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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. SubBoomBass-2 and BLADE-2 now both include VST3 support. Predator-3 has also been updated, squashing some minor bugs. How to obtain the updates if you own SubBoomBass-2, Blade-2, and/or Predator-3: Please Log in to robpapen.com and visit ‘My Products’, then download and run the latest installer to update your product. Of course ahead of running the installer, always close your music program first. How to obtain the update if you own the eXplorer-7 bundle: Please log in and visit ‘My Products’, and download the latest VST/VST3/AAX/AU installer. Note: The NKS installer and Prisma Addition installer are unchanged. Alternatively, you can log in and visit ‘My Products’, scroll down on the download page of eXplorer-7 to download the single installer for SubBoomBass-2, Blade-2, Predator-3, and then run the installer to update your products. Please remember ahead of running the installer to always close your music program first. Upgrading from an older eXplorer to eXplorer-7, and from Predator to Predator-3: Below you can find all the information you need to upgrade to eXplorer-7 or for upgrading to Predator-3. Please read all the following information carefully, to avoid confusion! Upgrades eXplorer and Predator: eXplorer (1-6) owners, please log in to robpapen.com and visit ‘MyProducts’ to request the upgrade to eXplorer-7. Upgrade cost € 99-- | USD 99-- Please check your email box or your spam box, especially if you use Yahoo or Hotmail. If you haven’t received the upgrade email, please contact us at info@robpapen.com eXplorer-6 owners that also own DelSane, please contact us for the upgrade. info@robpapen.com Upgrade cost € 65-- | USD 65-- eXplorer owners Ren2Buy upgrade to eXplorer-7 option Please contact us for the upgrade terms. info@robpapen.com Upgrade cost is 6 monthly payments of € 17-- | USD 17-- Predator (1/2) owners, please log in to robpapen.com and visit ‘MyProducts’ to request the upgrade to Predator-3. Upgrade cost € 49-- | USD 49-- Please check your email box or your spam box, especially if you use yahoo or hotmail. If you haven’t received the upgrade email, please contact us at info@robpapen.com Important note for Mac users. Our software is compatible with OS-X 10.13 up to OS-12 ! https://www.robpapen.com/
  2. Loqutus got out too...but he was the Captain - wouldn't have been much of a series left if he didn't...LOL
  3. 199 Euros https://www.sonokinetic.net/products/classical/orchestral-strings/
  4. Cakewalk, to me, is the best DAW, aesthetically, on the market! And the Skylight interface, again, to me, is the way a DAW should work. I came from Cubase to Sonar X1, and ever since then, Cakewalk, has been my main DAW. It just seems "logical" to me...and I have Pro Tools, Samplitude, Reaper, Mixbus 32C, Mixbus, Mixcraft Pro, Acid Pro, Sound Forge Pro...blah blah blah. They all do basically "the same thing"...it's just "how they get there" that's different. To me, Cakewalk just "makes sense" but YMMV
  5. It's the LATTER, not the former...most "educated" people coming out of college are "indoctrinated" rather than "educated". Common sense ALONE tells you that it's an imperative, as a business owner, to keep your current clients content, but sadly, these 25 year olds with "degrees" believe that they KNOW IT ALL because they now have a degree! Some of the ABSOLUTE DUMBEST people on the planet "have degrees"! An education, without COMMON SENSE, is like a toilet without water...at first it looks great, but after a short time the crap starts to pile up...and it's a MESS, and it STINKS! Better stated "Knowledge and Wisdom are two entirely separate entities"!
  6. Well, if things are 50% off...and the bundle price was $89, then it SHOULD be $44.50, as it WAS! The INDIVIDUAL Prices are currently $49 each, so if the bundle is $89 REGULARLY, and on SALE at 50% off...then the $44.50 price was CORRECT! But it seems that the REAL reason was that the sale is over...
