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Everything posted by whoisp

  1. I knock the videos up fast in Sony Vegas pro 17 more straight forward and less hassle than adobe premier and after effects. I use some of my own footage and any free royalty stuff...
  2. Just got this idea down tonight - Should i go straight into song like i have or maybe do a build up? or maybe start song on acoustic noting else then with a bit of vocal!!
  3. whoisp


    Reminds me of early Floyd, something I would arrange to add some vocals even if it was soft speech with feeling as its got edgy mood to it… There is a vocal lick there for sure.. I may decide to put a long middle 8 in my next song now listening to this haha
  4. I do really like to get creative and mix it up to intrigue the listener if possible. I don't really have a solid style, when some asks i just say i vibe haha Peanut Butter Visuals, was the dancers footage, i just cut it up, added effects to the clips to give listeners some visual instead of my ugly mug. I just bang videos together so people can watch something when listing to the track. Gives me experience with music video editing was the idea in the long run. I don't play enough guitar these days, maybe pick it up once a week for 15mins, i more of a musician that works of feel than knowing scales or anything, totally self taught and never do covers. I think there my 4 songs i did on Cakewalk on here. Thanks, i will try harder on next song
  5. This was my third song on DAW catching the Cakewalk vibe. I wrote this on acoustic in 10mins and added a few ideas with the objective to complement it. I'm still not really sure on my style, i like to be in the genre of vibe haha i would say a bit of R'n'B funky blues rock soundtrack edge in places, i think it worked. Ready to start my 5th song this weekend, i may take my time on this one.
  6. Thanx, i am getting there, love creating something different and hearing comments like that give me drive to do more ?
  7. Was my 3rd song on cakewalk - i am slightly improving - wrote this after coming out of court haha Hopefully start my next song at the weekend! Mysterious Vibe i will call it - i am going to practice vocal comping... any tips are always appreciated ....... enjoy the video, like to give people something to look at when listening
  8. I can't fault it, gives me the vibe to go write something, one of those songs that inspires you! When i get more to grips with cakewalk id love to be half as good, awesome work....
  9. Cheers guys, i mix my music up, i'm just getting my head round CakewalkBandLab
  10. I have bits of experience with music, just never used a DAW only a old 8 track since 2014 to learn on, then i got the bug and cakewalk got me vibing ! Last couple of tracks, I've started using more of the cakewalk EQ on each track and on some tracks i am using more compression, with the limiter No6. i put the odd bit of reverb on with some tracks, ive not felt the need to use much saturate if any but ive got a couple of more plugins since this song. I've now got better of understanding the levels, headroom and still experimenting is the reality. I started using TDR Nova EQ to find tune any track for certain wanted or unwanted frequency. I've got a nice little fundamental bass plugin for bass and sub to play with for the thud! I use the odd bit of style dial FX now to get the sound i want. To sets of headphones for testing with my monitor speakers to. I was doing Mastering using Cakewalk on the master channel and not exporting the bounce to do mastering in a separate master project! Having loads of tracks open was to busy and less user friendly, so i recently change the way i do things, its been a massive learning curve with everything, just getting the interface stable and ive never used midi programming drums etc so mastering learning as go along! I now change since this second song. Iv'e setup a mastering template, so i now export the bonce mix i am happy with, then open in my mastering template so i can see the dynamic range, also its better than having loads of tracks open, did a quick screen grab to show difference of bounce mix and master dynamics. My template i've built up now with diffrent style settings etc again using cakewalk EQ , comp, sat and the limiter No6, ive used the LoudMax 64bit too. So i am still learning mastering but its got loads better but much room for improvement but i prefer being creative with my music and the tech stuff bogs me down!
  11. First time DAW user, second song on Cakewalk - Vibe Pt1 Mission - I have been bitten with the cakewalk vibe well and truly, i even bought addictive drums 2 , can't wait to start my next song. I've fished 5 now in less than 6 months learning the software which is totally awesome. I'm developing a style for sound tracks i think. Mixing and mastering improving so thanks for help guys. happy new year!
  12. Wisdom was my first song on DAW and the only time i have used a DAW, however i moved from a 25yr old Boss 8track so i have some base knowledge with terminology for a foundation etc This was 12 tracks, but most of those tracks are broken into sections. Used two tracks to write the drums, and two vocal as i didn't know about vocal comping which i will try on my next song ? Yes the acoustic was my fault and a poor job, my faith built in pickup as a great sound but was a terrible take and level with old strings now replaced. I guess i could use comping on the guitar two haha. I used a combination of subtle strings that take up the tracks and couple of fx tracks i use to add bit here and there for ambiance or to make something stand out. My mixing as improved and this was a very poor show at mastering which as also improved. I am one of those creative artists that as loads of ideas, play all instruments and do everything myself, so i don't spend enough time to perfect a song, i get frustrated quickly and want to move onto another song asap so rush, so i need to learn some lessons with my post productions and make it easier on myself doing better takes. That's why the comping sounds good which is my next mission to learn, thanx
  13. Sorry guys, my notification email was on spam mode so i got no notifications. So big thanks for the beautiful comments. I've done 4 more since to get get use to Calkwalk as ive never used daw and ive been bitten with the calkwalk vibe, loving this software so awesome!
  14. Sorted, driver issue first time user.
  15. You have some beautiful vibes and your videos im liking, the vocalist peaceful vibe that brings you in. Yes my track was a totally experiment, I've never written anything like that before, was totally to explore cakewalk as ive never used a daw until the last 4 songs so big learning curve moving over from a old 8 track, so everything is new haha. You will probably like my last song, casting spells but i am liking sort of creating sound tracks
  16. Yes the original is Wave 24bit- 44.1 you can hear more of a thud and sub, less top end too. Video mpeg audio settings i was to generous for streaming. I should have also used my Sony headphones and not the beats when doing the video edit, the studio beat II really do give bottom end some thud, my mistake, lessons.
