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Everything posted by fret_man

  1. FYI, I updated Win10 to Win11 and the method shown in this video worked great for me. I first had to uninstall the driver leftover from Win10 and then re-install that exact same driver in Win11. Works great for me!
  2. As an alternative opinion, using a custom GUI allows the designer to offer a customized experience made just for that particular instrument. My expectation is they would offer more streamlined, easier to access control to get results faster than what can be achieved with a generic interface. But they need to DO this to make it worthwhile.
  3. Just bought this and was offered the Italian Harpsichord bundle for $39.95. If you missed this last time around, this is another chance to pick them up at a good price.
  4. Yes, that's what it was. Still, it was fun to go thru the excercises to see where you need help. Basically the idea is to stop learning to recognize intervals in isolation, They only make sense relative to the key you're in. So the method is to 1) recognize the tonic/root of the melody being played, 2) recognize the notes being played by "feeling" how it would resolve to the tonic, 4th, or 5th, 3) increase your short term memory by practicing, so you can hold all the notes of a phrase in your head. No doubt this would work. The package includes practice files.
  5. Wow, 50 years.... Feeling really, really old. Yet, I still maintain that it was a magical musical time back then. So much creativity. Nothing like it sense. Many songs are still pertinent, touching the soul, and nice to listen to.
  6. Where can I find Orange Blossom Meltdown? I'd love to hear it!
  7. Check out some of the videos. This use case is (mostly) covered. Pretty impressive.
  8. Oooh! Included in Mercury.
  9. I have found the same thing. I've stopped collecting 8DIO. It am much more productive using other libraries.
  10. As an alternative opinion, I view AmpleSound as the best an OrangeTree as a useful 2nd. In particular, I can more easily force which string a note is played on, which makes those combo open/closed chords up the neck sound pretty darn real.
  11. But PB's freebee is trash this month, so gonna wait for the next time.
  12. This was my stepping stone to the Mercury bundle.
  13. I'm trying to move to the WUP every other year model, unless something really wonderful happens (like the re-sizable GUI last year).
  14. Thank you for doing these, Reid. Maybe it's my slow brain, but the photos and movie titles flash by too quickly for me.
  15. No, wait. I see. My other iLoked products are attached to my PC. This is the first one attached to the cloud, no PC. I think I'm good to go.
  16. I've read thru all the replies here but I need a little more clarity. I'm using Studio One on Win11. Do I d/l HD or native versions? Also, I noticed my iLok manager didn't allow the cloud license. Only the iLog dangle. Not sure what I did wrong... Thoughts, anyone?
  17. ... and get the Bitwig Studio 8-track as your feeebie!
  18. Let's see... $30 for the first. $20 for the second. That's $50 instead of $60, a 17% discount. I can wait until a proper sale.
  19. This 2nd video was much better technically. I can tell you changed things around quite a bit. The only thing I noticed was your use of the phrase "I found it.... interesting." I humbly suggest trying to find 2-3 different ways to say that. I heard it a few too many times. The "ums" and pauses didn't bother me in the slightest. That's what makes it sound like you're just talking, not presenting. I really enjoyed the extra effort you took in showing supportive material - pictures, music, etc. That is very, very nice. Keep doing that!
  20. Hmmm, already have 3 of these. And I'd rather get the WGII- Studio Grand (as opposed to just the WGII), but $43 is pretty cheap. I think I'll wait to see what comes up in the future. We can get the WGII-Studio Grand for $25 using Audio Plugin Deals reward credits. And Sampletekk's TVBO is the same piano as the 7CG, recorded in the same space, with the same microphone, but has 50% more samples. The TVBO includes a 2nd microphone choice, I guess That's the only difference I can see, other than a diffrent GUI. If I were to get only one of these, it would probably be the TVBO. Unless someone with more experience has compared these two and still recommends the 7CG.
  21. Troels has two up there. Which one?
  22. Not exactly right. The price is $295 on the AcousticSample website. Still, $99 is nice. But I'm wondering if I need yet another good piano bundle.
  23. As best I can tell, this is vintage 2015. At one point a Hummingbird was consider the best acoustic guitar VSTi out there. Was it this one or Prominy's Hummingbird? Or someone else's? Anyone remember? Regardless, has anyone tried this? How would it compare to OrangeTree and AmpleSound offerings? Thanks, Fret
  24. I'm seeing $2 at https://kushview.net/element/download/form/ for both the single download and subsciption.
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