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Lynn Wilson

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Everything posted by Lynn Wilson

  1. Hello to all my CW friends. I just wrote this song about 3 weeks ago, inspired by a new toy which is the upgrade from TH3 to THU amp sim. It's a song about people who are in love but don't realize it. My good friend, Roger Fife, helped me with this by playing the bass. The rest was done by me in the latest version of CW. It's still fresh from the oven, so I'm looking for any advice and hints. Thanks in advance for taking the time to listen and respond. Here it is: https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13846768 Edit: This is the remixed version that I did after receiving so much helpful advise. I carefully edited the drums and tightened some of the panning after several suggestions to do so, and this is the result.
  2. Can you not save the settings from a VST as a preset with its own name? I do this for every VST that I use in a song, and I've never lost a setting yet. You would think that saving within CW would keep the settings, but not always, I guess. Saving presets within the VST has solved this problem for me many times.
  3. Very nice, you nailed the spirit of the song, as if it's your own. Hope you get back to CW, it has gotten better.
  4. Bjorn asked me to fill in for him while he's off on a photographic adventure in Uganda. (really) My thanks to all for responding. Chuck, thanks for noticing the vocal overlay that Bjorn did over my lead. I wasn't sure if it could be heard. As for the timing, it turned polyrhythmic by accident and was left in. I was experimenting with a newl, free vst synth-Surge- and liked the preset that runs throughout the song. It made 6//8 overlay a 4/4 rhythm. The bending guitar is a pedal steel sample from Rapture Pro run through TH3 amp sim. One of my favorites. Tom, Bjorn's lyrics fuel this song and inspired me to sing it that way. His doubling of me in the choruses is very Dylanish, and he really nailed it. Bob, it's good to hear from you, and I'm always happy to hear your side of the story. Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good. Gary, I told Bjorn after I got his demo that I could hear an electronic version of this right away, and he kindly let me experiment with my new toy. It somehow just worked in a quirky, yet traditional way. All in all, Bjorn gave birth to this song, and it took on a life of its own. This song could have easily been presented in a more traditional way, and maybe should have been, but I left my boundaries at the door with this.
  5. Another timely song, Freddy. You put into words what many people feel, and this time with a bit of a Grateful Dead vibe. I love the guitar work in this, with its funky jazz tone. I feel like I'm in an after hours club, a little bit high, and a little bit drunk. Thanks!!!
  6. Lynn Wilson


    Tom, this is a masterpiece! It has so many movements, that it's like the ocean. This is why I value your input so much, you are like a teacher. Two thumbs up!
  7. Paul, I've listened to you guys for a few years, and this is becoming quite a fun hobby for me. Your mixing has come a long ways, as well as your story telling. This song has some nice touches that don't mask the song, yet add quite a bit of nuance, like the delay on parts of the vocal. I'm very happy to hear your production skills growing, and the maturity of the sound. Kudos!
  8. I've always been a sucker for a good vocal, and this has it in spades. As everyone has said, the mix is clear and wide and very professional sounding. Yet, I miss one element that Tom alluded to, and that's depth. The harmonies are good and strong and well panned, but they seem to be competing for the lead in volume, as if they are all standing side by side. It's good to let some harmonies stand back a tad behind the lead vox to give it a more 3 dimensional sound, like you've done with the piano and strings. It helps with the overall dynamics of the song, imo. Otherwise, a great song and performance. A gem waiting to happen.
  9. Bjorn, thanks again for inviting me into this project. I was immediately taken by the story, and it came together thanks to your patience and flexibility. I'd like to thank Paul for his comments and time, too. If I can be of help...
  10. Terrific tribute, John! Your lyrics are awesome, and the video is well conceived. Take a bow!
  11. Ed, I think Bob summed it up very well. Still, I commend you and anyone else for tackling a Beatle's song. A live version of this song has been making the rounds on youtube, so it's fresh in my mind.
  12. Lynn Wilson