  17. Cheers Jack, not normally my thing but i like experimenting and i am getting into doing sound tracks messing with video editing. Then i will sort of rock or funk it up, love messing with styles, Unfortunalty i want to finish a song and move on to another asap, but at least im finishing them these days
  18. Sorry Wookiee, totally forgot with Language and only a couple of bits with vocals. The master edit audio as some sub thud but seems to be lost in the video mpeg edit conversion, my error rushing with export settings and my beat headphones tell lies to my ears. The Spotify iTunes etc master track will have some more thud when i get round to it. New to cakewalk and my band-lab and cakewalk discuss emails were wrong so didn't get notified, all sorted now. Didn't realise band-lab had mastering to compare to my attempts or some royalty sounds play with or the features artists, where i been, not enough hours in the day. Sorry again P
  19. Hi Fellow CWBL users Quantum Vibe is my 4th song (soundtrack) using cakewalk and by the way, cakewalk is the first and only DAW i've used ever, so i new user, faster learning curve, so go easy. Read below video for my quick run down with my DAW hardware, software system and tracks used etc I am school in reality, moved over from a 20 odd yr old Boss 8 track. I would say i am a songwriter producer type that try's to sing, play a faith acoustic, bit of lead guitar on old strat and jazz box (hooks etc) keys full size midi Yamaha, 4 string custom bass collection and couple of decent mics. I've gone with a Behringer UMC 1820 interface as i was on a budget and looking at best possible value to get a stable home studio for under £1000. The only plugin i have paid for is Addictive drums 2 on black Friday, i saved a fortune and im still getting use to programming them. The rest are free plugins and FX what come with CWBL. NB: this is long 10min Soundtrack with lots of tracks (50 approx) to experiment with FX, buses, creating beats, sound fx, riser FX, vocals, some bass and lead guitar etc to see what my hardware DAW setup can take with playback and record. I would probably will never do a song this long and this many tracks again with heavy FX! This is first time i've tried a trance or dance type sound track but a friend asked, so the experiment went ok. I Just normally song write my own style guitar based, that is influence by all music from, indie, rock, RnB blues and funk to hip-hop etc HARDWARE on windows 10 PC AMD Ryzen 5 2500X Quad 3.6GHZ 16GB Ram 1 TB Drive for storage: Western Digital WD10EZEX Blue 1 TB 7200 RPM 64 MB Cache SATA 6.0 GB/s 3.5 inch - Performance and reliability for each day computing Ultra cool and quiet and can run less important software like word and email. To run the DAW software and OS i use a solid state drive WD Green SSD WDS120G2G0A - - 120 GB - SATA 6Gb/s 600Mb a second which is better for audio and video, realty i got it cheap and probably would have gone bigger and faster if i had the money! NB: Best to do a CWBL project (soundtrack song etc) on your fast drive (solid state drive), then move to your big TB storage drive once you mastered and finished your sound track to keep space free on your fast drive. You can fill up 120GB quite fast, so better to have two drives and maybe a external drive, i also have a 120GB USB2 drive to transfer stuff. Not telling anyone to suck eggs, this are just tips and what i did for under 1K. The PC DAW system i built with UMC 1820 interface (8 in/outs, 48 phantom and i use the Spdif which is a good feature) extra USB and midi cables, some new Sony MDR 7506 Headphones (on offer at the time) and all software (windows AD drums 2) cost under £1000 which was my budget! So you can build a good system under £1000 that runs CWBL well. Admitted i Already have dual monitor display, old Audio monitors with a little bass bin and Studio beat II headphones for testing which i find good for tracking vocals. i compare the monitor speakers and the beats II with the Sony MDR 7506 with mixing and mastering for testing different outputs to get a realistic balance, that how i do mastering and mixing. Behringer UMC 1820 record buffer i set at 256 samples so the effective latency at 44khz 5.8Msec is pretty good ASIO driver, playback with lots of tracks i go up to 1024 for mixing and mastering sometimes. I guess latency is the issue most people have with recording vocals or guitar etc having echo with monitor in CWBL, can be a issue which takes some messing with CWBL drivers and settings, bouncing down sections or full tracks with effects etc help to reduce load on PC, this pc handled it all. I record at 44Khz 24bit with 64 engine, to be honest you cant hear anything past 22Khz and most people can't hear 18Khz. The Behringer UMC 1820 runs stable ay 44Khz which is studio quality. Yes you can go up to 48Khz or 96Khz so you can zoom in to EQ frequencies from the digital quantisation having better parameters to manipulate unwanted noise or hum etc but can put m ore load on the PC. Hay but i'm not Sony, i don't have Sony money or the time and the only benefit is better manipulation but if your recording is good in the first place it don't matter that much! You don't really get better quality of sound! Anyone hope you like the Vibe. There is a few more songs on my channel that are totally different, but shows you when i started playing and recording music in 2014 on old 8 track to the last 4 songs on You-tube are DAW, still getting use to DAW Whoisp recording Artist
  20. After full windows update same problem, reinstall cakewalk a fatal error c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32|wdmaud.drv Crash dump file created
  21. Cakewalk crash pressing play - version i am currently updating windows 10 to version 2004. Problem, I Started a new project to rule out plugins or effects etc. Second time i have used cakewalk, first project went OK, just not used for one week and not sure if a windows update caused a issue or something. Behringer UMC drivers seem good and stable. System Processor AMD Ryzen 5 2500X Quad-Core Processor, 3600 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor and 16GB RAM - SATA disks etc are well capable of running cakewalk. Probably will reinstall after windows update. But if anyone had the same problem , any ideas, i will update later after updates!
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