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About OutrageProductions

  • Birthday August 9

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  1. I have a highly modified "Gilmour" strat with honed down frets and low action, so all bending is perpendicular to the neck. Mild arthritis doesn't help either. I once had a '73 SG where the frets were like brick pyramids and tall. Sold it very shortly after acquisition. Not so with my '58 gold top LP.
  2. If only my left hand could get those stretches/vibratos like that on my strat, I'd be a happy camper!
  3. It looks like a rev E or later (black face) approx 1968-72.
  4. It's never too early to hone that skill set. I use Cubase as well, and artmaps are very similar in function. Here is a very good primer.
  5. You could also simplify your life by creating & using articulation maps for the instrument. The 'C0' nomenclature stems from the lowest playable notes on a standard 88 key piano, where "middle C" is commonly C4. Many DAW's (and VST instrument manufacturers) prefer C3 as 'middle C', hence the confusion. In the PRV, you should be able to enable articulations starting from the lowest note, and map them from there.
  6. The principles of physics and magnetism still apply, regardless.
  7. You've got electromagnetic field issues which are common in consumer grade audio electronics. Make sure that power & audio/data cables are not physically laid in parallel, move things around to minimize noise, and use a USB cable with a ferrite choke on it.
  8. Between bad product, overabundance of bloatware, and terrible support, my last HP laptop went in the dumpster in 1998. I've never recommended one since.
  9. Not all EFX have side chain inputs. You may want to try a "trance gate"... Kilohearts has a freebie that is minimal but functional.
  10. To all those with an unhealthy obsession about antique technology:
  11. The magic that you seek entails some work. There is a CAL script called "Split Notes To Tracks" which will separate and create a new track for each note tuning. Then I usually recombine the Snares (SS, flams, etc), Kicks (open/damped, etc.), Hats (open, closed, pedal, etc.), Toms (all), OH (all cymbals), and toys into relative MIDI tracks, solo them, and then print new related audio tracks just like I did when using a tape machine 40 years ago. I usually end up with audio tracks: Kick (mono), Snare (m or s), Hat (m or s), Toms (s), OH (s), room (if available), Toys (s).
  12. I've been driving 4 monitors with a 6Gb 3050 for quite a while and love it. But I don’t game on my workstation.
  13. I have had "divide by zero" errors in the crash dump a few times. One cause was me outrunning Scaler 2 with keystrokes, and the other (more often) was from a too small block size in the buffer setting of my Audio I/O driver control panel. Granted, I'm occasionally using a device that has a driver from Win Vista days that still works, but requires a minimum block size of 512 or it crashes CbB. (but not Nuendo, Cubase, or PT, interestingly!)
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