    I'm Retired

    Bjorn, you're proving yourself to be a master satirist. I kinda agree with Sean about the phrasing because, as you may know, I prefer a prose style of phrasing, but that's a minor point. I love retirement, too, though I never have to look for something to do. Gotta go now; I'm working with my friend, Arvin.
  13. I love this song, but this mix isn't working for me. I'm listening at low volume because it's very loud, as if the limiter is close to being maxed out to the point of having no dynamics. I would merely back off on the gain of the limiter or compressor that was used, and/or try a different ratio so that this song can breathe. I must admit, this is very rare for one of your productions, which are usually text book examples of mastering. Finally, I would boost the vocals so that they can sit above the instruments rather than be at the same level. Hope this helps, though, I love your choice of songs.
  14. Wookie, I've listened to this song several times, and I hear something new each time. It does indeed evolve from start to finish, yet it has a thread that runs all the way through it, and that would be texture, it seems to me. That comes from the vintage sounding synths that you use, and I've always been a fan of those sounds. Your influences show a lot in this song, and I think it's a winner! Sail on...
  15. Depending on the song, style, and length of note, I've used a freebie from meldaproduction.com called MVibrato that may give you what you want. As you pointed out, it's best to use an automation curve to get the rise in vibrato just right which can easily be achieved by using write mode when playing back and manually manipulating the level of the vst. Once this is done, you can rewrite the curve any way you want in the automation view. I'm sure there are any number of tremelos or vibratos out there, usually free and found at KVR. Good luck.
  16. In general, the recording level is set by the interface. I'm not familiar with the Onyx, but interfaces typically have an on screen mixer where the record level is set, if the interface doesn't have a knob on it for that reason. If you continue to have a problem, check your manual or the Mackie website.
  17. I'm sorry, Jesse, I've liked and appreciated many of your tunes over the years, but this one just says "no" to me. It sounds like you forgot to make an effort in this production. I don't mind my own songs sucking, but I try very hard to make them suck, if you know what I mean. I'm still waiting for your next video.
  18. I like much about this song, especially the melody. However, I agree with Bjorn about the tempo; it could be sped up several bpm and still convey the message well. I believe it would help the solo vocal by tightening the phrasing and eliminating the long, stretched out syllables of the words. Otherwise, I've listened to several of your songs over the years, and you guys keep producing better and better mixes. This one is as loud as any commercial product, so you have mastered that technique over time. Good luck guys and have a prosperous new year!
  19. Freddy, you seem to mirror my thoughts so very often. This is a fun song to listen to, and it sounds super on my Rokit 8's. It's good to be back with you on this new forum. Have a great and prolific year!
  20. +2 for the Waves H-Reverb. It can often be had for $29, which is a bargain for what it can do.
  21. Wookie, my email is dated 1/10/19. If yours is later than mine, then, perhaps, some progress is being made. One can only hope.
  22. It seems to make sense that the Pro Channel is turned off when freezing a track. You froze the track with the PC settings, and if the PC stayed active, you would be doubling all the components that you froze your track with. That wouldn't be such a good idea if you're using EQ or any other s/x. You still have the option of reactivating any component of PC if you need to. Your effects bin is also disabled, as I recall, but it can be reactivated too.
  23. I updated to to the latest version and continued to have the same problem with detection. I emailed Celemony, and they responded the next day. However, here's their reply: Hello Lynn, thanks for the mail. We’re aware of this issue but so far cannot reproduce it on our systems. We need to wait until we can to find out if the issue is with us or Bandlab. Since I still had the installer in my download files, I deleted the new Melodyne from my programs and re-installed Melodyne 4.1.1, and it works like a charm. Perhaps someone from Bandlab could work with Melodyne to solve this...
  24. Great song and demo. I've been using SD3 for the past 6 months, and I keep coming back to the funk kits for their depth. However, in you case, both versions rock! It's like cooking, which spice do you prefer?
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