That is, unless they bone you like they did with Total Studio Owners, who received
"nothing" at the launch of the TS Max products, other than the crossgrade from any
$99 product! So, even if you own EVERYTHING, that you've purchased individually,
you get the SAME price as the guy who only bought ONE $99 product???
THIS is already, IMO, a HUGE problem, and on my list or IK "Stupid Business Practices"!
Regardless of HOW MANY PRODUCTS that you own, you get no consideration for THAT,
other than the SAME consideration as the person who has only bought ONE $99 product...
I own ALL of the T-Racks except Leslie, and ALL of the SampleTank, except for some
of the Syntronk Modules, and just about ALL of the Amplitube products, and was an owner
of the ORIGINAL "Total Studio" product! So, even though
I've invested a butt ton of money, I get the SAME price as the guy who only bought ONE
$99 product??? Great model IK....great model!
Apparently it's "too complicated" to institute a "graduated" upgrade model, like
Waves and other companies do.
So, as you said, holding out for a "Total Studio Sale" might be more beneficial,
OR, it may NEVER come...
End of rant!!!