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Everything posted by synkrotron

  1. Okay, just one more... I have updated my circular logo so that it is similar to the straight one. So the font has a small outline and the colour is the same. I'm not sure, though, I think I liked the green and yellow more...
  2. A random thought, if you like. I've been faffing around making a new banner for my project. It is based on my circular design and is straight text for long rectangular banners for Bandcamp, for instance:- Better than a kick up the asre with a rusty steel toe cap. I think.
  3. Yeah, not his best. As a musician he's supposed to be pretty damn good at what he does. I only know of his modular stuff. He typically does three hour streams and has quite a following.
  4. Mad that The patch cables were BNC I think. I've been watching some of this guy's live streams lately:-
  5. Highlight of that vid is the Macbeth stuff at the end. Fcukin Oarsome.
  6. I think you mean Tigger. T I Double G RRR
  7. Maybe, but he's a fan of Iain M Banks so that makes things okay.
  8. https://www.spitfireaudio.com/labs/
  9. By the way, for those who may not be aware, that thing I made does not create any sound. It is simply a "switch" to allow sound to pass through it. As well as making the module I also created the vactrol, which is a simple device consisting of a light emitting diode (LED) and a light dependant resistor (LDR). The LED is lit by a gated control voltage from a sequencer, which reduces the resistance of the LDR therefore allowing current (in this case, audio rate signal) to pass through it.
  10. Probably. But you can't melt things (skin/hair/clothing) with a VST... At least I don't think you can. I would have to bow down to your superior knowledge of VST stuff
  11. I like it. The sounds, the player, the layout. Very nice, and I got it for nothing more than taking time to answer some questions. LABS on steroids...
  12. I suppose it has never bothered me, going out of SONAR and into Sound Forge and then back again, even when you could use Sound Forge within SONAR. I just preferred to work that way. And, thinking about it, I never did that much tweaking of individual tracks anyway, just the finished render. Probably because I've never been a "power user"
  13. Hiya @Starise Is there something bugging you about Sound Forge? Something you think it may be lacking? Personally I have never used any DAW for going into the wave file, I have always used Sound Forge. I suppose that is because I got into that when there wasn't much else around some twenty or so years ago. So since then I have stuck with it and now have V12. I believe it is now V14 but the big jump for me was V11 to V12 when it finally went 64 bit. Since then I haven't bothered keeping it up to date. Even now, in the DAW that I use, I always go to Sound Forge even if it is just to trim and fade finished tracks. cheers andy
  14. Hello Peeps, I appreciate that there isn't much Eurorack Love here, understandably so. I just wanted to announce that the latest module from Expert Sleepers has released their latest incarnation of the excellent multi-function Disting module, now called the Disting EX. One really great feature of this module is it comes bundled with a whole load of samples, including some LABS stuff from Spitfire Audio. More details here:- https://www.expert-sleepers.co.uk/distingEX.html I've had my EX for four days now and although I've had an issue with chord play, more than likely due to me not understanding the settings or how I am feeding CV/gate to it, I think it's a great addition to my system. I've had a pile of fun getting the LABS Soft Piano playing Eno-esque ambient piano stuff. Cheesy, I know, but I don't care And, as I said, it's a multi-function module and comes with all the Mk4 algorithms as well as a great new tape delay/looper algorithm based on Expert Sleeper's Augustus Loop VST. Okay, I'll leave that with you to ponder. cheers andy (your local EuroCrack pusher...)
  15. What a handsome chap. You are ageing well
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