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Everything posted by fret_man

  1. It I think I finally found my clawhammer banjo sound!
  2. It showed $99 for me before I logged in. After I logged in it was $59.
  3. These sound wonderful to my ears. Waiting for a sale...
  4. As best I can tell these have no legato. No thanks.
  5. Don't forget to check your AAS deals page. For me, the missing sound paks were only $8 each!
  6. I still haven't found anything as comprehensive as Waves' IR-L reverb. The included +2000 IRs are pretty impressive. Where else could I get a Ryman Auditorium if it were not for Waves?
  7. I love these Martinic guys!
  8. The data came from here: https://www.production-expert.com/production-expert-1/audio-interface-brand-survey-results
  9. It's probably best to ask this on the Ample Sound Forum: https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=245 It would not surprised me if palm mutes don't work in the Lite versions. Ample often has great summer and BF sales. I'd wait for those if you have the time. But that Etsy sale is already at a fantastic price. I doubt you can find anything better.
  10. Yes! You need to search on YouTube for how to setup your DAW to accept multi-channel MIDI inputs. Also, be prepared to edit the result afterwards.
  11. Bug temple? I've had absolutely no problems for the past few years.
  12. Yes, it IS tedious. But if you want a realistic guitar strum, that's the way it is. I do my edits in PRV to get the strums sounding right. it IS possible to get a very realistic guitar strum from OT and AmpleSound, but it helps to be a guitar player so you can know some of the nuances and detail.
  13. Started with Sonar 8. Left when Presonus gave us quite the deal when Gibson shut it down.
  14. I'm thinking maybe no, they don't work in BFD. The BFD License Manager didn't accept the license codes I got. I'll wait a few more days and try again.
  15. Dissenting view: There are plenty of people here who disagree with this statement. But, as usual, everyone is entitled to their opinion.
  16. Those sound perfect! Thank you. Except I've never manipulated loops before. That sounds even more tedious than manually drawing in MIDI like I usually do with instruments.
  17. I am excited to try my hand at writing some klezmer music and thought I'd try out the Have Audio Balkan Clarinet since it was designed to have that eastern European ethnic feel to it. It should have been a natural fit. However, There's no way to remove the vibrato. Klezmer music rarely uses vibrato. This VI ignores the modulation wheel and CC1! There's no way to get those long pitched scoops similar to what you hear at the beginning of Rhapsody in Blue. Klezmer uses those as an special effect. This VI ignores the pitch bend control! There's no way to get any squeaks or squawks. Setting velocity to max doesn't help because this VI ignores expression control and CC11! So all you get are the canned notes and expressions, which sound good but it greatly limits its flexibility. You'll be adjusting your music to fit what it's capabilities are rather than programming it to do what you want. That could be a challenge some are willing to undertake, but not me. I'm looking to fit the instrument into what I want, not the other way around. So, now I'm looking for a suitable clarinet VI that can do the 3 things mentioned above. Any ideas?
  18. I often feel the same way. My main musical goals now are: have some fun (but honestly this comes and goes) learn something new (currently trying to write a klezmer piece) stay out of trouble (idle hands are the devil's playmate) be part of something bigger then myself (you can see some of my transcriptions for my guitar ensemble here) leave a legacy for my grandkids (I don't want my ancestry.com entry to be empty)
  19. Looks like half the licenses are used up already.
  20. This bundle includes 2 I don't have yet. https://www.masteringthemix.com/products/bestseller-bundle Valid until Aril 18 or 5000 licenses are used up.
  21. I wish they would put IRs of real spaces on sale sometime. It seems only the hardware IRs go on sale...
  22. Oomph! No PayPal? That sucks...
  23. I had $2 of loyalty pts and I got the U78 Saturator free. This seems to be the best deal on this right now.
  24. I could actually use a new shredder.
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