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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. 34% OFF FIRE PIANO Heavily used by many bands on live shows, Piano Bass is an icon of rock and funk music. We did a recreation based on Spectral Modeling, offering the real sound and feel of the instrument in just 30MB. 32/64 bits and Mac VST/AU/Standalone versions included. $29.00 $19.00 34% OFF 1959 PIANO 1959 by Sampleson is based on the Electro-Acoustic Piano patent (lifetime expired) registered in 1959. We brought it to life using spectral modeling. Sound can be described as a CP80-like but a bit more tuned due to the fewer strings. 32/64 bits and Mac VST/AU/Standalone versions included. $59.00 $39.00 73% OFF MINI GRAND Mini Grand is a simple to use yet powerful virtual piano instrument with seven different acoustic piano sounds to suit a broad range of musical styles and production needs. Windows and Mac VST/AU Plug-in Format $55.00 $14.99 50% OFF MELOX Melodica never was taken seriously until today. You won’t find a professionally sampled one out there. This is why we made the first Studio-Grade Melodica. Adding a layer of scripting we recreated the expressiveness of a real instrument, including release velocities, noises, key clicks, air sound, and mechanics. 32/64 bits and Mac VST/AU/Standalone versions included. $20.00 $10.00 81% OFF VELVET 2 Velvet is a virtual electronic piano that combines five legendary electric pianos from the 60s and 70s into one versatile instrument. Additionally, Velvet features a pallet of onboard effects and allows you to control every aspect of the sound for unparalleled realism. Windows and Mac VST/AU Plug-in Format $79.99 $14.99 60% OFF TAPE PIANO Tape Piano audio plugin comes packed with over 60+ Beautiful Piano Presets all lovingly mangled, re-sampled, and processed through various analog outboard effects to nail that cool LoFi vibe. Windows and Mac VST/AU Plug-in Format *Not working with macOS Catalina & Big Sur! $50 $20 $$$ WIN FREE STORE CREDIT!!! Win free store credit with any product purchased at ProducerSpot.com https://www.producerspot.com/audio-plugins-deals
  2. 40% Off Top Loop Libraries https://www.bigfishaudio.com/Labor-Day-Loops-Sale-2021.html?&sou=bfatopbar
  3. Zynaptiq is on par with Fabfilter as far as quality goes...top tier
  4. I got an offer to upgrade from Acid Pro 10 to the Suite version for $99 upon running the program! Run the program to see if you get the offer if you're interested!
  5. Run Samplitude and select "Auto Update" from the Help Menu to update!
  6. 60% off almost every plugin and 30% off every bundle The sale is valid from September 2nd and will last only until September 5th at 21:00 (Italy time). Have a look at the countdown on our site and do not miss the chance to have our latest plugins for less than half the price! Just go to https://www.hornetplugins.com
  7. $59.99 on MF SDOTD https://www.musiciansfriend.com/stupid?icid=210190
  8. It comes with Komplete 13
  9. At Audio Deluxe https://www.audiodeluxe.com/search/site/uvi falcon?f[0]=im_field_brand_term%3A513
  10. $83.16 with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/softube-british-class-a
  11. $179.99 with code 93XRW42 at Newegg https://www.newegg.com/crucial-mx500-2tb/p/N82E16820156175?Item=N82E16820156175&cm_sp=Dailydeal_SS-_-20-156-175-_-09022021
  12. Larry Shelby

    WD 1 TB SSD

    $90.99 at Newegg https://www.newegg.com/western-digital-blue-1tb/p/N82E16820250088?item=N82E16820250088&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=IGNEFL090221&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL090221-_-EMC-090221-Index-_-InternalSSDs-_-20250088-S9A1A&ignorebbr=1
  13. at EveryPlugin https://everyplugin.com/deals/shopby/manufacturer/eventide.html
  14. No response to my email reply, or to my comment on Fakebook either...
  15. Hey Everyone!!! Plugin updates are finally here!!! You can download the updates in your account section on our site (link below) There are a bunch of new features added as well as updates for previous bugs! You can read about all the updates through the second button below. https://www.kiiveaudio.com/plugins/account?utm_campaign=06b0315f-a542-44cd-add3-dbe1df166918&utm_source=so&utm_medium=mail&cid=23c3bbc0-c9a7-47bf-bbec-d3743f54c402 https://www.kiiveaudio.com/update-list?utm_campaign=06b0315f-a542-44cd-add3-dbe1df166918&utm_source=so&utm_medium=mail&cid=23c3bbc0-c9a7-47bf-bbec-d3743f54c402
  16. BIG SUMMER SALE!!! Until Sept 7th, use discount code summer21 to get a 50% price reduction on all sample packs and Kontakt instruments! http://www.loopsdelacreme.com/ https://loopsdelacreme.bandcamp.com/
  17. $167.60 on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B089C6LZ42/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1&tag=pcmagtechdeal-20&ascsubtag=011h4yZJDvq1G6OsDyCUCvE
  18. Something huge is coming very-very soon We’ve been working on this soundtoy for two and a half years. Born out of insomnia and countless of sleepless nights.
  19. Price drop to $195 https://drop.com/buy/massdrop-sennheiser-hd6xx?utm_source=Iterable&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2807642&referer=CCFZDG&mode=guest_open&iterableCampaignId=2807642&iterableTemplateId=3848540
  20. 10% off with code SAVE10 at Guitar Center https://www.guitarcenter.com/Customer-Appreciation-Deals-Top-Sellers.gc?N=19781#narrowSideBar
  21. Save 40% on All Ultimate Plug‑Ins Who wouldn’t want the UAD Ultimate bundle? It includes over 100 best‑selling plug‑ins, with titles from Neve,® Manley,® SSL,® Fender,® Moog,® API,® and more. It’s big. It’s bold. But it ain’t cheap. During the Ultimate Deconstructed sale, get 40% savings on all individual plug‑in titles in our most prestigious bundle. To get you started, we put a $25 coupon in your account. Ends September 30th. https://www.uaudio.com/uad-plugins/on-sale.html
  22. I knew what he meant...but it has nothing to do with that...Komplete Kontrol...KK...Komplete Klassics Kollection... It's about NI"s usage of the K's...and not the KKK. Everything has to be about "Race" these days...geez ?
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