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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Yes...he has sales about twice a year at up to 50% off...just be patient
  2. It's been posted several times...along with other sales from the Company...MNTRA
  3. HoRNet L3012 is a channel strip plugin designed with bass players in mind and contains all the tools needed to make a bass sound good. The plugin is the result of the collaboration between HoRNet Plugins and Lusi, Italian bass player, and aims to give you in a single package the tools you need for bass processing both in studio and live. HoRNet L3012 packs under its interface an analog tube preamp section that can be overdriven to add grit to your sound, followed by a gentle “bass boost” circuit and a transient shaper, which makes the attack and picks of your bass sound great. You then get high pass and low pass filters, a low shelf, high shelf and a fully parametric mid band to fix resonances and shape your sound, the last stage is a complete compressor modelled after a famous VCA compressor often used on bass. HoRNet L3012 is a very light and versatile plugin that provides you the highest quality sound with analog modelling technology in every part of the processing chain, for this reason internally it uses what we call “intelligent oversampling” allowing the plugin to choose the amount of oversampling (up to 4x) depending on the sampling rate of your DAW settings. The GUI is completely drawn using vectorial graphics and is hardware accelerated so it looks good at every screen resolution and does not add processing weight to your CPU, it can be used for DSP processing. We have also included two presets designed by Antonio Lusi to show you how the plugin can be used with two of the most popular bass models (you’ll guess which ones by the name of the preset) so just make sure you hit the plugin on the yellow part of the input meter and you are good to go. HoRNet L3012 is available for just 29,99€ right now. Remember that on every plugin we make we offer 100% money back guarantee within 15 days from purchase if you are not satisfied! https://www.hornetplugins.com/plugins/hornet-l3012-bass-channel/
  4. There's a bunch of those 25% off codes...Pro Tools, Ableton, etc... they've been around for quite awhile!
  5. Here's a thought...(I KNOW, it scares me too!) for future reference! What if IK were to give a percentage (like 25%) of the value of your tier (i.e...$199.99, $149.99, $99.99, etc...) in Jampoints as an option on the freebie list? At least that way those of us who can't get anything else would have "some benefit" out of our additional freebies, and others could use those bonus Jampoints to buy in again! I'll get me coat!
  6. Now it says 297 LOL!! Maybe if I keep hitting refresh it will just GO to 10 FREE!
  7. Ok...338 is wrong too....counter is WHACK!
  8. Ok...now they're right...338 to go...maybe...who knows?
  9. And it's up again....414 to go! EDIT: Numbers are WHACK so IDK!
  10. I was the biggest naysayer...but also stated I hoped that I was wrong. Come to find out, I had completely misread the "Countdown" thinking we had 1 day LESS than we actually had...so nothing for me to apologize, or make penance, for...
  11. They come back in about an hour...no worries! Another pitfall of IK...if the cart gets cleared before you've removed your Jampoints, the Jampoints go into LIMBO for about an hour. Sadly, you can't even use the code generated at the time you had them in your cart, which will show up under "Jampoints" at the bottom under Promo Codes Used...
  12. I did the same...and opted for WA Production Dodge Pro for $4.90 with the free MDynamicEQ...
  13. I usually buy Soundspot from Plugin Boutique...much better delivery time...
  14. The Update price on these is for people who had purchased the 1st versions of these bundles from NI. Individual products don't count...
  15. https://www.lootaudio.com/category/kontakt-instruments/ergo-kukke NOTE: requires full Kontakt
  16. ADSR's MIDI SALE IS ON! GET 30% OFF ON ALL MIDI PACKS + UP TO 38% OFF ON 4 EXCLUSIVE MIDI PLUGINS Get them here: MIDI Packs: https://bit.ly/3joGlJY MIDI Plugins: https://bit.ly/3kxCsC4 SALE ENDS SEP. 6TH
  17. Yep..that would certainly be worth it!
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