  7. Well, it has a name... The fully immersive audio experience is coming soon. Sienna Sphere, the future is here!
  8. $39 https://audioplugin.deals/trap-everything-bundle-by-diginoiz/
  9. Well...retardedly, Sconuscore RAISED their price!
  10. Well, I can tell you that the most recent "Upgrade" scenario left me quite perturbed... As a HO Diamond owner, upon the release of HO Diamond Opus, they wanted $600 to get it....AND, while they made ALL the old instruments accessible to Opus, HO Diamond was EXCLUDED, as a way to FORCE you to "upgrade", which is QUITE PATHETIC IMO! Rather than offer HO Diamond owners a decent upgrade price, they basically said SCREW YOU GUYS....I'M GOIN' HOME!!! It hasn't been until recently that they have even offered an upgrade...which is STILL $300...but they did make Opus FREE with any purchase eventually, but you still don't get the "Orchestrator" with it... Not good business at all IMO!
  11. 2 NEW FREE MODELS! Overloud TH-U v1.4.6 is now available We keep improving TH-U, offering new models for FREE! WHAT'S NEW NEW MODEL: Rotary Speaker (Premium only) NEW MODEL: Parametric EQ with interactive graphic (all TH-U editions) It is possible to select the IR export format in the SuperCabinet The new DSP layer improves the bass consistency of the Plexi Voice 1 and Plexi Voice 2 models Revamped design of the above models
  12. $49 at KVR Marketplace https://www.kvraudio.com/marketplace/and-10db-bundle-by-boz-digital-labs
  13. 6 Plugins for $39 Get your hands on 6 killer VST plugins for less than $40 (down from $400), which works out at $6.50 apiece. This no-brainer deal will have you (and your wallet) doing the happy dance! Don't miss out! Get Tape Piano 2, VYBZ, Brain, Trax, Underwater, and X-EIGHT 808 together and transform your computer into a supercharged sound design powerhouse! A $400 value for just $39 / 90% OFF https://www.thenatan.store/p/thenatan-black-friday-bundle/
  14. DAY TWO DECEMBER 7th : SERUM PRESETS - (379$ value for 25$) https://blackoctopus-sound.com/product/10-years-of-black-octopus-serum-presets-bundle-10-packs-for-25/
  15. Run Slate Digital Connect to update
  16. DDMF has released NoLimits2 limiting plugin for Windows and Mac. Some features: 4 different limiting algorithms, each with their own character, state-of-the-art LUFS metering, further control in terms of attack, release and lookahead time and more. The upgrade is free for owners of a NoLimits v1 license (which includes All Plugins Bundle and Full Bundle owners). The intro is 50% off until the end of the year ($24.50 instead of reg. $59.00). https://ddmf.eu/nolimits2-limiter-plugin/
  17. $16.60 at Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/analog_orchestra_va-3_sound_pack.html
  18. DS Audio TANTRA 2 Turn any sound into a complex, moving rhythmic progression with this intuitive multi-effects plugin. $199 $79.99 *Local VAT taxes may be added, only if required by law in your country. Save 60% with your checkout code: XMAS21-TANTRA2 Code expires Dec 8, 11:59pm PST Unfiltered Audio Bass-Mint Augment, manipulate, enhance, and shape your low end in new and unprecedented ways with Unfiltered Audio’s Bass-Mint. $149 $29.99 *Local VAT taxes may be added, only if required by law in your country. Save 80% with your checkout code: XMAS21-BASSM Code expires Dec 8, 11:59pm PST https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html
  19. That's a fact! We're not a forum...we're family! That become obvious with Terry (Musical)...may he continue to rest in peace! I came here at Sonar X1 and never left because of people like Bitflipper, Bapu, Fleer, and Bass Daddy, and Mesh... and a bunch of others... The mutual support, and the fellowship, along with a plethora of deals is what makes this my home!
  20. Usually you have to go to Best Service, which is affiliated with Sonuscore and input the Redemption Serial there... https://account.bestservice.com/account/products.html?register=1 S
  21. Correction again...I had it...it just wasn't by the full name
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