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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. I'm sure most of us have "better" strings to do this with! But I do LOVE the song!
  2. Up to 70% off https://neovst.com/sales/
  3. We've been averaging a little over 2 days per thousand...so, unless the pace picks up (which it very well may) we won't make it... Believe me, I'm ROOTING that we DO...so don't misunderstand me! (and not for me...I've got everything except SampleTron II and The Resonator so it's all covered for me!)
  4. But wait...there's more... and it gets better!
  5. Are you going back to school? Or going to study at home? Or maybe you've had enough of studies already? Fear not! We've got you covered anyway: up until 5th of September our web shop offers up to 50% discounts to all the musicians worldwide! Head over to www.mercuriall.com and check out the product demos. If you like what you hear, feel free to grab a discounted license! Discounts are valid until September 5th, 11:59pm PDT. https://mercuriall.com/cms/
  6. 518 WAV samples recorded during the preparation of a cup of coffee in the morning, obtaining different categories such as Kicks, snares, claps and other homemade percussions. https://quietmusic.gumroad.com/l/ouUIk
  7. $39.99 on Musician's Friend SDOD https://www.musiciansfriend.com/stupid?icid=210190
  8. $69.99 on PSSL Killer DOD https://www.pssl.com/products/heil-sound-pr28-large-diaphragm-microphone
  9. Larry Shelby

    Melda 35

    Starts Monday MeldaProduction has announced the 35th round of the Eternal Madness Discount 2021, offering 50% off 4 plugins every week. Getting started on Monday, August 30th. Deal of the week: MTurboEQ MCharacter MDelayMB MAutopanMB https://www.meldaproduction.com/emd
  10. Still 102 away from freebie 8...we're not going to make the extra month....
  11. The warm, distinctive sound of this home-made string experiment available in five convenient versions: Decent Sampler, Kontakt (requires the full version of Kontakt (version 5.8.1 or later)), Ableton Live, Logic EXS, and SFZ. https://www.decentsamples.com/product/box-harp-free/
  12. Here https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/style_creator.html
  13. JUST $99.99 TODAY!* MONITOR-9999 Use this voucher code during checkout! Offer ends August 29, 11:59 PM California Time This is a fixed price offer! The price for this product will not change if you add more plugins to your order. But you will get dynamic discounts of 20-60% on any additional plugins you may purchase. *Local VAT taxes may be added, only if required by law in your country. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/dearvr_monitor.html
  14. Offers valid until August 31 at 23:59 UTC + 2 SERENITY SE - € 5 (exVAT) https://quietmusic.gumroad.com/l/Nmqwb/ysr1ure CLASSIC.GTR - € 5 (exVAT) https://quietmusic.gumroad.com/l/PPaIZ/ysr1ure HEALING - € 5 (exVAT) https://quietmusic.gumroad.com/l/prRYL/ysr1ure MAGICDRUM - € 5 (exVAT) https://quietmusic.gumroad.com/l/bWWPr/ysr1ure LOVE-FI RHYTHM - € 5 (exVAT) https://quietmusic.gumroad.com/l/uzlWf/ysr1ure LOVE-FI THINGS - € 5 (exVAT) https://quietmusic.gumroad.com/l/jlgiK/ysr1ure LOVE-FI MIDNIGTH - € 10 (exVAT) https://quietmusic.gumroad.com/l/XypNW/ysr1ure All links have a discount applied
  15. Run Stems and select "Check for Updates" from the help menu to download
  16. Anything that you buy with "cash" is resellable after 90 days. If you use Gear Credits it's NFR. And obviously "Free Picks" in the Group Buy are NFR
  17. 1. That's as cheap as it gets 2. Because you already own a $99.99 product, the price is reduced from the regular price to the "Crossgrade" price Now, if you REALLY want to go "Cheap" take the Arc 3 Software only option as a FREEBIE, and then buy the Mems Mic for $70 - 30% Jampoints = $49
  18. I'm wrong...Fultone Collection works
  19. None of them work...in any browser... Nice store!
  20. and Amplitube 5 SE for $100 https://www.musicstore.com/en_US/USD/IK-Multimedia-AmpliTube-5-SE-License-Code/art-PCM0016738-000
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