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Lynn Wilson

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Everything posted by Lynn Wilson

  1. Gary, this is a pleasant song, and you've managed to fix some of the glitches that I heard earlier. I can hear the joy in your voice which is a very good quality for a song of faith. I have only two minor suggestions: one, I would boost the bass guitar a bit, and two, I would make the vocal just a bit drier so that it's more in your face and intimate. Other than that, this is good to go, and congratulations on your first!
  2. Lynn Wilson


    Bjorn, you should be working with National Geographic and supplying music for their videos. I love this song and the way you made it with samples. The arrangement evolves smoothly, giving this song depth and subtlety. This is master class writing and recording!
  3. John, I've listened to this song a number of times so that I can wrap my head around this. It's a lovely song with an ambitious chord progression that is haunting overall. To answer your question about the vocal - your melody is quite ambitious, as well. You jump around the scale quite a bit when you could be gliding from note to note. I call this vocal gymnastics, ala, Whitney Houston, etc. That's fine if you've got the chops. If not then play to your strengths. Arrange your vocal to fit your voice, i.e. find your sweet spot instead of singing the Olympic exercises just because you hear them. Sometimes less IS more. Your a damn good lyricist, so use your lyrics to showcase your voice and write around your strengths instead of your weaknesses. All the best!
  4. Wow! This song is top shelf. I love this, and I've been listening to it all morning. My only suggestion would be to listen to the bass guitar; I'd think about boosting it a little while giving it a slight cut in the 200-300hz region to better define the sound and make it pop out of the mix. Otherwise, this is ready for the world.
  5. Gary, thanks for replying again. That sound in the right channel is a synth pad from Rapture Pro. I know we all hear things differently, and I wish I could hear it the way you do. Tom (Emerald Soul) said something similar, so it's not just you. I, however, find it to be fitting for the style, and I don't hear the scraping or screechiness that you two hear, but it could just be my ears. Does anyone else hear it this way? If so, it's an easy fix. Thanks again!
  6. If I may have your attention: I remixed and rewrote this song per your suggestions. Steve, thanks for your time and comments. I took advantage of the click track on this latest version. I'm still having a blast! Tom, I changed the drum tracks from a swing beat to a straight beat at the intro to better accommodate the bass gtr. which tightens this section, I hope. I also mixed the drums louder which helps. I'm leaving the synth pad as is for now, as I like the texture so far. As always, your comments aid me and make me think. Thanks! Joad, I may have mixed influences somewhat with this, but I hear what you hear. Much appreciated. Douglas, I'm glad you liked it, but I went ahead and changed it, hopefully for the better. However, Dick Dale lives on!
  7. This is a terrific blend of guitar and synthesizer, ala Steve Miller, though better! As usual, the mix is clean, but with warmth. Something for all of us to shoot for... A+ for versatility.
  8. This song is an adventure to listen to because of its dramatic changes. I like that you used volume and texture to mix it up, so to speak. The beginning didn't bother me because it reminded me of my Korg M1 days. All in all, very well done.
  9. Lynn Wilson


    Wookie, I like this song because of the changes after the two minute mark. The subtlety of your playing matches your arrangement very well. The sparseness of the instrumentation draws the listener in which allows one to be part of the music. Next!
  10. I agree with Spak, that it sounds like it was played live because it is right in your face. I think this helps deliver your message by making it sound more urgent. You have a good thing going, so keep it up!
  11. Kenny and Daryl, thank you for taking a listen. I'm very encouraged from what I'm hearing. Daryl, I think you may be referring to the bass guitar because I didn't run that through Melodyne to tighten it up, yet. I wanted to keep this as human sounding as long as I could get away with it. lol I'll be aware of this on the next go-round.
  12. I'd like to take the time to thank all of you individually, but I'm short on time today, so I thank all of you collectively for your kind words and time. You've managed to erase some of my doubts, and now I'm encouraged about this tune. I was thinking about adding some more parts, but it's busy enough so I'll rest on this as it stands. Btw, I've always liked wide stereo fields which is why I pan the way I do. I relied on headphones (Sennheiser HD 300 Pro) more than previous mixes because more people listen on cans these days than ever before. I hope it pays off.
  13. Here's a song that I've been working on the last two weeks, and I've taken it as far as I can for the time being. It's time for fresh ears and ideas. Do I need to do more with this, or leave it alone? I will say this; it has been a ball working on this song, and it's kind of a tongue-in-cheek look at my life. I turn this over to the forum, now, and thank all of you for your help. It can be found here: https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13888876 6/23-changed drums at intro and remixed louder as per suggestions from you all.
  14. John, you nailed this! This production is very rich and balanced and pleasing to the ears. I love the vocal and guitar work, which highlight the poignant lyrics. Thanks for posting.
  15. Lynn Wilson

