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Everything posted by RexRed

  1. It IS broken for everyone else, please read this thread where the problem is detailed before making sweeping assumptions. Rather than moving on with your tidy project you could actually test this out. And there is a fix for this just like there was a fix for mute not working. I do not mean to throw this problem into the transition between Cakewalk products but, I did request a "fix" for this before there was any mention of a new Cakewalk and other "new" more esoteric features could have taken a side seat so that this broken, yet vital feature, could have been fixed. And btw I have encountered this broken feature on other computer systems and it has persisted for a couple of years. Thus why this is the second or third thread that I have asked as nicely as I can for this to be fixed.
  2. Am I to understand that your solution is to just leave this broken? ARA is intended, and designed, so Cakewalk and ARA are both aware of the same processes. Otherwise, I would be using Melodyne standalone. I have 18 extreme Intel I9 cores, 2X3090 Nvidia graphics cards and 128 GB of ram. Now, how exactly is Melodyne intended to be used? ARA is designed exactly for this ping-ponging of audio when it is utilized correctly. The case here is that is it not being utilized as it was intended to be used. I have exhausted a lot of time and effort here pointing this out and it is getting to be a broken record and I have been put under the microscope for simply wanting this fixed. I am about to go live on YouTube with Cakewalk in the next few minutes... Is this state of the program and having to constantly restart Cakewalk the best way to showcase Cakewalk and its amazing features? Just sayin... And, should the new Cakewalk Sonar version also inherit this broken interface? It would be nice to have some sort of of affirmation by "the bakers" stating, "we're working on it". Or perhaps, this is a conversation better expressed on my YouTube channel in front of other DAW users considering a switch to Cakewalk or on the forum of a competitor? And it is preposterous to assume that ARA has left Cakewalk unable to inform Melodyne when part of a Melodyne track has been muted or deleted. Or, let's just leave it broken so ping-ponging (as you call it) does not work right. THIS is a prime reasons to stitch to another DAW or not to switch to Cakewalk. My intention here is to improve Cakewalk so it works as it is intended to work. I complained for an insufferably long time when mute did not work on Melodyne tracks at all. When you would go to record over a Melodyne take it would sound even if the track was muted. That was confusing hearing a previous take sound when trying to punch in on a new take even when it was muted. Now that works correctly. And I got a lot of flack at the time for suggesting that mute should actually work... Well, when a track take is muted or deleted it should not show up in Melodyne as if it is still there. I am not sure why some people think Melodyne should sit in a state of being perpetually broken in Cakewalk. It is not fun being the person to point this out and take the flack and listen to the rationale as to why it should not work right. And when update after update does not fix this, then maybe YouTube is the place to highlight this problem. I need this fixed now so I don't have to explain to the world why I have to constantly restart Cakewalk in the middle of a live streaming session. I don't intend to make an issue of this problem on YouTube out of consideration... I have thousands of dollars of broadcast equipment so I can lay down tracks live while broadcasting. Consider this friendly but repeated request a heads-up rather than a criticism, as I have been using Cakewalk since Cakewalk for MSDOS. I kinda know how it should work.
  3. I have been using Melodyne since its inception into Cakewalk and then V-Vocal long before that. A comparative thing is effects. Should we have to freeze effects into our wave files in a destructive way? I never freeze Melodyne into my wave files. This way, even months after a song has been "completed" I can still go in and tweak vocal lines here and there. Melodyne should not be destructive as well, Especially the thought that I could have to go back in and resample the exact same clip to change it again with Melodyne. It is quite evident... Cakewalk is not telling Melodyne when an edit has been made to a take. It should be fixed, simple as that. I am quite certain that is the way other DAWs are handling takes. It is bug and rather than me having to constantly restart my Cakewalk project to refresh Melodyne the program should be doing this action internally when a section of Melodyne has been deleted or muted under a new take. Then we don't need to jump hoops, copy and delete takes and whatever Band-Aid is placed on this bug. It should just work right. Melodyne had many more issues that were fixed and this one was overlooked, the programmers need to go in and fix this as well. Issues that I brought to their attention, like, the when you would punch in, even if the Melodyne track was muted, it would still play. Remember that one? Well I made threads (like this one) until it was fixed. Well, this problem is still here. There was a time when Melodyne was only applied to small clips well, I place it on every vocal track and on even some of my instrument tracks as well. When, under every case, a Melodyne take is muted or deleted, it should no longer appear in the Melodyne track. In an ideal scenario, we should be able to place Melodyne on every take in a track and only have the unmuted comped takes appear in Melodyne.
