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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Lots of positive reviews on this in other forums...I haven't even tried it...too busy playing catchup from being down all day yesterday!
  2. Run the Product Portal to update 3.0.24 --------------------------------------------- - Sync engine features with Falcon 2.1.7
  3. $88.11 with code FORUM at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/krotos-concept
  4. 40% off Image Line Toxic Biohazard, now $39.90 with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/image-line-toxic-biohazard
  5. 77% off Xhun Audio LittleOne Moog emulation, now $19.32 with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/xhun-audio-littleone
  6. 80% off Boz L8R micro delay, now $8.90 with code FORUM at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/boz-digital-l8r
  7. 77% off Indigisounds Indo-Caribbean, now $17.78 with code FORUM at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/indigisounds?dir=desc&order=special_from_date
  8. That's one I've been after...and at $38 I'm hoping I can sell something on KVR so that I can snag it by the 27th!
  9. elysia mpressor With ground-breaking features like a gain reduction limiter and negative ratios, the mpressor redefines what a compressor can do. $199 $39.99 Plus local VAT taxes if required* Save 80% with your checkout code: SUMMER21-MPRESSOR Copy/paste this code during checkout! https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/elysia_mpressor.html
  10. 3 Euros until June 30th - code DISTODEAL https://2bplayed.com/product/2b-distorted/
  11. Thanx Mark! Yeah..I'm at 5 Mile and Beech Daly and the whole area was out of power...
  12. Zero-G Total Drums Bundle: https://zero-g.co.uk/products/total-drums-bundle A great value bundle combining Total Hi-Hats, Total Snare Drums and Total Bass Drums. Includes over 30,000 hi-hat, snare and kick drum hits across the three sample libraries. On sale for $63, which you can further reduce to $48 with code 15OFFNL. You also get to select one free SoundSense sample pack on top.
  13. Starts July 1st We reveal our deals on Thursday - 1st of July! Celebrate summer with a heatwave sale - we'll provide 30% discounts on selected SoundID Reference products. You will get: ? An opportunity to upgrade from Reference 3 or 4 to the latest version for the best price possible ? Buy additional licenses to equip more studios ? Get an individual headphone calibration service ? And more with a 30% discount! Stay tuned - we'll let you know when we go live! If you haven't explored what the new version has to offer, activate your trial now. SoundID Reference 21-day free trial can run in parallel with Reference 4. https://www.sonarworks.com/soundid-reference
  14. I didn't get the 20 either...I got the 10 from purchases I assume
  15. NEW WEEK, NEW BUNDLE From now through September, we're featuring a bundle of our most complementary products and putting them on sale for the lowest price we can possibly give you. And the bundles will change on a weekly basis, so don't sleep! THIS WEEKS BUNDLE https://joeysturgistones.com/collections/summer-bundles?goal=0_9d5409cf85-84617c81f6-177186101&mc_cid=84617c81f6 Already have one or more of the plugins in this week's featured bundle? No problem! Follow the link in this week's bundle page and let us know so we can give you custom pricing. Want to know what's on sale this week? Visit this page and act fast, because we're swapping it out every week now through September. VIEW THIS WEEK'S SUMMER BUNDLE SALE https://joeysturgistones.com/collections/everything
  16. When I first saw your post I thought it said $25...hence my "NM" edit...LOL
  17. I had 10 Coins...$12 off of $18 = $6...I can do that...LOL!
  18. My price says $4.41 https://rigid-audio.com/products_viego.html
  19. Add says $349.99 for Prime Day...site says $379.99...still a good deal that's less than $100 a TB...good deal! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07QV3XGCP/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1&tag=pcmagtechdeal-20&ascsubtag=04nuQ5rD5jCVqLsy4qE7IX3
  20. use code HALF https://everyplugin.com/catalogsearch/advanced/result?manufacturer[]=6 and, true to form, they double the price to compensate.
  21. ADPTR AUDIO Streamliner Hear exactly how your music will sound on all major streaming services with codec auditioning, automatic level matching, and state of the art loudness and dynamics metering. $199 $99.99 Plus local VAT taxes if required* Save 50% with your checkout code: SUMMER21-STREAM Copy/paste this code during checkout! Dear Reality dearVR PRO The most comprehensive 3D audio solution for sound designers and music professionals in the VR/AR industry. $349 $99.99 Plus local VAT taxes if required* Save 71% with your checkout code: SUMMER21-VRPRO Copy/paste this code during checkout! Brainworx bx_rooMS The M/S Reverb by Brainworx. Ultra-low on the CPU, can be used traditionally (Send) or even as an Insert FX on individual tracks! $199 $39.99 Plus local VAT taxes if required* Save 80% with your checkout code: SUMMER21-ROOMS Copy/paste this code during checkout! https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html
  22. Get Wavesynth, our flagship wavetable, most wanted synth for Kontakt, for 80% off today! This exclusive offer expires in 48 hours; act now! $50 $9.00 https://karanyisounds.com/product/wavesynth/
  23. $349 intro price https://www.spitfireaudio.com/shop/a-z/albion-solstice/
  24. Run Aquarius and select update to download
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