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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. $83 on MF SDOTH https://www.musiciansfriend.com/stupid?icid=210190
  2. Updated: 71% Off Strings, 60% Off Drums, 50% Off Synths and More. Instruments Used in the Movies, Video Games, Records Etc. Now at Your Fingertips for Less. https://www.auddict.com/deals
  3. Space Echo for only $249.99 after $150 off! https://www.musiciansfriend.com/pro-audio/ik-multimedia-t-racks-space-delay-download
  4. Ditto that! My local market just had Maxwell House Bold Coffee in the 30 oz cans for $3.99... If you bought 5 cans you got another dollar off per can....I bought 6...and already had 2 of them! I'm good on coffee for a while! So you guys LITERALLY bought my coffee for the next six months! I usually buy the Kirkland Columbia coffee at Costco, but the price went up $4 in a just a few weeks...so I'm ok with the saving on the Maxwell House...LOL
  5. I'm seeing them... https://neovst.com/sales/
  6. Here ya go Grem https://www.cdkitchen.com/recipes/recs/61/Cafe_Viennoise_Nonalcoholic52598.shtml
  7. Vocals Edition Coupon Code NOVVOC for 77% Off https://cinematicalpha.com/pages/vocals-edition Times Past Coupon Code NOVPAST for 75% Off https://cinematicalpha.com/pages/the-doors-of-timepast Times Present Coupon Code NOVPRES for 75% Off https://cinematicalpha.com/pages/the-doors-of-time-present Doors of Time Future and SMART are coming in 2022!
  8. In A Class By Themselves Move up to a new level of performance, naturalness and transparency with our thEQ family; thEQred + thEQblue + thEQorange, only from MAAT. Until the 15th of December, save 30% on thEQ perpetual licenses with Coupon Code: 30-PERCENT-OFF-ON-THEQ-2021 https://www.maat.digital/
  9. You might want to get the Komplete Select Half Off offer...it would be $99 and includes several decent Kontakt instruments and a LOT more Use codeSELECT21 https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/bundles/komplete-13-select/pricing/
  10. FREE Cinematic Sample Pack OUT NOW! https://www.ghosthack.de/free_sample_packs/coriolis-effect-volume-2/ Upgrade Your Cinematic Sound Library Now - 100% Free! "Coriolis Effect Volume 2" is a royalty free cinematic sample pack infused with high tension & drama for music producers and filmmakers alike. And the best thing is, for a limited amount of time it is 100% free!
  11. Black Friday has arrived early on roli.com! Supercharge your studio with your favorite MPE synths and SAVE 40% for a limited time only.*. All of their critically-acclaimed synths — Equator2, Cypher2, Strobe2 and ROLI Studio — are included in the sale. Plus all the top-class presets in the ROLI Sound Store. https://roli.com/campaign/black-friday-offers
  12. Brave Retro World has announced a Black Friday sale offering up to 60% off: KR503 Sample Library - $16.99 (50% off, normal price is $34.99). KDDD Sample Library - $11.99 (50% off, normal price is $24.99). YMT3X Impulse Response Library - $4.99 (60% off, normal price is $12.99). DSK Impulse Response Library - $4.99 (60% off, normal price is $12.99). https://www.braveretroworld.com/
  13. Nope...sadly, Time Space think it prudent to only let you use ONE discount code...which is... well...I'll refrain
  14. Coffee...not Redbull....no Taurine for me....Bull Giz...YUCK!
  15. Waldorf Largo for $29.99 https://audioplugin.deals/waldorf-largo-the-synthesizer-vst-plugin-bld/
  16. Yep...finally got through after trying since 6 this morning
  17. Get up to 30% off until November 30th 11:59 EST. No Discount Code Needed https://www.mixwave.net/collections/all
  18. BTW...it's better to use the 10% code at Time Space if you're looking to get any of these...works out cheaper... https://www.timespace.com/pages/search-results-page?q=keepforest
  19. Long waited update! We are very pleased to announce that after many months of hard work we officially release update 1.2 for Rhino plugin. We took into account all the suggestions you sent to us. Furthermore, we hope it will make everyone's job easier and give you the best possible experience. https://auroradsp.com/en/content/50-rhino-massive-guitar-plugin
  20. First 35 customers get any library for $39 https://www.roomsound.com/
  21. Sound Magic has started their annual Black Friday&Cyber Monday Sale Event with up to 85% discount on their entire product line until November 30th, 2021. Some highlights: Cadenza Strings 85% Off: $79. Cadenza Solo Strings 83% Off: $69. Ruby Grand 77% Off: 69. Neo Composer 67% Off: $299. China Impression Lite 50% Off: $149. Imperial Grand 50% Off: $149 with buy one get one free. Electric Guitar LP 50% Off: $99 with buy one get one free. https://www.kvraudio.com/developer/sound-magic
  22. EarMaster has launched two offers for this year's Black Friday and Cyber Monday: Offer 1 - 60% off the 6 first months of subscription to EarMaster, which includes access to its ear training and sight-singing practice app on PC, Mac, iOS and soon Android (Android version currently in Beta). Offer 2 - 50% off a selection of permanent licenses, including EarMaster Pro 7 on PC and Mac. Both offers are live now and end on Monday, November 29 at midnight (CET). http://www.earmaster.com/
  23. The Unfinished is having a Black Friday Sale this year. There's 40% off everything (except the recent Serum Alpha) using the discount code CORVUSCORAX. The sale runs from 26th to 28th November, 2021. https://www.theunfinished.co.uk/
  24. 50% off everything until november 30, 24:00 CET! Use coupon code BF50 at checkout to receive the discount! Also check out the freebies! http://www.kreziesounds.com/
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