  4. Cakewalk, Dolby Atmos and Surround Sound... Can Cakewalk make Dolby Atmos songs? I recall Cakewalk doing surround sound I was just wondering where it is now with Dolby Atmos or is that something for the new Cakewalk Sonar? What would that entail making songs with Dolby Atmos? Would I need to buy 4,000 Atmos monitor speakers and rewire my apartment? Or, could I make Atmos songs with a set of headphones? Sorry I have not put much thought yet into this. A while back I bought Sonarworks SoundID Reference software now it has a multi speaker version. It does work to improve my sound especially in a pair of Philips headphones I own that they give the ID reference for. It seems to work with only 44khz so I never use it. Not sure that I really needed it. My mixes simply sound better on flat speakers but never seem to sound worse.
  5. THIS, is an ugly fix for something that should be a priority to developers. I have to do this every time I punch in a new vocal take? I am one of those people who bought lifetime updates, and this request has not been fixed and I look at the list of things that got fixed update after update... and "added", new features, that I will never use. I am trying to be as considerate as possible and I am a patient person, but, I am truly disappointed with the last update, and rather than me boil about it I figure it is time to voice my gripe.
  6. Just back to say the latest and perhaps last Cakewalk update did not fix this problem... I will not go into to explaining this problem again, it is detailed further up in this thread. I have been attacked on this forum, had my threads closed simply for using Melodyne and told I must be a terrible singer by "trolls". All I am asking is that Cakewalk developers fix their integration of Melodyne in a reasonable way. I am sure Melodyne integration into Cakewalk is very complicated. But having to open and close Cakewalk dozens of times in the course of a project is getting unbearably aggravating. This problem is a real issue for me to open and close my Cakewalk project dozens of times to get the Melodyne buffers to erase an old take. It also does leave me with a dilemma, do I want to put money out for a new version of Cakewalk "Sonar" with the same exact problem? I would need to have assurances that this particular problem is fixed. The current version of Cakewalk is perfect for me other than this problem. Now, I would purchase a new version of Cakewalk for the simple sake of refinements and tighter performance alone. But considering, I have encountered this problem, detailed it in at least two threads and they have spanned over at least 6 program updates and this problem has not been fixed. And considering, I spend almost as much time in Melodyne as I do in Cakewalk, a tiny voice in the back of my head is asking, I wonder if other DAWs have better Melodyne integration? Please fix this problem... I am now stuck not wanting a "new" version of an old problem... Notice the date on this thread April (I have made threads in the past about it as well) and now it is November, and this problem is blaringly, still broken. Do I want to buy a new version of Cakewalk with this same exact problem? No...
  7. Many heartfelt thanks for the compliments on my song Cakewalk friends! I am always mixing my vocals too hot, it seems to be a chronic occurrence. And yes, a shaker or two would work well in this tune. The Ooos do drop off perhaps too abruptly. They could have hung on a bit or beat more. There is a tiny chord change in the last beat and I am not sure the chord of my Ooos worked with that chord change. It seems the longer I make music the more overwhelming of a task it becomes. The editing process is never ever ever ever done. ? It is like raising children, they get to a certain adult age and fly out of the nest and all you can do at that point is pray things go well for them. All the best to you fine people!
  8. RexRed


    New song, still a work in progress. Thanks for the listens awesome Cakewalk peeps! ????
  9. Yet another song awesome Cakewalk peeps! Still a work in progress. Needs some kind of blues guitar solo in the middle. Suggestions welcome. ??? Thanks for listening! RR
  10. Price drop Cakewalk peeps! Just noticed this. I paid $200 for mine. Now selling for around 150 bucks https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/UAC232--zoom-uac-232-usb-3.0-audio-interface In my opinion, this beats every interface on the market for basic DAW work.