    C'mon C'mon

    I love the way this song evolves over time, yet keeps a common thread from beginning to end. Your multi-layered approach really pulls me in and makes me want to listen over and over. I think that I "grok" your lyrics because it sounds like something I would have written to myself at one time or another. What really grabbed my attention was the thought that I was listening to one of my favorite bands, Midnight Oil, which says a lot for your production skills. How about putting up a few more?
  16. This production looks and sounds very slick, if not a bit dated. The singer has a good voice, and the beat makes one want to dance. I can take or leave the auto-tune vocal effect, but understand its need for street cred. All in all, this is very professional, and I wish you the best.
  17. Rob, one of the things I like best about your music is the uplifting words that you write from song to song. This carries on that tradition resulting in a song that soars with your voice and guitar work. As for your technical questions, I'd be grateful just to get this close to perfection in my own work, so I'm not qualified to answer. I will say, there's absolutely no mud, and this recording is as clean as a whistle. You could listen to this all day without getting ear fatigue, so maybe I will.
  18. I'm having trouble using VocAlign Project with ARA 2 in the latest version of CbB with ARA 2 (which I've used successfully for the last few years in CbB and Platinum). It gives me a message that the guide vocal and dub vocal are too far apart, though, in reality, they're not. VocalSync, a separate plug-in, which is also ARA, doesn't work either (same message). However, Melodyne Studio works like a charm with ARA 2. I'm just wondering if anyone else who has either of these plug-ins is having an issue with them, or is it only me?
  19. Tom, this is a song to savor. I had to listen a few times just to take everything in. I knew you were quirky, but this takes it to another level. I won't comment on the mix or music because they're a perfect pairing for the message. This is a lament I hear quite a bit these days, and you put it into a foot-tapping, jazzy song that's very rich indeed. Excuse me now, I'm going to order some Bombas...?
  20. Lynn Wilson

    Name (Cover)

    Mark, it's good to hear from you again! I've been to your website and seen that you had put up many new songs since my last visit. You manage to make me appreciate songs that I've heard many times, but overlooked until you remade them. As always, your mixes are professional and show what can be done with Sonar/CW. To all others out there: if you haven't visited Mark's site, then take a few minutes to listen to his work. Most of you will find something there to marvel over. Don't be a stranger!
  21. Where's that elevator? I want to ride it to the top and back down again. My first guitar teacher played this kind of jazz, but I could never master the style, myself. For many years, Kansas City put on an annual jazz festival that I attended regularly. I've heard many guitar players that didn't even come close to being this good. Talent always rise to the top, I hear, and this is at the top of the mountain!
  22. Lynn Wilson

    Sweet Afton

    I missed this this first time, but I'm glad I caught up with it. I'm always impressed with your versatility, and this is no exception. As stated above, this fits nicely with the Burns poetry. It has the same calming effect that some of your other songs have. Two thumbs up on this gem!
  23. I've listened to this 4 times, and I still can hardly believe that you're singing this. Only because your voice can be so different from song to song. This is a cool song with an even cooler beat. The mix if very good, and it sounds warm and inviting, thus, drawing the listener into the song. You're one of the best!
  24. Lynn Wilson

    Your A Woman

    I see this was posted in January, so I missed this on the first go-round. First, it's a terrific song regardless of how it was recorded. I recorded on 1/2 inch tape for many years, and to this day, I don't miss it! That being said, a good song will sound good on most anything, as long as the heart of the song comes through. I don't think that would ever be a problem for you, Steve. Now, on to your newest song...
  25. Wow, this rocks the roof off my house. It may be lacking a little low end, but not much. It wouldn't be hard to dial the low end in this song once you decide how much you want. The only thing you may need is a multi-band compressor to punch up the lows. Good luck, I'm looking forward to hearing more from you.
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