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Everything posted by RexRed

  1. From the Sonar documentation (I assume it is the same for CBB) "When enabled, SONAR will attempt to load balance FX Racks that contain two or more unbypassed plug-in effects, including track FX Racks, bus FX Racks, clip FX Racks, FX Chains, ProChannel FX Racks, and ProChannel FX Chains" From what this seems to say to me is if you have a second effect in your bus/rack/chain/bin Sonar will send that effect to another core. My problems is I have only one effect each in a lot of tracks so they are all being sent to core 1. The balancing is done on a, per effect in rack, basis but it seems it is not done on a per track basis. I don't think load balancing is even working when unbypassed effects are in a single bin. I contacted Izotope and they said that their plugins should work with load balancing but that does not seem to be the case.
  2. This is my meter when I am not even playing the song.
  3. I have 18 cores intel extreme i9, load balancing is on and Cakewalk seems to be favoring core 1 such that the other cores are barely moving and core 1 is maxing out. I have about 8 instances of waves vocal rider in various track effect bins, and ozone 10 in the master effect bin. I am using convolution reverb parallel in a master bus and a lot of instances of ozone imager, why is core 1 so busy in Windows 11. Is there a way to manually manage load balancing? Core 1 is maxing out even when the project is not even playing anything.
  4. RexRed

    A Time For Us

    It is nice when my music crosses over to people who prefer other genres. I really appreciate you taking to time Keith to leave an awesome comment. All the best! ? RexRed A live YouTube video, part one, of me making this song. Please leave comments and critiques on YouTube. My ego can handle it ??❤️
  5. RexRed

    A Time For Us

    My new song peeps! Hope you enjoy this new love ballad. ❤️ RexRed
  6. RexRed


    Hey Ruralrocker2010, I have noticed that problem with the timing and I have been baffled as to how to fix it. Everything seems to be lining up with the measures. I have just resolved to let this fall under the category of "syncopation". There are low Ooos sung sporadically through the song and the bass guitar is very faint and a "phantom bass", just to balance out the high frequencies and add some power to the low end. There are also some chord issues that have perplexed me as well that I could not resolve in this song. I may revisit this song again someday and try and figure it out. Mark Skinner, as for my harmonies, I do pan them for clarity sake and for the stereo spread effect. It may not sound very natural, I don't know. It does give them a separate place in the mix to stand out. I usually pan the low voice left the mid voice right and the high voice left depending on the pitches in the melody line as long as the harmonies are not the same octave on the same side. If they are octaves I put them on opposite sides. This approach helps them to not cancel each other out as much when played in mono. I hope to one day address the flaws or maybe another mixer/master person may have a go at trying to get my songs into shape. ? Paul Bush, thank you for the very nice compliment I hope the work outweighs the unresolved problems this song has presented. As for the Rhodes solo in the center of the song, I just wanted a change from the usual guitar solo I put in my songs. It has a soft and intimate tone, easy on the ears and I thought it was okay. Again, I may one day make another version of this song and try and raise it up to a different level. Thanks for the honest critiques and compliments! They are very helpful and also flattering to my work! Much love and have a great week peeps! RexRed
  7. RexRed


    Here is a new song for your listening pleasure awesome Cakewalk peeps! This will probably be my contribution this year to Valentine's Day. So, Happy Valentines Day! ???
  8. RexRed

