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Everything posted by tom

  1. I'm new to PA so this is all pretty sweet, picked up a nice bunch
  2. There’s a good gearspace thread on the Firechild, some very respected members praising it and that’s what got me to try it. I got it at $19 which was the deciding factor tbh ?
  3. Don’t know who beatskillz are but I have Tone Empirw Firechild and it’s great. Love the mix of algo and convolution they used
  4. You know what I mean, Melda does everything across the board
  5. I own about 7 of their plugins and still use utility ones. Auto align I had to sell. When you use it, listen carefully to the hats and OHs and you’ll hear the added artifacts, I have a feeling it’s to do with spectral processing Like all of us, I have other plenty other plugins and don’t feel I’m missing out by leaving Melda behind, just wary of devs who try and tackle every known processor out there instead of specialising in a few
  6. I’ve gone completely off Melda, was getting loads of weird artefacts and unusual artificial noises in my mixes which I traced back to using MAutoStereoFix and MAutoAlign. Can’t trust any more of their plugins now
  7. Syncpressor looks good, I like the idea of temp synced attack and release. But I’m same, don’t really need any of their plugins, just feel I have to at this price ?
  8. Tried this on Windows and it was very buggy, hopefully more solid now
  9. tom

    Who wants it? [GONE]

    What’s the spending threshold for getting PA vouchers? I’ve spent maybe $100 total and can’t find the info anywhere? Cheers!
  10. I mean 99% of the time I prefer the mix with saturation on. It will make a mix cohesive and glued, that’s why we do it, no? Distortion is something else but a gentle saturation to tame peaks on tracks and then on the 2 bus make my mixes sound polished. I mean compressors saturate too so it will be tough to do a mix without any saturation unless clean EQs and Comps throughout, but then where’s the fun in that ?
  11. never been that impressed with GSatPlus even though I really rate the dev. My current favs are Kelvin, P42 (i got free, not sure i'd pay the high price though) and the excellent Cassiopeia
  12. Quick demo and this sounds very impressive. Not sure I can justify $99 rn but definitely on my want list is there a way to get it cheaper at other plug-in providers?
  13. This has been around for a long time, does it still stand up? Does it get updated ever?
  14. Oh spanner in the works, was just about to purchase the stunning ARVerb, which I have been demoing for the last week. Jaw droppingly good room sound, but this is a very good price. Will demo for sure
  15. Oh nice, I was planning on picking one up as never owned any of their plugins. These 3 seem the pick of the bunch, which best for a good alt rock crunch
  16. Yeah the link is 3 posts above. It’s really good and actually was on there last night grabbing unmixed tracks for testing compressors, etc
  17. Yeah yesterday when I first looked I swear it was €29 for me and I went back to buy a few hours later and it was €45. When I checked on my laptop 10 minutes after that it was €55. Weird teasing
  18. Damn was really hoping for Smart Limit to go on sale over this weekend
  19. Acustica have tamed with their BF in the last couple of years, used to get much bigger discounts. Viridian at €39 is tempting
  20. Wow, definitely picking up one of those compressors
  21. Oh might have to get one of the SDX's, which is preferred out of the New York studios?? (I have Legacy of Rock so not sure if need, I might wait for one of the newer ones to go on sale)
  22. Still never received a license for this and I answered the 3 questions. Any one else?
  23. Brown was €39 in summer sale, which I bought and love. I have too many plugins so my new philosophy with Acustica is i’ll only buy when they hit the €39 mark ?
  24. Sorry, didn’t read the other posts properly, realise it’s for over 50% only.
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