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Everything posted by micv

  1. @Heinz, I can certainly "Rock-on" ? but how do you deactivate "Dock on"?
  2. did those many times, Screenset locks has no affect. After resizing I can flip any view in the dock bar fine, but when go to Track view and the go to other view it's reverted back to half screen. When it decides to work, it will work fine until I save, exit. The next time I open the project will be half screen again. btw the project is now always open in a windowed box (not maximized).
  3. Lens and Screen set always confused me. I do understand the concept but I think that there are a few quirks. For example I simply want to do the below and have never been able to do it consistently: For a single screen, I just want to use the keyboard short-cut [alt-something] to flip between the screen. I want the console, midi, ... to line up where the track view is thus not I can still use the control bar, in my case I set at the top. It's either docked or open but half screen with the track view, or maximized but cover the control bar. So I float the dock and drag sizing the screen to where I want but when I switch screen, it almost always reverted back to dock or half-screen. Then sometimes it sticks. Would Lens or Screen (or both) helps me do the above? Or perhaps a new option of 'fit to window' to allow the above.
  4. yes. The first time I encountered this it wouldn't sync no matter what. But on the next day once I got it to sync once, I can only reproduced it in a couple times out of twenty or so. So I'm just sticking to selecting the track method and call it a day. Exactly. For example if your asio buffer setting is 128 samples, you would add 128 to the ext insert pinged value of 708 samples (=836 samples). This is the actual latency of your setup. And you now notice that the asio reported doesn't matched (lower/under reported) by 4 samples (836-832). Put 4 in the manual offset, for a perfect sync. Now anything around a few samples off would be considered as sync, and you wouldn't be able to notice. However if in this case if you use 256 for buffer, you will be off by 260 sample which will be quite noticeable.
  5. It's in the tab 'Tracks' on the menu line with MIDI and Region FX
  6. After a few days really digging and searched on the old Sonar forum into this 'hardware latency compensation' topic I think I got a pretty good understanding of how it's supposed to work. Let me share: There are two area to compensate for HW latency, 1) is the Asio driver Manual Offset, and 2) external insert. I was confused about the two compensation areas above but now I know that they are not related and should be used for completely different scenario: 1. Record Latency Adjustment (Asio driver): This is needed so any new recorded track will line-up with existing vst or audio tracks. 'Use Asio reported latency' is your hardware reported value. If you don't check this, your recording will be way off. Even if you have this checked, your recording will still be a little off depends on the HW. The issue here is most HW have hidden or unreported value. You must use do a 'loop back ping' to your HW to get the actual latency. You can use a tool like CEntrance, or CbB's Ext Insert ping (more later). Subtract the Asio reported from the actual pinged value. It should be a positive value (under compensated). Put this value in the 'Manual Offset'. This is a static value for any buffer settings so just need to set it once for a HW. 2. External Insert: settings in the Record Latency Adjustment will have no impact. (the CbB's bakers can verify but this is what I observed and t makes sense for overall compensation to follow EXT Insert if you use it). 'Ping' to get the actual HW latency. However the issue is the pinged value returns by Ext Insert is one buffer less than the actual latency. Not sure if it's intended or a bug? The good thing is regardless of the reported value, CbB compensates correctly. For my scenario, I want to bounce to track. There is a consistency issue when 'bounce to track'. If I just select the clips in the track and bounce to track it will be in sync most of the time but not always, (bug?). What seems consistent to me is select the whole track (click on the track number) and do a bounce to track.
  7. Thought I have this figured out before but I still don't understand. I send a track out through external insert to route to hardware devices (compressor, EQ, etc.). Using external insert ping to get the latency, checked use asio reported latency (under preference). Hit bounce to track (real-time). The bounced track is behind the original track (delay) by about 38 samples. Using positive value offset in the external insert has no effect. Using negative value for offset delays the signal further. Manual offset in the Asio has no impact. How to get the bounced signal to line up with the original signal? Any guidance is appreciated.
  8. I'm currently re-do a bunch of my Sonar 8.5 (32-bit) projects with CbB since I now have better plug-ins. CbB will open the old Sonar 8.5 files just fine. All the takes will mapped nicely into the Take Lanes, all automation, envelopes mapped. I haven't ran into any issue. The only caution is the 32-bits plug-ins, a few may not work with bit- bridge. Not an issue for me since the reason for me is to use the newer 64-bit plugs that I now have. Now looking back at that old Sonar 8.5 GUI, I'm glad we have CbB ?
