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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. $29 each https://www.sampletraxx.com/release/antisystem https://www.sampletraxx.com/release/rituals
  2. $219 at Plugin Boutique Includes Diva and Vol 1, 2, and 3, of Transitions https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/58-Inst-Bundle/4816-u-he-Diva-Bundle
  3. Get it here https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/7394
  4. $23 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/4988
  5. At Plugin Boutique Coupon for 40% off all Audio Damage plugins: 5isaf8n7 I don't know if the code is personal, but usually isn't. If someone code verify that would be great! (Excluding Bundles) Valid until 9th May 2021 (23:59 GMT) https://www.pluginboutique.com/articles/1714
  6. $99 at Plugin Boutique and upgrade from Perception is $49 https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=7933
  7. Add SampleX V2 in the Cart, and Slam2 will be added automatically for FREE $41 https://www.beatskillz.com/shop/samplex-v2/
  8. ANWIDA Soft releases SPAZIO Light, a freeware reverb effect in VST and AU plugin formats for macOS (the Windows-compatible edition of the plugin is coming soon). SPAZIO Light true stereo reverb capable of simulating a variety of spaces. The developers claim that SPAZIO Light excels at emulating anything from small rooms to large concert halls https://www.anwida.com/as_plugins/spazio-light/
  9. How's your week going so far? To help you on your merry productive way we decided to do a Weekend Sale. Get 35% OFF everything in store with this special discount code. USE CODE: MEGA35 Just enter the code on the checkout page at our website. Take your selection from the very latest and greatest producer kits anywhere. https://r-loops.com/ NEW RELEASES: TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 35% OFF ADVERTISED PRICES!
  10. A next-gen EQ, mix tool and creative filter, Shade delivers 35 shapes, 10 modulators, full multichannel support, and much more… Version 1.2 adds a robust 'Pitch Tracking' modulation source from either of the audio inputs or via MIDI, many usability improvements, a number of under-the-hood fixes and 20 new factory presets from HAL Audio! A free update for existing users. $129 https://www.uvi.net/shade
  11. 50% OFF ALL PRODUCTS Offer ends 04/30/2021 Promo Code: BELAD50 https://www.beladmedia.com/
  12. 25% OFF FOR A WEEK ML Sound Lab's Amped Anniversary Sale ends in a week so don't miss out on these deals: Amped Plugins 25% Off Impulse Responses 25% Off Mikko Plugins 25% Off https://ml-sound-lab.com/
  13. 29 Euro intro price https://rastsound.com/downloads/transformer/
  14. You're one click away from getting the best mixes of your life. The immersive 3D VSX headphones are a portal into some of the best studios and listening environments in the world. When you mix in $1 million pro studios, cars, clubs, and mastering rooms, you'll be able to get mixes that sound incredible on every system. The new VSX 2.0 update adds over $35,000 of new speakers so you'll get pro sounding mixes in half the time. Our new production run is almost here and initial quantity will be limited, so secure your spot on the VSX presale list ? https://stevenslateaudio.com/vsx/presale
  15. PHAZEVIBE 70% OFF WEEKEND SALE using PHAZE70 code on checkout (offer valid until April 25 11:59 PM CEST) https://www.nembriniaudio.com/collections/effects/products/phazevibe-bundle-3-modes-phaser-wha-vibe
  16. Get Harmonics and/or Fix Flanger and Doubler for 67% off Now, for 48 hours only, you can get Harmonics Analog Saturation Processor or Fix Flanger and Doubler for just $49 each – that’s a savings of 67%. If you want both, the savings applies to both. To take advantage of this voucher, log in to your Softube account and use this checkout code: UNLOCKAPRIL https://www.softube.com/unlockable-offers
  17. $29...and others on sale https://ugritone.com/pages/vintage-doom-collection
  18. $20.68 at Zinio https://www.zinio.com/sound-on-sound-uk-m34729?campaign_code=zenith.zinio.zinio.eng.flash0421.emaill
