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Everything posted by Luc

  1. For me, the worst part about this whole thing is I had been working on a video about how I actually like the WUP now (no joke - I have my reasons lol!) but I was too slow to make it and now it's gone.
  2. The Web site does still have the Register New Products page working if any of you need to register some licenses before it's too late.
  3. Great bundle, though! Waves stuff seems to be gone from everyplugin.com, too. It's happening... ?
  4. The account-related pages (My Products / Upgrades / Waves Update Plan, etc.) on the Waves site currently showing: "Waves.com is undergoing maintenance. To access your Waves account or purchase Waves products at our online store, please try again later." Maybe unrelated to the upcoming changes but I've never seen that message before.
  5. That was generous of you to offer though!
  6. Don't forget to check if you have any points at https://www.reasonstudios.com/rewards I was surprised, when I checked a while back, to see how many I had gotten over the years. It's great when there are rack extensions on sale like this.
  7. I'm not complaining. There was a great offer for Ozone Advanced in my Izotope account at one point, but it was for people upgrading from an earlier Advanced version. I only had Ozone Elements. I asked them if it would work and they replied quickly saaying they sometimes send more generous offers to some clients and if it's in my account, the Advanced upgrade will work. And it did!
  8. I like playing around with this plugin. Most of the mics I have aren't on the list (and I wish they'd add more) but I find it interesting as an effect by choosing random-ish mics and switching out the sound. If I didn't have it in T-RackS Max, I'd buy it at this price.
  9. If it's the same as in the past, there's a minimum spend on the coupon which they only tell you when you receive it. I learned that the hard way when I was hoping to get Frostpoint by Frozen Plain for free! hahaha
  10. Luc


    I got Needlepoint for $19.99 a few days ago like a sucker!
  11. Luc

    wrong forum

    You're cheating on us?
  12. That's the fastest I've ever seen the FileSilo server loading!
  13. Luc

    PA Sneek Peek!

    I just want it so I can tell my dad I have a plugin that matches his DeWalt tools.
  14. Thanks to everyone who posted their recommendations on which of these are good deals and interesting. That's why I love this place. I appreciate you all!
  15. Luc

    RX 10 is here

    As well, logging into your Izotope account will have upgrade prices. It's not too bad. Mine is $149 Standard / $499 Advanced.
  16. Yeah, I was a sucker and bought it because 1) the price was going up and 2) future M1 native version. They dropped the price twice so far to wayyyy below what I paid and they keep pushing the M1 version back. So yeah, I fell for it lol
  17. As far as I know, the Rack Extensions work on all of the versions. Some will only work with the most recent version (ie. 12) but you should be OK. Maybe worth checking with Reason Studios before though to make sure you don't use your points for nothing.
  18. Some great deals this time around. And remember to check https://www.reasonstudios.com/rewards - I realized a while back I had tons of points I didn't know I had. Was waiting for a deal on the new Vocoder and it's on sale now.
  19. From their e-mail: Let's Celebrate the changing seasons with a musical upgrade! Enjoy astronomical savings of up to 90% off the universe's Hottest plugins! VYBZ | TP2 | HATZ | X8 ... and more EVERYTHING IS NOW $10 For A Limited Time ( Sale ends: Aug / 20 ) SHOP NOW https://www.thenatan.store/shop/
  20. Also https://www.reddit.com/r/AudioProductionDeals/ Though nothing compares to right here when Larry is around. Happy deal searching!
  21. Same. I guess they changed it so you can't use it for an order under $25. Though if you add three licenses, it'll take $25 off and it'll cost you about 5 bucks. So I guess there's that lol
  22. Ayyy thanks for this! I have the IK tape delay which has some similar features but am always looking for stuff like this to recreate the sound of delay I used to do on reel to reels. Looking forward to trying this one out out (out) (oouutt) (ooouuuttt)!
  23. Luc

    This the end, or is it

    I miss the guy. He will be back... eventually. But that being said, I was just thinking about how I appreciate everyone who has been posting deals so we can continue to spend in his absence. I love you all! ❤️
  24. Luc

    NI FM8 for $12

    That's great news. Thanks so much for trying it out. It's much appreciated!
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