  11. New tune awesome Cakewalk peeps! Suggestions and critiques welcome. ??❤️
  12. Hello PavlovsCat! I very much appreciate your great comment friend! I love writing and making music, to me it is not a profession but more of a lifestyle. I am fortunate that my music is now partially supporting my efforts. I wish it was more mainstream but I will take even limited success. I certainly have found a fair amount of fame but the fortune part is much harder to achieve. There is a lot of competition and perhaps my ship has already sailed, but being that my music was never about fortune but about the sheer love of the song, I persevere anyway. I own over 2000 vinal records so I have so many influences that I am surrounded by such greatness and if can emulate their styles and skills in even a small way I am very happy about that. I post here because I am a huge Cakewalk fan and maybe this forum is small but it is full of kindred souls that I understand and feel linked to in a deep and inexplicably passionate way. Your late mother sounds like a wonderful person indeed. As I mentioned I have managed to find a bit of fame but the fortune part I still struggle with. This fame can take a lot out of me because it must be maintained. i.e. responding to hundreds of comments regularly to let my fans know I am a personal friend who wants to keep their sweet affection. These fans are lovely to have and worth all the fortune in the world. Sometimes I shock people with my performance and leave them incapable of formulating a response. That is okay too. Shock is a response as well and not to be treated lightly. ? I thank you for not holding back and for letting me understand your point of view, it is a rare quality which it seems you have many. I hope to hear more from you as I value your input and your friendly manner. Best to you and again, many thanks for the truly great response!
  13. I tried to soften the harmonica by adding a shelf in the eq to cut down on the air a bit. This song has been added to a video and published already but maybe one day I will revisit the song. I hope the harmonica is at least passible. It is a very intimate instrument (which is why I chose it) and very hard to get right. I am not sure that I have ever gotten the harmonica tracks right that I have put in songs. I remember my dog used to cry and yelp when I would play the harmonica. It produces tones maybe the human ear cannot even hear I think. Well, again, I just hope at this point it is passible. Thanks for your valuable feedback Keith! ?
  14. I think it is finished, I refreshed the song above with the final version. Thanks for the listens Cakewalk peeps, much appreciated your input! ?
  15. Hey awesome Cakewalk peeps, here is a partially finished song. I added the oohs and ahhs, the dubs, the harmonies, the bass and the harmonica solo. I am planning on adding a pad in the solo areas, a cello, organ and maybe some brass (maybe a drum track here and there). Not much left and it is finished. Any suggestions let me know your thoughts. Thanks for your comments and help peeps! ?
  16. Did some work tonight on it, added a bass and sung oohs, ahhs, dubs, and some harmonies. Will consider more for tomorrow maybe some organs, strings, possibly some brass and definitely some pads, maybe a drum here and there.
  17. That is a good idea Keith, I will add some. ??
  18. Just two tracks in this song so far, Still a work in progress. ? Harmonica solo and a few more tracks planned. Hope you like this song awesome Cakewalk peeps! Critiques and suggestions welcome... ???
  19. RexRed

    Waywardly Lad

    New original song awesome Cakewalk peeps! Comments and critiques welcome, still a work in progress.
  20. Not to toot my own horn, I guess some people don't watch my tutorials. 35 years of using Cakewalk, I started with Cakewalk for MSDOS way back when Cakewalk needed all of the 56k of my RAM just to run. And I don't get paid for my Cakewalk channel either, I do it simply for the love of music.
  21. Is there a keyboard controller that is designed specifically for Cakewalk where when you plug it in its pads and knobs detect things like play, rewind, record, pan, volume. I know you can program these in but it would be nice to have it set up automatically where the keyboard is aware specifically of Cakewalk and its many parameters, even quantize, undo, save, select etc... I can use my Elgato stream deck for this as well, but again it would be nice to have a master keyboard that does it all. Just curious if anything like this exists. Many keyboards are now coming with extended compatibility with a number of DAWs, I was just wondering if Cakewalk was included in any of these new keyboard features across the new keyboard manufacturers. And... Anyone tried this Cakewalk PC keyboard out yet? https://www.musiciansfriend.com/pro-audio/kb-covers-cakewalk-sonar-backlit-keyboard-windows-us/l74522000000000 I use a Razer Huntsman Elite mechanical keyboard, I am not likely to change my keyboard for this but it looks nice! It might be a good trainer to learn to use the hotkeys from.
  22. Big thanks Jack for the comment buddy! ...and thanks for the like HockeyJX! ?
  23. I will likely choose the monthly over the annual plan. I don't like having to come up with a lump sum every year.
  24. Still a work in progress awesome Cakewalk peeps! Critiques and suggestions welcome. ??
  25. It's never been about quantity, it is about quality. The quality people use Cakewalk because they are intelligent enough to know the industry secret is that Cakewalk is the best. ?
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