  19. FREE Open source Spatial Processor! I'm happy to announce the release of a new SPARTA installer (v1.5.0), which includes a number of FREE spatial audio related VST plugins that may be of interest to some of you. Direct download links (for MacOS, Windows, Linux) can be found here: http://research.spa.aalto.fi/projects/sparta_vsts/ ---- In particular, this release sees the addition of 9 new plug-ins: compass_binauralVR: essentially, this is the same as the compass_binaural plugin, except it also supports listener translation around the receiver position and multiple simultaneous listeners. compass_spatedit: a flexible spatial editing plug-in intended to be used with 2 instances. The first instance you make of the plugin will allow you to specify marker directions and it will output the beamformed signals, which you can then equalise/re-balance/modulate/swap/modify as you wish. These modified signals can then be routed to the second instance of the plug-in. The ambient components of the first plugin are then also sent internally to the second plugin instance. The edited sound-field is then reconstructed and outputted by the second instance of the plugin. compass_gravitator: a sound-field focussing plugin affecting only the direct sound components in the sound scene. It essentially pulls sound sources towards user defined marker directions with a certain degree of "gravitational pull". hodirac_binaural: a parametrically enhanced binaural ambisonic decoder, based on the higher-order Directional Audio Coding (HO-DirAC) method hodirac_decoder: the loudspeaker decoder variant hodirac_upmixer: the ambisonic upmixing variant sparta_spreader: a source panner with coherent and incoherent source spreading options. While by default it loads HRIR data for binaural spreading, the approach is quite general; for example, you could also create synthetic microphone array recordings of spread sources if you wish, by simply loading a SOFA file of microphone array IR measurements instead. sparta_ambiRoomSim: a basic shoebox room simulator with Ambisonics output, based on the image-source method. Its main niche is that it supports multiple sources and Ambisonic receivers. The output audio for the receivers is stacked up to the 64 channel limit. e.g., you can have up to 16x1st order, 4x3rd order receivers, or 1x7th order receiver. sparta_decorrelator: a multi-channel signal decorrelator, which you can use to make reproduced sound scenes more diffuse when applied, e.g., after sparta_ambiDEC on the loudspeaker signals. http://research.spa.aalto.fi/projects/sparta_vsts/
  20. Drums And Perc of Ancient Mexico is 50% Off for one week. Ends May 1 at 9 Am. 
 For Kontakt, Logic Pro, Reason and newly for Ableton as well. $24.95 https://www.soundsandeffects.com/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=52
  21. Getting better all the time… With our new memberships, we’re listening to your feedback to make our offerings as valuable as possible. In that spirit, we have big news to share. Starting today, all Music Production Suite Pro members can now access all our Pro plug-ins for music producers and engineers. VocalSynth Pro is now included in Music Production Suite Pro, and any future music products will also be available to active subscribers. We’re also adding all the skill-building content that was once exclusive to Producers Club to Music Production Suite Pro, which now gives you an all-access pass to every video, course, and resource we make for subscribers. If you haven’t tried Music Production Suite Pro, now is a great time to start your 7-day trial. Cancel any time. Loyalty Pricing For current iZotope customers interested in moving to subscription, we have new loyalty discounts! If you own any of the eligible products below, you can save 30-50% on your first year of an annual subscription. Check your account page for your custom pricing. Eligible products [any version and edition, excluding Elements]: Music Production Suite or Music Production Bundle, Ozone, Neutron, RX, Nectar, Insight, VocalSynth, Neoverb Eligible products: Any version of Music Production Suite or Music Production Bundle Any version of Ozone Standard or Advanced Any version of Neutron Standard or Advanced Any version of RX Standard or Advanced Any version of Nectar Standard or Nectar 3 Plus Any version of Insight Any version of VocalSynth Neoverb If you have any of these products but do not see special pricing on your account page, please contact Customer Care. Thanks for being a loyal customer. We’ll continue to monitor feedback and improve our products and services to give you the best experience possible. Log in to your account to see your discount. Mine was 50% off a year. https://www.izotope.com/
  22. Is this in addition to the freebie with BFD?
  23. I have the whole lot...and like them! Redverb, Spectrum, JP-ME1, and Ozillos Mega Scope
  24. Available here
  25. https://www.timespace.com/collections/latest-toontrack-deals EZX is $39 MIDI is $10
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