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Lynn Wilson

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  1. I was finally able to get into BandLab after morning glitches and renew my subscription. I never had this much hassle with BandLab before, and received no notification that my subscription had expired. A renewal notice or page would have made this much easier. but I'm good to go for another year. Thanks to Noel for his replies!
  2. I opened Sonar today, updated to the new version (2024.11-MEM (build 97, 64bit)) and was unable to activate it though I was signed into BandLab. Signing out and signing back in didn't do the job, as I'm still getting a window that tells me that saving is disabled until I reactivate Sonar. I am a paid member and up to date on dues. Attached is the screenshot that shows I'm signed into BandLab. What to do?
  3. How are you doing? haven't seen you post music on the forum. in a while. Hope you're well!


    1. Lynn Wilson

      Lynn Wilson

      Hi Terry,  I'm doing OK though my personal time is limited these days due to family issues.  I barely have enough time for the internet, but I'm still trying to get into my studio as often as I can.  I do try to at least  scan things at the CW site.  Eventually, things will get resolved and I'll be a participant again someday.

      Thanks for your message, and I hope to rejoin the cast of thousands soon.  Happy holidays to you, and keep on writing your pop classics!  

    2. Terry Carroll

      Terry Carroll

      Thanks for getting back! I'm Looking forward to Thanksgiving very much. I always overeat on Thanksgiving, just can't help myself.  Hope you have a great Thanksgiving! Wish you the best



  4. I got the same message while trying to export files to open in Sonar. After reading the manual, I found that CW has its own export option. Once I used it, it worked like a charm. If you're trying to export to Sonar or Cakewalk, try "Export Cakewalk Interchange".
  5. I discovered that I had two BL accounts and was logging into the wrong one. I must have created the 2nd account by accident when I tried to change my email. Now I have to figure out how to delete the wrong account without deleting both.
  6. Problem solved! Sorry for the inconvenience.
  7. When I open Next it tells me that I can't save a project until I acquire an active membership. I do have an annual membership in Next and Sonar, and when I go the the Bandlab site, it confirms that I'm good to go. Yet, although Next is up-to-date, I'm not able to save a new project nor use the stem separation process. Screenshots provided. What to do?
  8. This happens to me if I don't render the clips after aligning them.
  9. This may usually be the case, but not always. This happens to me when saving, and I turn off the audio engine and then turn it back on and the problem goes away. My disk is OK, so it must have another reason for doing this.
  10. l love it when we try to do something different, especially when it works! Nice concept and video to go with a dreamy soundscape. I might experiment with other synth parts to see if there might be some textures that might work as well, but you are on the right track. This, most importantly, is fun to listen to multiple times!
  11. Quirky and cool! More
  12. Fabulous, Steve! Those were the days, weren't they? You keep surprising me time and again. Your creativity is a deep well.
  13. Lynn Wilson


    This is wonderful! I wouldn't change a thing, but I don't have your chops. I particularly like that ending.
  14. I love it when a classic song gets reinvented like this. Good idea to make this your own arrangement! You're on a roll!!
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