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Everything posted by RexRed

  1. RexRed

    What Love Is

    I agree, the strings are not right and I need something else instead. Luckily I have not published this song yet and I can still work to get a better, more subtle sound for the strings.
  2. RexRed

    What Love Is

    Yet another new song, I wrote this song about 10 hours ago. Some of the guitar part is "out of phase" but it sounded good so I left it. I am unsure what to do with out of phase tracks sometimes. I know in mono they will cancel but in the brain sometimes they cause nice effects. Unsure. Let me know what you think awesome Cakewalk peeps, thanks! RexRed
  3. RexRed

    You Got the Way

    I have had some people purchase this song and I just wanted to let them (whoever it was) know that there is a new version of this song now and you can redownload it. Sometimes vocal rider can totally wreck a vocal track and sometimes it can be the only thing in the world that can fix a vocal. That is the case with this song I kept leaning into the vocals when I sang them in this song and it kept pushing my limiter in a really off way. Vocal rider fixed a total headache I was having trying to get this song right. Ya live and learn... ?
  4. RexRed

    You Got the Way

    Wow! Thanks for all of the great comments Cakewalk peeps! I felt like I was stepping way outside my comfort zone making this song. When I took out the Barry White "adlibs" I call them, I still heard them in my head in those parts, so I went back with using them. What next? lol
  5. RexRed

    You Got the Way

    New tune Cakewalk peeps! Trying my hand at some R&B for a change. Hope you like and critiques always welcome! Best to you! Rex
  6. I never use any instrument as multi instrument. i.e. Kontakt, AD... Especially AD, I always break each drum sound (kit/midi) up i.e. bass drum, snare, cymbals, each tom... and give them their own instance of AD and a separate Cakewalk track, prochannel, effects bin etc. I may route them to a drum bus after that. I personally like your treatment of the drums but I can see why others may consider them a bit too up front. Something has to star in a song. ? I might also add, the reason why I use ReverbNation as a springboard for my music is because I can always "replace" a song with a new version. BTW, Bandlab also owns ReverbNation.
  7. RexRed

    Galaxy HD 1

    Awesome narrative with a great space experience soundtrack! ??
  8. This song triggers flashbacks... (in a good way) ??
  9. Reminds me of Jethro Tull, and Blue Oyster Cult, a really nice and enjoyable listen! Awesome fidelity, the drums are really great! ?
  10. Truly awesome montage of yesteryear (days) ? Your high register vocal reminds me a lot of Rodger Waters and the guitar solo is really nice! A beautiful song indeed!
  11. I installed and it has not crashed Cakewalk, yet. I think it is fixed. It seems to work very well now. Time will tell.
  12. Today, I noticed a new update for Nectar Pro in the Izotope Product Portal!
  13. I did some work on this song and replaced the previous song with the one with new changes. ??
  14. New tune Cakewalk peeps! Critiques welcome. ??
  15. Many thanks Kevin for the nice comment. I just bought the white screen backdrop and it is too narrow, but I found it works if I sit sideways and point the neck of the guitar towards the camera. Cakewalk worked well for picking up the two track audio and I used one of my phones, iPhone 14 for the video recording. Video was edited in Adobe Premiere CC. No Autotune or Melodyne was used on the vocal so it does dance around the pitch a bit. ? I prefer REmatrix reverb but this time I just used Breverb 2, the default hall setting turned down a bit.
  16. The audio could be off by a frame or two, I did not double check it, a mistake on my part. It is close but maybe not spot on. Thanks for the heads up Bjorn!
  17. Aww thanks FreeEarCandy, such a nice compliment, thank you! ❤️
  18. Guitar and vocal recorded live in Cakewalk 6/20/23 Hope you like awesome Cakewalk peeps! RexRed
  19. My new song, all critiques welcome. Hope you like it! All the best to you awesome Cakewalk peeps! ❤️ RexRed
  20. I came to the forum looking for why my Cakewalk was crashing and here it is! You people are awesome! Hope the update comes soon. I suspect Nectar has been a problem all along with my core 1 surging way ahead of all the rest on occasions. It is the plugin that has probably received the least amount of love from Izotope.
  21. RexRed

    The Old Rio Grande

    I'm glad you enjoyed this song FreeEarCandy! Thanks for your comment! ?
  22. RexRed

    The Old Rio Grande

    I worked on this song some more. Added Ooos and Ahhs (vocals) and some altos during harmonica solo. I changed tons of stuff. I hope it is better. I made this song quite a while ago but when I made it my mixing and, especially mastering, skills were terrible. They probably still are terrible but I feel a bit better about them. ?? Thanks for the listens awesome Cakewalk peeps!
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