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Everything posted by whoisp

  1. I am not sure why anyone would need more, current DAW with PC and software does not benefit from anything more. 24-bit audio recordings can capture a dynamic range of up to 144.5 dB and you don't need more than that in music on any digital platform. Meanwhile, 32-bit float audio can capture the absolutely ludicrous range up to 1,528 dB. That's not only massively beyond the scope of 24-bit audio, but it's beyond the scale of what even counts as a sound on Earth that will eat your file system when tracking to record etc
  2. In my experience SPDIF is always 44.1 however some modern system where being upgraded to what we was sold SPDIF 48khz and some devices did not work, i am guessing there is something in the PCB chain given its hardware that caused issues. We always got issues when set at 48, sometimes the internal clock and the optical SPDIF clock would create driver and compatibility problems, the days when you wanted to hit device manger with a hammer. There was a time we always got random phantom clicks in recording, tuned out wifi was interfering with the SPDIF hardware and optical cable. We was like great SPDIF no noise from jack plugs etc then we had a phantom click lol We mess about with all the technology to plug a guitar or mic jack plug in anyway lol
  3. What I can tell you working on, pre, post and live broadcasting for ITV as a sound and video engineer. The reality is we want 48/24 for video and music, less issue with dynamic range loss and anti-aliasing can be a real problem, especially with digital platforms. If you need to know more anti-aliasing varying factors with loss and noise read about Nyquist frequency is a good start. Why we often resample 44 up to 48 due to those above issues, but why use 44 in first place and resample you ask. Well only because some studios use a desk that have SPDIF or ADAT at 44 or gave us CD or Digi Tape at 44 and not 48 due to upgrading studio is costly. Don’t forget, you lose some of that vintage tech classic sounds of the pre amps etc with some old gear. i have a desk with AD Conversion: [24 bit Guitar/Bass] [24 bit phantom mic (Mic)] [24 bit (Line)] [24 bit (Simul) great desk pre amps ] back to DA Conversion: 24 bit with Internal Processing: 24 bit (digital mixer section) however its limited to SPDIF 44.1 kHz so i take a line out to 48kHz s to bypass the SPDIF as a hybrid work a round 48/24 is not about our ears, we can’t ear the difference from 44/16 but the digital world does due to things like Nyquist frequency, plugins, software algorithms etc, why we get issues like anti-aliasing, drop outs and much more with massive file size when we push our sampling with audio and midi. If i use the SPDIF, you have to set the cakewalk project, interface and system drivers all to 44.1 kHz or its will create noise, anti-aliasing, cackles and drop outs. That is important to note when working with any standard make sure everything is the same standard or you will get bugs and issues. Cakewalk project, your interface drivers and system drivers are all set to your preference which should be 48/24 and why i bypass SPIDF as im forever changing my setting if i don't and you want a stable system first. Some interfaces have a higher internal clock than 24-bit but i say 48/24 is a safe mode standard At one time, 44/16 was better due to CPU restrictions of audio interface, hardware and CPU etc. 48/24 can still be pushing CPU restrictions mixing with large recorded sample files size, plugins and loads of tracks (play/record tracking hammers your system) but everyone should be on 48/24 standard really unless you have NASA power and hardware,
  4. The reality of it is more disturbing for sure, and governments are still causing wars
  5. Thanx Freddie, ive actually got a job from this song bizarre yesterday, to do a track for a singer in the Philippines and now have to write something in the key of A Major for a young lady that ive not seen or heard lol
  6. Nicely polished with great space. I am liking the Indie edge vibe that's coming through on all your work. PS: i am digging all your guitars, iv'e always wanted a Les Paul im still suffering on a squire strat and a Tanglewood jazz box haha
  7. Cheers Nige, i didn 't know what to do so had a noodle
  8. That's how i feel with headphones, shut the whole world out and just feel the music and nothing else.
  9. It's funny, i now preferer doing everything on headphones and will only test on speaks, its how we train our ears i guess
  10. Boeing CH-47 Chinook, tailgated one on those beasts
  11. According to statist survey, 87 percent of the respondents use their headphones to listen to music. In fact in the workplace, 93% reported wearing headphones to listen to music. You haev more and more engineers now mixing on things like air pods and a quick test on monitors which i find interesting. Appears more and more musicians, engineers, and producers do it all the time.
  12. I did manage to finish this at the weekend and in the irony called it The Minds a Battlefield which is how its been feeling
  13. Cheers Tim, first track for about 3months but im still not feeling like my music mojo is back
  14. Yes, the video sync on the vocal got nudged in the render for some reason, gives a talking point haha I guess context of ever "at any time" when never is more so past or future and there is still time as its in the process, but i am no expert in legalese code
  15. The Minds a Battlefield, got a bit of meaning behind it and here's the metaphorical context lol
  16. hopefully i will get round to finishing it but will strip the drums
  17. Yes Paul, i was messing with drums. Maybe just a kick at the start, the idea is there, i get round to it, but already forgot what i did for the guitar broken chords in choirs and the sound FX i had, which i like grrrr. I did it on my multi peddle and did save
  18. yes, i will try to finish it
  19. Cheers jack, will get round to doing something with it this month
  20. I see my brothers are jamming, love the craziness p
  21. Just been noodling with little idea on acoustic and messing with programming a beat, then had a noodle on bass and guitar Hiding_In_The_System_Beta_MP3.mp3
  22. Cheers Terry, ive been doing some technical report 80 pages long and its done me in
  23. Yes ive got to get a report out of the way this week, i can have my head on the report and music at same time, just kills my mojo
  24. But, Guy Fawkes is my hero, now there's a song
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