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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. It's 7200 rpm and could most certainly be used for streaming... granted it's not SSD performance, but most libraries are designed for 7200 rpm streaming...Slower 5400 rpm drives are for Archiving.
  2. Yep...I sure did miss it...mostly because I never go upstairs....LOl
  3. I just found this website that has four midi VST Plugins for Cakewalk. Humanizer Transposer Compander Midi EQ https://viramor.com/
  4. DEAL 14 83% OFF ORIGIN X BY ARTISTRY AUDIO For just $79 (normally $299), get ORIGIN X, a modern loop engine from Artistry Audio! Whether you’re searching for a perfect background vocal loop or creating an entire sonic palette on the fly for a deadline project, you’ll find inspiration quickly with Origin X. $299.00 $79.00 https://audioplugin.deals/out-now-origin-x-by-artistry-audio-bld/
  5. While they may not "look schnazy" they ARE quite functional, and sound wise, they're out of this world. Devs have a hard job...having to write for 8 billion different pieces of hardware...and "hope" that it all works, because you can't possibly test for "everything".... I was programmer...I get it...so I'm not going to gripe over the very first hiccup I've had with Spitfire...I know the new BBC update did some damage...but I got in after that...so it's ok
  6. According to their blurb, they are same except for the 3rd party content in Pro...
  7. Yep...this has been QUITE DISAPPOINTING...booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  8. Two VERY DIFFERENT animals... Sunset Studio is a physical place being modeled...and Flexverb is an algorithmic reverb... Not even remotely comparable....
  9. YES....just show me picture and I'm good! It's pretty.. but I don't want to shovel it, snow blow it, drive in it, walk in it, or anything else to do with it...
  10. Yep...after watching some videos I jumped...time saving rough mix and go from there... I'm all in!
  11. Still showing $45.... https://www.softube.com/amp-room
  12. Mixcraft 10 is supposed to be coming soon....
  13. This is a REALLY nice reverb - that much is for sure!
  14. They've been updated recently Simon...and fairly regularly...so I'm confused. Granted, not the greatest plugins in the world...there are much better options, as you stated
  15. Get Distinct Overstayer Modular Channel style saturation and distortion from this $22 plugin!! https://www.kiiveaudio.com/plugins/Distinct-Distortion-Unit-p419177483
  16. Moving on with our FLASH SALE FRENZY! Today, it’s time for some SPREAD goodness. For the next 24h, grab our Spread (value of $99) for only $19. Simply head over to our store to take advantage of today’s SPREAD Flash Sale. https://www.yum-audio.com/SPREAD
  17. 2021 Black Friday Sale ~ 2 days left From now until November 30, 2021 (UTC -5), enjoy up to 80% off on selected expansion packs and SFX! Online Music Foundry has released Bewitcher Version 2.0 & Kingdom Version 2.0 for Steinberg's Padshop 2. New expansion pack - December 6, 2021 Warehouse for Steinberg's Padshop 2 https://www.onlinemusicfoundry.com/special-promo.html
  18. Already Own Mixcraft? Up to 85% Off Upgrades! Mixcraft registered users of any previous version receive up to 85% off upgrades - your price will be discounted up to 85% off MSRP! What's New In 9! Starting at $25, these are the LOWEST PRICES EVER! To receive an upgrade email purchase link, enter your registration email address below. Sale ends January 22, 2022. https://acoustica.com/mixcraft/upgrades
  19. Image Line Harmor for $49.56 with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/image-line-harmor
  20. Can't have too many snares, can we? This one sounds great and hopefully the last snare collection one needs (assuming you already have tons of them ). https://www.wavealchemy.co.uk/tape-snares-&-layers/pid193/
  21. Welcome to day 3! This Black Friday we wanted to do something a little different... On our store between the 26th of November and the 3rd of December, you will have the opportunity to grab a store wide sale of 30% whilst also having the chance to grab extreme daily bargains! Every day will start a new 24 HOUR count down where we will be running a flash sale on: 2 single libraries unique to the day, and 1 of our Bespoke Bundles... for a huge 50% off RRP. Without further ado... here's TODAY'S BLACK FRIDAY DEAL! OFFENSIVE GUITAR 50% OFF https://insanitysamples.com/collections/28th-todays-black-friday-50-deal/products/offensive-guitar-beatnik-punk-guitar A guitar library designed primarily to tap into the more edgy and aggressive playing styles of the sorts of Guitarists Tom Waits might hire. The Marc Ribots of the world, the Beatnik/Punks. OFFENSIVE DRUMS 50% OFF https://googlemail.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=955e8d2470ef0f76097a50073&id=978365dda0&e=b3fc626e2f A library of 3 drum kits: STICKS, MALLETS & BRUSHES. 40 unique variations per drum or cymbol (4 round robins with 10 velocity layers per round robin). https://insanitysamples.com/collections/28th-todays-bespoke-bundle-black-friday-50-deal/products/modern-punk-band
  22. DEAL 13 66% OFF GUITARIST BY SUGAR BYTES For only $39.99 (normally $119), get Guitarist by Sugar Bytes! Guitarist is a virtual guitar that's designed to emulate rhythm parts played on an electric guitar. The actual guitar player has been transformed into a step sequencer system with a huge level of customisation when it comes to chords or fingering patterns and a detailed control over authentic nuance and expression. $119.00 $39.99 https://audioplugin.deals/guitarist-by-sugar-bytes-bld/
  23. Last Day for 70% Off at $149 https://www.samplelogic.com/products/symphonic-ai/
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