  9. I did a few controlled testing and it's working as it should. Only newly added or rename .dll file got scan, the existing plugs stay intact. Thanks for all the help.
  10. or you can use keyboard shortcut like ctr-shift-A, or '5' to clear. Why have 'project' as an option at all?
  11. I just noticed the Export Module and trying to use it. With "project" checked I would expect the whole project to be exported, in the past I have to do a 'select all'. However if a section on the timeline is selected it will only export that section. Should that be "selection" if you want a section and project should be all regardless? The issue is often time I don't notice that a section is selected. To use this new feature I now have do to a 'un-select all' first. To me there's nothing to be gained here if that's the design. Am I missing something? thx
  12. I have it on manual scan, and upon adding new plugs I hit the "Scan vst plug-ins" button. Yes it does show re-scanning existing plugs Now knowing how it should work, I will run some test and observe it carefully. I have too many plugs so I didn't observe exactly if all was re-scan or a few folders.
  13. @msmcleod. It's good to know that it's not supposed to re-scan. I check to see if files' attribute changed. But then other plug-ins are no longer in there. And that's is the issue I'm having, it re-scans every folders I have defined.
  14. unchecked the "re-scan existing plug-ins" but it still does a full re-scan. Is there a way to scan just the new plug-in?
  15. If you search the old Sonar forum, there are several in-depth threads on External Insert. From what I recall when I was setting this up is the Sonar/CbB reported latency is right. External Insert does, however, have an issue with incorrect calculation for compensating for the latency, only matters if you record a track (with ext Insert) into existing tracks. Basically the 'ball park' for round trip latency is at least twice the buffer setting (out- back in) plus number of buffer. Bbased on your setting of 384, the latency at the minimum would be twice that. I don't know Reaper, but 70 is not right for round-trip latency
  16. I can confirm the Bounce to clips issues. I select a bunch of clips (can be on different lanes) and do a bounce to clip. Sometimes only a few (not all the selected clips) got bounced but the original clips are still there (sometimes on the very same layer/lane so you cant't really see, sometimes not) which results in a double gain level which can be seen on the Track view. I work around by trail and error, select a couple clips that seem to bounce ok together, and repeat with other clips. SPlat does this too, btw, so an inherited issue from Sonar.
  17. Now I see why that "Import Screenset" is grayed out. Seems like an awkward way to do. Would be good to be able to export/save (like the colors theme set) and the project can point to them (like preset in VST)
  18. For new projects yes. However I'm using CbB on old Sonar projects. To me the Screen-set is so finicky, and all the views docking/floating don't seem to stick.
  19. I have created and saved a few screensets exactly how I like them, for example when using single monitor or multiple monitors. From what i can tell, the saved screensets are limited to the project that it was created in. Is there a way to 'globally' save them and use them in any project, or as a set of default?
  20. Great! thx for the video. Always good to learn something new.
  21. Ripple edit is meant to work for a single track right? I need to do this for all tracks in a project. This warning in the manual is exactly what I want to be able to do: "Caution: Ripple editing can cause unexpected results when editing multiple tracks, so use caution and check the results before you proceed with additional edits."
  22. For example, I want to delete a section or a measure of the project so I selected all the tracks (ctrl-A) select the range on the timeline bar and do a delete special with delete whole, checked all the markers, tempo, events, ... The issue is it doesn't delete 'whole'. The section only got deleted on some tracks but not all tracks. Tempo and markers are also hit or miss. The interesting thing is no matter what, it seems to follow the exact same behavior for that project. The question is what causing a certain tracks to be omitted from the execution? and is there a way that it would work consistently?
  23. Perhaps I can suggest a small change that could further enhance Lanes and not alienated the Layers camp: Currently if the lanes are collapsed, the 'parent' track shows all clips (including muted clips) for any lane that is not muted. Which makes the track view cluttered, confusing (active clip could be hidden below muted clip) and thus not useful for editing. What if the track only shows active clips? So after you have selected the clips you want to keep in the lanes, you can use the track to do editing. Yes you can use Flatten Comp, but I almost never use Flatten Comp since it's destructive process.
  24. Could you confirm and show me where in the menu it is? I don't see any envelop in the Right click menu. For me the env cannot be activated in the Take Lane once moved out of the that lane. You can collapse the lanes and go to the Track and edit the clipthere but not in the Take Lane.
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