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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Orb Synth X Experience the ultimate creative freedom with Orb Synth X and explore the depth of sound design. 15% Off with code LAUNCHX https://www.orbplugins.com/shop
  2. Short VIP Sale at https://mercuriall.com! Up to 45% off! We are not advertising it anywhere else, it's meant for you - our newsletter subscriber. The sale will run for the next 48 hours. https://mercuriall.com/cms/
  3. Update to v5.1 Mac & Win Now available in the store: http://www.abyssmultimedia.com/Kontacted/
  4. I'm already running 1.3.526 EDIT: That was just the Player...but my Piano is, and has been, at 1.3.301 for a while
  5. OBLIQUE II: DARK BASS EXPLORATIONS IS AVAILABLE NOW Our new cinematic sample library for Kontakt 6.7 is now available to purchase at the introductory price of $47 (regular price is $79) https://www.veryloudindeed.com/products/oblique-dark-cello-explorations
  6. $69 https://www.audiodamage.com/collections/software/products/ad056-replicant-3
  7. 5.2 is the latest version that now includes Guitar Rig 6 Pro...
  8. Use code MPS80 - Price is $199.50 https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/soundwide-partners/izotope/music-production-suite-5/
  9. Get Synths DX, a collection of inspiring Kontakt instruments for creating subtle cinematic atmospheres, deep, wide sci-fi pads for film, video game, ambient and synthwave music for 80% OFF! Don't hesitate, this offer ends soon! ⏳ JUST $7 TODAY https://karanyisounds.com/product/synths-1-dx/
  10. $109.99 https://www.straightaheadsamples.com/clarinette-en-rose
  11. It’s Pi Day! In honor of our pi (aka π aka 3.1415926...), we’re taking 31% off the sticker price of ALL Goodhertz plugins from now through 3/17 Save 31% Now! https://goodhertz.com/order/
  12. Can YOU guess the price? https://www.waves.com/chris-lord-alge-plugins#sort:path~type~order=.default-order~number~asc|views:view=list-view|paging:currentPage=0|paging:number=20
  13. Larry Shelby

    Melda 11

    MeldaProduction has announced the 11th Round of the Eternal Madness Discount 2023! 50% OFF some of the most powerful audio plugins on the market until March 19th (23:59:59 UTC). MAutoEqualizer - a linear-phase EQ with an automatic equalization feature MFreeformEqualizer - draw your EQ curve the way you want MPhatik - enhance audio without altering level envelope. MVintageRotary - a rotary simulation based on the famous vintage cabinets! https://www.meldaproduction.com/eternalmadnessdiscounts
  14. https://soundpaint.com/products/epic-frame-drums
  15. https://heavyocity.com/product-category/gravity/
  16. 5 mic positions (close, ms-st, decca, flank & hall) Recorded with natural dynamic movements Designed to add movement Made for Native Instrument Kontakt Nodal Bass consist of a large collection of inspiring and tender articulations. Standard short and long articulations as well as techniques with a freely forward-moving feel. String articulations developing independently over a period of time. Lines that reinforce each other by means of constructive interference. Accelerating and decelerating timbral motions, culminating in brief colourful durations when the nodal lines meet. Pre-order price of 99/Euros https://wrongtools.com/kontakt-instruments/double-bass-quartet/
  17. Apparently that's a mistake in one way or another. The intro price of "Retronaut" is 24 Euros, however 64 Euros is NOT 50% off of 89 Euros
  18. Email says this: Orbitron is available with a 50% discount just until the 26th of March. Get your unlimited trial version here. Buy now €89/€24
  19. We are happy to announce the release of Blue Cat's PatchWork 2.65, with many new features and improvements. As an existing Blue Cat Audio customer, you are eligible for an exclusive re-introduction offer at €/$79, instead of 99 (20% off)! This customer offer ends on April 14th, 2023. https://www.bluecataudio.com/Products/Product_PatchWork/
  20. Run the SDC App to update
  21. $89.99 at Guitar Center POD https://www.guitarcenter.com/Akai-Professional/MPK-Mini-MK3-Red-Keyboard-Controller-and-Headphones-1500000344092.gc
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