. I see I have to use their Continuata app to down load it....
  10. Anyone want to buy my extra Skaka for $20? The BF price was $25.
  11. Bought Joshua Bell 2-3 days ago but still waiting for Embertone's download links. I've used APD's code to "buy" it on Embertone's website but haven't heard anything. Anyone else seen this delay?
  12. Oh, great. I bought it. Downloaded it. And I already had it!
  13. Time to get Skaka! https://klevgrand.com/products/skaka
  14. I still use their accordions, domras, balalaikas, and uilleann pipes. Looking for alternatives to their Irish whistles as these seem to have a strange "thump" at the start of some notes. I contacted them about this problem and they sent me new files that fixed most of it, but the thumps are still there at times. Overall, this is a very good, responsive company with high quality samples.
  15. They should have used a guitar with a cut-away... But really, I'm a fanboy. I'm a guitar player with more than 1/2 century of experience and these libraries let me do everything I've ever needed. And they sound gorgeous.
  16. I've been using Sonarworks Systemwide with Studio One for 3-4 years with absolutely no problems (other than a few Sonarworks bugs that get fixed pretty quickly). I ALWAYS have it on as a Windows audio device so everything goes thru it - internet streams, movies, DAW, etc. That way I don't have to worry about turning it on/off while mixing/bouncing. Studio One doesn't even know it exists. I know none of this helps you other than it IS possible to get a stable system with them working together.
  17. Chris Hein's harmonica is very good.
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