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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Even Manually downloading BOTH Rar files only show "Resources" and "Samples", and no "Instruments" folder...
  2. Ok...even after deleting and redownloading I get the same result
  3. Run Aquarius and select "Updates" to check for updates, and to install
  4. $698 at Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/synchron_woodwinds.html
  5. I'm doing it again to see what happens...
  6. $19 at Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/alto_xylophone.html
  7. And $15 in Deluxe Bucks at Audio Deluxe https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/audio-plugins/vienna-symphonic-library-buy-3-100-vouchers-get-1-free https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/vienna-symphonic-library-buy-3-50-vouchers-get-1-free
  8. No...I used the 8DIO downloader....all it installed was the BPM and RESOURCES folders...no INSTRUMENTS folder
  9. $29.99 at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/ik-multimedia-vintage-tube-compressor-limiter-model-670
  10. $79.99 at Newegg https://www.newegg.com/intel-660p-series-1tb/p/N82E16820167462?Item=N82E16820167462&cm_sp=Homepage_SS-_-P0_20-167-462-_-12102021&quicklink=true
  11. Well..they forgot to include the Kontakt Instruments....it's just Wav files and the NKR and NKC
  12. EXCLUSIVE Deal - Save $30. $19.99 (was $50) Cherry Audio presents Voltage Modular Ignite 2 - 45 modules and 296 presets are included for the ultimate introduction to modular synthesis. Includes over 265 presets to dive into a vast array of unique tones and soundscapes. No limit to the number of modules in any cabinet https://www.adsrsounds.com/product/software/cherry-audio-voltage-modular-ignite-2-synth-plugin/
  13. In A Class By Themselves Move up to a new level of performance, naturalness and transparency with our thEQ family; thEQred + thEQblue + thEQorange, only from MAAT. Until the 15th of December, save 30% on thEQ perpetual licenses with Coupon Code: 30-PERCENT-OFF-ON-THEQ-2021 https://www.maat.digital/theqblue/
  14. Use coupon code HOLIDAYS2021 for an extra $25 off! https://www.uaudio.com/uad-plugins/on-sale.html
  15. Bettermaker EQ232D The Pultec of the 21st Century! Bettermaker EQ232D delivers the lush bottom end and smooth top of a classic Pultec-style EQ, with an even bigger, cleaner sound, and far more flexibility than any vintage EQ. $299 $49.99 *Local VAT taxes may be added, only if required by law in your country. Save 83% with your checkout code: XMAS21-BETTER Code expires Dec 11, 11:59pm PST DS Audio Thorn Thorn is a virtual instrument that was designed to be easy to use and create really modern sounds. And it gets you there with just a few mouse clicks. $199 $39.99 *Local VAT taxes may be added, only if required by law in your country. Save 80% with your checkout code: XMAS21-THORN Code expires Dec 11, 11:59pm PST https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html
  16. Yes...under an Audio Plugin Deals Freebie
  17. This is quite useful and interesting if you use Spectral Layers Pro, or have considered it as an editing option...
  18. FeelYourSound is running a winter sale: From 2021/12/08 until 2021/12/30 you can save up to 17% on bundles and single products. Songwriting software: 10% off Sundog Song Studio (stand-alone songwriting solution; create complete songs quickly). 10% off ChordPotion (VSTi and AU plug-in; transform simple chords into impressive new phrases instantly). 10% off MelodicFlow (scales and melodies plug-in (VSTi, AU); work within your DAW and always play "on the right notes"). Save up to 17% on Sundog, ChordPotion, and MelodicFlow bundles. Get the deals at: https://feelyoursound.com/bundles Other music production tools: - 10% off XotoPad (turn your PC into a Windows touch controller + instrument). - 10% off HouseEngine (specialized House songwriting and production tool). https://feelyoursound.com/
  19. 100 cinematic presets for Zebra 2 synth for just 10,00€. It contains: 20 Keys- Organs. 20 Mono Synths. 20 Pads. 20 Poly Synths. 20 Soundscapes. On checkout use code CINEMA50 https://www.viciousantelope.com/product-page/cinematic-synths-vol-1-zebra2
  20. Yep...looking forward to it... They'll have a hard time living up the standard of the first 3...but we'll see how it goes!
  21. Well, you would think that owners of Sienna would get a major break... but that doesn't seem to be the case....
  22. You should get $20 off in cart....
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