    One Touch Away

    Thanks for the really nice comments awesome Cakewalk peeps! It was about a month ago when I created this song "One Touch Away" words, music and vocals. It is really nice getting feedback from Cakewalk users. We are all brought together by this music creation tool that is so amazing and unparalleled in the industry. My first experience with Cakewalk was in MSDOS many eons ago and today, Cakewalk has grown into a mammoth of a program. My wildest dreams could not have envisioned what Cakewalk is today. But my fancies knew what Cakewalk was all along. I on, 2/3/23 have reached the golden age of 60 years old. This nearly life long ride with Cakewalk is fulfilling and all that I have imagined and more. May I still be able to accomplish greater with this superlative program in the years ahead. Best to you friends! ??? RexRed
  9. Thank you Wookie for the listen and nice comment! Well, I went back to the song and did some more work on it. If you bought the song, please go back and download the latest version of the song on Reverbnation. There is only so much I can do other than rip the song up and redo it completely. Personally, I did not like the song as it was either. So I really can't fault TeeGarden for his comment. It sounded harsh to me and lacked warmth. So, I added another bass to balance out the highs more. I took out Ozone 10 on the master bus and Neutron Pro on some tracks and mastered it manually. Then I fixed the lead vocal that had a slight lag. When the vocals are not EXACTLY spot on and lag a bit, that can give the song a, well, "boring" feel. I also added a choir, a cello and an organ in separate places to give the song a more climactic feel to the parts when they do change, to help with the repetitive nature of the song as best as I could. Enjoy, awesome Cakewalk peeps!
  10. Thanks for the honesty TeeGarden, I guess you have not lived as a musician 'till someone has called your song, repetitive and boring... I am glad I am not made of glass. ? I actually put a drone in the lead guitar part in this song as well, to accentuate the monotony I guess. I make a variety of songs, and a lot can be said for songs with more changes. Some people can't be bothered by a love song, even on Feb 14th... lol Best to you Tee!
  11. New tune Cakewalk peeps! Critiques and suggestions welcome! Best to you! ? RexRed
  12. Thank you Kevin for the awesome answer to this question!
  13. There used to be a way to select a comp clip and have it play from the beginning instead of where you click on the comp clip. I click the comp clip and it plays from where I click it but it is usually not at the beginning of the comp clip because clicking at the beginning is kind of tricky. Is there a way to access a comp clip and have it play from the beginning? Thanks in advance for any help on this.
  14. Do these Intel E cores benefit Cakewalk in any tangible way?
  15. It appears that with the proper setup Cakewalk and all VSTs by one method or another can be controlled through MIDI and channel/track setup to utilize all MPE output functions and these multiple tracks in Cakewalk can be frozen to a single audio file after edits are completed. Just because it is complicated does not mean it does not work. Cakewalk has for a long time had the ability to create templates of setups, so, a MPR based voice would theoretically only need to be set up once. Perhaps switching instruments might require changing VSTs in each track and modifying the synth rack. These also could be saved as various Cakewalk templates for each VST. I will say I am not a fan of Cakewalk templates. I have created templates and had them become corrupted over time. They get corrupted because VSTs get updated, or effects get installed in different places and Cakewalk itself gets updated and they simply become buggy. But my templates were VERY complex containing multiple track mixing racks and bus effects mixing racks, prochannel setups. Maybe I will try a template again someday and see if things have changed in that regard. The problem lies in once you have created a song in a template it is kind of too late when the song begins to act funky and randomly close. It is like loading an old Sonar song, sometimes is it hit or miss and the song itself can be unstable. (Especially dealing with old V-vocal tracks that are not frozen or bounced.) V-vocal should be a part of CBB setup as well as many old VSTs that were once offered IMHO. But Cakewalk is free, and who can knock that?
  16. I thought my AMD machine did work but I spoke too soon. The RME device worked with MixCraft on my AMD machine but with Cakewalk the lag when inserting a track (and other items) never went away no matter what I did other than switching to an Intel based machine. Now the tracks and effects, busses insert instantly (in Cakewalk) but only on my Intel machine.
  17. Out of stock! https://www.ketron.it/en/prodotto/event € 4.099,00
  18. Thank you MSMcleod for your detailed response! It seems that what you are saying is that any sound can be driven by MPE as long as you route the Cakewalk MIDI tracks properly?
  19. This video shows multi output from Kontakt, but it seems this is not on a per instrument basis but multi instrument basis. So would this approach work in Cakewalk? I am not sure that Cakewalk has the ability to split up outputs like Prologic. Wow, I thought I understood MIDI but it seems there are areas that I need to learn more. This whole "per output" thing still has me confused. Can someone please explain it in more detail? Thanks for any help. It still seems that using multiple instances of Kontakt or any instrument is a workaround for this limitation. Couldn't you just use the same instrument 1 time in 16 instances of Kontakt? Couldn't you route each MPE output of the controller to a different track?
  20. Has MIDI 2.0 been released yet? Does Windows have MIDI 2.0 yet? Cakewalk? What changes have been made to the MIDI spec?
  21. Check out the video halfway down the page. https://roli.com/products/seaboard/rise2 1300 bucks and they are made in, "batches". Next batch coming out in February. Decisions decisions...
  22. I have to think about this part. (Per-Output Instrument tracks are unsuitable for MPE instruments.) Not sure exactly what that means. Which VSTs are Per-Output and which are not, and how can you tell? They all seem to have 16 channel dropdowns in Cakewalk tracks. Native Instruments? FM8? EastWest sounds? What about synths Falcon, Nexus, Omnisphere and VPS Avenger?
  23. That is an interesting point SirWillyDS12, and I did not even check if it is multitimbral. I will purchase one of these when I am sure I can drive my other sounds with it, I assume a cheaper version of this will eventually come out. I just want the controller, not all the other stuff anyway. It possibly only has global stereo effects. Any card slot for user edited patches? I am a screen real-estate, in the box kind of person. I refuse to use a small faceplate to traverse layers and layers of parameters. I would like a PC patch editor for this and PC based sounds. I would buy one just to play around with it, mostly for pads and lead instruments. If I worked with cinematic soundtracks for films, this would be an instant buy. One of my friends is an accomplished keyboardist and they bought a large ROLI Seadboard and regretted it due to the learning curve. It was 1000 bucks new. This Osmose keyboard seems to have cleverly done away with that learning curve other than that the keys depress kind of deep. I am very tempted to buy one but I need to do more research first. It seems durable, I would like to play one first. I am very picky about my keys and their "pressure sensitive" keys. I bought a semi weighted keyboard controller and I dislike that I have to push so hard on the keys. I use it only because it is more compact for my desktop versus my full sized M-Audio Oxygen 49 (which I love the keys). None of the keyboards that I have tried lately have had good weighted key switches. They are velocity sensitive but have two states, on or off. So I am skeptical also.
  24. It seems that this MPE idea can be used even if a DAW does not support it. One simply needs to separate each note in each chord to a different synth rack track. Then the pitch bend wheel envelope would operate on each note separately. It would seem that any other layered effect could be applied separately on a per note basis as well. Much like how I already separate each percussion element on a general midi drum kit patch so I can treat each percussive element with its own parameters. Each note can have its own pan, prochannel strip, effects bin and ADSR etc...
  25. Yes typo, sorry, I fixed it, thanks for the correction Abacab! ?
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