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Everything posted by Amicus717

  1. Available here: https://www.vsl.co.at/en/News/2022-08_String_Special "Take advantage of fresh offers on all string libraries of the Synchron Series, SYNCHRON-ized Series and the Big Bang Orchestra, only through August 31, 2022!"
  2. Info is here: https://www.steinberg.net/promotion/ $116.00 (reg $194.00)
  3. Available here: https://musicalsampling.com/amber/ "Performed by Amber Balltzglier, Atelier Series Amber is the first of it’s kind – a true, triple-tracked legato vocal library. That means we recorded all of the performances three times (per vowel) and stacked them on top of each other. This way the subtle inconsistencies in speed/pitch between each vocal take can play off each other, resulting in a performance/sound that resides somewhere between a solo vocal and a choir. "
  4. Update: the Sale page is now live https://sonuscore.com/step-up-sale-2022
  5. I don't recall seeing it any lower than this. That's a pretty great price. I have it, and it's a pretty good library for what it is - by that, I mean it's a great sketching library, and also a nice accessory library to Sonokinetic's phrase-based ones. It's recorded in the same hall with the same players, I believe, so it blends with the loops pretty seamlessly. I use it for both of the above purposes, and I also like the sound of the high strings when the mod wheel is dialed in low - they have a certain quiet sheen that I like, and I use them in my template as a kind of sordino articulation. Da Capo's got some weird limitations, though. The instrument note range is a bit tighter than I'd like for the strings (they don't go as high as you'd expect), and the brass has no trumpets, which I always thought was pretty strange; it's just tubas/trombones and french horns. There are legatos for the strings, brass and woodwinds, but the transitions are really subtle and understated. The woodwinds are breathy in the middle range, and I'd hesitate to leave them exposed in the mix or arrangement. The percussion samples sound nice, but the instrument selection is limited -- just the very basics, from bass drum and timps to snares, toms and cymbals. It's enough to work with for very basic drafts and test arrangements. So for sketching, or adding some orchestral vibe behind a prog rock tracks, or similiar, I think Da Capo is a pretty good product. If you're planning on doing any hardcore orchestral work, you'll want more.
  6. Available here: https://www.bestservice.com/deals/step_up_promotion_2022_up_to_50_off_4319.html Includes crossgrades for Eduardo Tarilonte's libraries, which is always a good value...
  7. Sonuscore is showing a "Step Up Sale 2022" on their website (and I got an email about it). Seems that upgrades to The Orchestra will be available at a discount for the balance of August. Note: However, the sale page is currently "not found". I would presume that's a temporary error. https://sonuscore.com Sale Page (currently not working): https://sonuscore.com/step-up-sale-2022
  8. Update: Sonokinetic has reported to me that they have fixed the issue. I took a look at my cart, and it now reflects the "completion price" listed on the sale page. So, all good. Gotta say, this is quite the deal...
  9. I'm seeing a discrepency between the price listed on the sale page, and what is in my cart, however. I've already contacted Sonokinetic about it... Yan, I'd be curious if you are seeing the same thing. My sale page price is €376,86, but this is the price actually in my cart €628.75
  10. 71% off bundles, and up to 50% off single instruments. The bundle price will be adjusted based on what you already own, so there will be no paying twice for the same library, which is rather a nice touch. Info is here: https://www.sonokinetic.net/sale Ends in two weeks.
  11. Drums of War 3 is out. For any owners of the previous libraries, you may have a unique 20% off coupon in your inbox, so check there first: https://cinesamples.com/product/drums-of-war-3 Also, a percussion sale at Cinesamples: https://cinesamples.com/productGroup/on-sale/
  12. Check it out here: https://cinesamples.com/ End of Life stuff, being discontinued on July 1st: https://cinesamples.com/productGroup/end-of-life
  13. Fly to LA and offer John Williams $25,000 to tutor me in orchestration.
  14. Available here: https://emergenceaudio.com/product/cello-textures/
  15. Starts today, runs for 14 days: https://www.native-instruments.com/en/specials/2022/music-production-suite-5-offer
  16. My Presonus gives me everything I need, at least right now. Really enjoy using it. I have heard Antelope has awesome hardware and converters, but I've also heard rumblings that Antelope's drivers can be a bit twitchy. Any truth to that?
  17. My Quantum replaced the RME Babyface I got second-hand about five years ago, and which I now use with my laptop. It's a really sweet piece of gear -- sounds terrific, and in five years of constant and fairly demanding use, never gave me a moment's trouble. The UFX+ looks like an epic piece of gear, but I judged that it was overkill for my purposes. The Quantum has been rock-solid and sounds awesome. This Neve unit does look really interesting. I'd love to hear the preamps on it. I'm seeing it listed for $1,250 US, which I'm guessing is pretty good, when factoring in two Neve preamps...The folks at Vintageking got their hands on one and did some testing: https://vintageking.com/blog/2022/06/recording-with-the-ams-neve-88m-interface/
  18. I read somewhere (I think Sound On Sound), that the one USB3 device they tested that had really good low latency performance was the RME Fireface UFX+, which they said matched it's TB performance (the interface has both connectors). They said RME's implementation and drivers were the difference maker. I was tempted by the UFX+ when I was shopping for a new interface, but opted for the Presonus Quantum (based in part on Jim's advice), and am very happy I did; for all-midi dudes like me, TB is pretty awesome.
  19. ^^^ This... Which brings me to the other things that makes me temporarily happy: bourbon... Sigh...
  20. ..while playing their third string goalie and dealing with a lovely string of injuries. If Crosby didn't get hurt, the Pens win in six.... Regardless, I thought the Pens turned in a gutsy performance.
  21. Listened to "Constellations Colide", and liked it a lot. Great song, mix sounded clean and clear to me. Very nice.
  22. Downloading and trying out a new instrument library Working in my woodshop Playoff hockey (...sometimes...but not this year) ....maybe next year
  23. I read something along those lines at VI Control, although I think it was in reference to the Mac version, which isn't relevant to me anyway. I get a sense these are actually pretty mature products with most of the bugs ironed out, and if I really need to, OT is going to be offering the usual upgrade path down the road (or so I understand), so I can move to Sine if/when they get those bugs ironed out and the app matures. I'm content enough with that level of risk. They do sound pretty awesome, and the choirs in particular are quite nice.
  24. Yeah, it’s normally pricey enough I’ve held off buying it for a long time. But this deal is a really good opportunity to grab the original Kontakt versions at a pretty great price. Now that I’ve played through what I got, I think it was worth it.
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