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Lynn Wilson

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Everything posted by Lynn Wilson

  1. I just read where you're using acoustic drums and not samples; therefor, overdubbing (adding) may not be the way to go unless you have drum replacement software. I wouldn't recommend adding more reverb, as that will push the drums into the background if you're not careful. If you compress the track to get the kick to stand out then you will compress all the drums if you don't use a multi-band compressor. Without knowing what you have and are using, it's hard to advise. Still, a good song.
  2. Doug, this is a cool song that is different from many I hear at this site. Perhaps you could bounce that flute down and run it through Melodyne (or something similar) to tighten up the tuning. Otherwise, it's groovy, man!
  3. I've always liked this song. Did you rearrange it? Anyway, it's one of your best!
  4. Having just listened to your other song on the forum, I had to listen to this one, too. I really like this song, and I believe you don't need to do to much with it. The vocal(s) are very good, and I wouldn't mess with too much EQ, as they sound fine, to me. I would back off on the reverb or f/x a bit, but the tonality if good. What I'm missing is a bass guitar to glue this song together, as it almost has a reggae/calypso feel to it. I like the sound of the synth, but you could dry it up a little without losing the depth. Otherwise, this is another gem waiting to happen.
  5. I, too, like this song, and especially the unique vocals. If you can't get past the drums on a single track, then I don't think it would be too hard to overdub the drums just the way you like them. Overall, this could be a real gem just waiting for a little polish.
  6. I use SPAN, but don't mess with the settings, I just use the default settings. It seems to work well this way on the master bus. However, I'm not a surgeon, just a general practitioner.
  7. Wow! Lucky you!! Excellent!!!
  8. I'm running version 1.0.0, but now I have to upgrade. Thanks for the heads up!
  9. I'm using TH-U with no problems in the latest version of CW.
  10. It's alright to normalize, but don't forget that it is destructive editing. A good brickwall limiter is non-destructive and can be found free at the KVR site.
  11. Yes, you need to learn about mastering. There are many articles on-line and tons of limiters and compressors on the market (many good freebies) for accomplishing this task. You came to the right place for advice, and Google is your friend, also. Good luck.
  12. Wow, I didn't know that! I forgot there was any difference between large and small modes, but I'll check it out. Thanks, Tim!
  13. Bob, I particularly like this song and video. Your guitar sounds like it could move a mountain, and you write some of the best rock lyrics of anyone I know. Your mastery of this genre is impressive. Recently, I wrote my first hard rock song in years, and even though it's nothing like yours, I really enjoyed kicking out the jams, after so many years. But, I digress... I'm coming back to this post, later, to hear the songs that follow this video, as it makes for a good way to start this Sunday morning. Keep rockin', Bob!
  14. Yes, they are there and do indicate which mode you're in. I guess, I wish that I could click on them and change modes without doing the right click first. I will take advantage of your suggestion to use the theme editor to highlight them. Thanks, Steve.
  15. Would it be possible to add indicator lights or buttons for the 3 record modes so that they are in plain sight on the control panel? I've many times erased data because I was in overwrite mode and not comp or sound-on-sound mode and didn't realize it. I make it a habit, now, to check before I start, but indicator buttons or lights in track view (like the ripple edit button) would make life much better. I'm glad we have a right click option, but it's easy to forget if you come back to a project on a different day and can't use the undo function. A safety valve, so to speak. Thanks CW for listening!
  16. I believe this is much ado about little. This is a fine song that, to me, is vocal driven, therefor, the words need to pop out of the mix and tell the story. The vocals are well performed so let them shine. Yeah, the bass and/or percussion could be boosted and cleaned up a bit, but this isn't a hard rock or pop song, so they don't need to hold quite as much weight. Try a few alternate mixes with the vocals, bass, and percussion boosted a bit and see if this doesn't satisfy. Also, this post belongs in the song section where the great CW producers and mixers live. If you never touched this song again, you should still be proud of a fine song.
  17. It's good to hear you playing again, Kenny. You make that Fender amp shine with your smooth playing style. Keep recording and recovering because we need veterans like you to showcase CW.
  18. Sorry, Noel, I don't remember specifically which VST caused CW to close. It has only happened once or twice, and never became an issue with me. Generally, this version of CW has been the most stable version of CW ever. I do understand the immense challenge of dealing with all the different VST's out there, and I give CW high marks for dealing with most of them very well.
  19. It happened to me after deleting a VST in a track. Fortunately, nothing was lost, but time.
  20. Short and sweet, just the way I like them. The subject is interesting and makes me want to listen again. Kudos!
  21. Lynn Wilson

    River Ride

    I like this song, everything is clear and balanced. The melody is soothing, and the whole song makes me want to find a river real fast. Can't wait for the other songs.
  22. Another great sample of your incredible work. Your voice and guitar playing are equally good, but can't overlook your talent for writing good lyrics!
  23. Very nostalgic song and video, Bjorn. I'm not surprised that you have a treasure trove of pictures. I was wondering if you are going to write a song about your recent adventure so you can share your pictures with us. Congratulations on another fine song!
  24. I think people forget about the slide function, which can move markers and other data in either direction by whatever time source you choose. Sometimes it's more useful than ripple editing in certain situations. As for MIDI loops, I know nothing, but try the slide function, just in case.
  25. I don't remember this song, but I like it very much. I like your picture, too. Did you record your guitar through the condenser mic? I ask because you always get the best guitar sounds. All in all, very classic!
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