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Everything posted by micv

  1. @Colin and Scook thanks so much for the tips. the D and shift+D shortcut is useful (if you remember it!) but dragging seems intuitive. The bottom line for me is, and right, you must use ScreenSet: Screen 1 = Tracks and/or half split if you want to. I keep this to Tracks only. Screen x = single view or multidock for everything other than Tracks.
  2. I've been playing with this for a while and couldn't find a solution. The only way I can do is: Set screen 1 to the Tracks, set screen 2 to Console, and then only flip on screen 2 to any other view but not to track because it will then half dock on screen 2, and you have to do the resize again. Anytime you flip on screen 1, it will half dock. Seems like unintended behavior to me.
  3. For a single monitor, I want to use the alt-number to flip between the views (tracks, console, midi, ...). But the other view, other than Tracks, always docked or occupied the top or bottom half of the Tracks view, depends on your selection. What do you do to get the view to fill up the Tracks window not just half? I can undock and maximize the view but it will cover up the top main control bar which must be always in view for me.
  4. for me might be this: "Projects with tracks containing many Take lanes with muted clips now draw and scroll more than 20x faster." recorded audio wave form seems to draw much faster. Before it might still be 'rendering' a few second after you stop the recording.
  5. Unchecked the Screensets, the Screensets module is not display but the keys are still binded! another question, for a single monitor, I try to use the alt-number to flip between the views (tracks, console, midi, ...) how to make it so the view beside Tracks occupies the the entire area the Tracks is without 'covering' the control bar? undock and maximize other views will make them lay on top of the control bar. Seems fundamental but i can;t seem to find a consistent way.
  6. I have a custom layout and hit 1 doesn't get back to that. A simple 'revert to the last screen set' or 'oops' button would be nice ? I think it has something to do with 'workspace' setting which I still don;t understand.
  7. So I try to change my habit by using the track envelop instead. It draws the nodes on every single Take Lane!!! I can't see the logic in this. The takes will never ever lined-up perfectly to use the same nodes location intended for one take. CW bakers, please take a look and perhaps address the issue as I believe that improvement is needed here. thx
  8. Screen sets are mapped to the numeric keys and I often fat fingered and inadvertently changed the screen layout. Can't find a way to revert to the last screen so is there a way to disable short-cut mapping of the numeric keys?
  9. This is what I was hoping and waiting for for awhile now. thanks
  10. technically you can change tempo of audio tracks/clips but the result audio quality is pretty bad in my experience.
  11. My studio has no internet and barely one bar of cell signal (on a good day). Is there a way to download and save the big cakewalk application file and then install that on the machine that doesn't have internet? In the past, the downloaded file got deleted. Wonder if it stays on your machine somewhere now with offline auth.
  12. I believe that this is an bug. Once it works initially it should work the same throughout. I usually play around with a clip gain and timing first before settling on the one to use. Sometimes a little gain adjustment is what it takes to see how all the clips would sound together before you commit.
  13. Still un-resolved. I spent sometime with CW yesterday and remember now why I use the project timeline, because you cannot do 'add notes at selection' or create nodes automatically by moving up/down the region in Take Lane. This method only works in Track's envelop but not for envelope in Take Lane.
  14. There is an erase/mute tool short cut is F10. F5 is the smart tool, don't think smart tool has erase function, just slip edit (shorten or extend a clip's ends) just by dragging the ends
  15. in one case on mine, it was one of the plug-in. who knew, I was pulling my hair out! it was Fabfilter L, increasing the look ahead value resolve it.
  16. maybe the clip is locked? btw dragging the clip's begin or end just shorten the clip, the waveform is still there if you expand the clip so it doesn't really 'disappeared'
  17. every time I open CW, I have to do an alt-x to set the display of the aim assist to on, it defaults to 'off'. it doesn't get 'saved' when you close CW.
  18. Thank for the tips, both does the trick, it's only obvious when you know it ?
  19. I think I've found the culprit : I use the project timeline to select a region and then on a clip or a track's envelope do a insert nodes at select region, I would expect that the nodes would only get drawn on only the envelope that I placed my cursor on but no, nodes would be drawn on all active envelopes!!! So if I creates some nodes on a clip, on a track's volume envelope nodes are added there too. So after awhile those unintended envelopes look like a mess. Unless there is an 'exclusive mode' (only place nodes on the envelop that you place the cursor on) this would be a big bug to me.
  20. @CJ. this is when I do "bounce to clip", not the Export function. However there is not much in the export properties that I can see. Entire Mix; wav format, Mix Enable: all check box checked except Live Input; Channel Format=stereo. This issue occurred in a couple projects only not all.
  21. I started years ago with the 7506, too bright for mixing, and also think that's it's crazy for a headphones to cost over $150. Then every other few years I try to get a 'better' one. I now use Sennheiser hd6xx. Twice your price range but you wont need another 'better' set next year.
  22. I have not noticed this issue before but the project that I'm working on, when I bounce a clip, it rendered 3db lower in level and the clip name become blank. Any suggestion of what to look for?
  23. I have invested and used SC but as a DAW controller, for me a keyboard and trackball is much more intuitive, all muscle memory. I use a Trackball mouse so movement is super precise and fast. My biggest issue with using a SC I have to jump to a block of 8 channels at-a-time and most of the time I don't know which block or channel I'm at; fader movement on a wrong track; I only use the SC for tweaking vst synth, the (sliders/knobs/pads) is essential in this application.
  24. I've always manually enter the nodes using the mouse
  25. when I open an envelop, sometimes I see that there are bunch of nodes all over the place. They are not what I put in, I suspect that they are from other envelopes that somehow got drawn. Not sure if anyone has seen this or understand what I'm trying to describe, but if you do, is there a way to default the nodes to be drawn only on the envelope that you are placing your pointer to and no where else?
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