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Everything posted by Amicus717

  1. It's good, for what it is. Any purpose-built library will outperform a factory patch in a hundred different ways, but for a general purpose tool, the new Factory 2 patches are well-made and sound pretty good. And they are 100% a long-overdue upgrade to the original Factory library. The difference is pretty big, to my ears. They have the kind of strengths and limitations you'd expect: not a huge amount of detail or flexibility, but quality samples and easy-to-run scripting. I'd use the Factory 2 library for doing fast sketches on my laptop any day, and I probably will. They're perfect for that role.
  2. Same for me. Cremona Strings are top-notch, and going from 11U to 13CE was a pretty nice upgrade. 14CE doesn't thrill me. I am indifferent to Ashlight, and while Choir Omnia looks pretty nice, I've already got a half-dozen choir libraries I don't use (and a few that I do), including most of George Strezov's. So I don't see a real advantage to having this one -- at least, not $700 worth of advantage, anyway.
  3. Very easy - click on the gear icon on the bottom left of the thumbnail view, and select the folder you want to add. The one thing you can't do with non-Player libraries is use the new tagging system to sort them -- "bowed strings" or whatever. But you can favorite them, so the ones you use regularly can be made very easy to find.
  4. This ^^ In my brief overview, I didn't mention the ability to 'favorite' presets in the thumbnail view, which is a very nice little detail - especially when you've got a lot of non-Player libraries with complex folder and patch structures.
  5. Info here: https://www.vsl.co.at/en/Synchron_Series/Synchron_World_Winds Standard Library: € 395 € 595 Full Library: € 590 € 850 From the site... "Exceptional instruments, recorded at Synchron Stage Vienna Nine ethnic solo instruments Exceptional level of realism and sonic excellence Multible microphone positions with a variety of pre-configured mixer presets Instrument specific articulations" They do sound pretty nice... It also looks like these new instruments can all be purchased separately, also: https://www.vsl.co.at/en/News/2022-10_WW_Special
  6. I tend to skip versions. Not by design, just based on finances and whether or not the upgrade has stuff I really want.
  7. So far, the hiDPI libraries I’ve loaded up look fine, and to my eyes are non-distracting. However, the only ones I’ve got that have this interface are in Factory Library 2, and none of them are animated. They’re just static. The stand-alone Omnia Choir library has animation that reacts to the mod wheel(?), but I don’t own that one and haven’t experienced it directly..
  8. I bought the Kontakt 7 update. I have Komplete 13 Collector's Edition, but the new stuff in K14 Collector's Edition doesn't interest me enough to pay $700 for it. But the $129 Cdn update for Kontakt 7 was low enough to tempt me into checking out the Factory Library 2 and the new library browser. So far, I like it. I regularly use a mix of Kontakt Player and non-Player libraries, and being able to add non-Player libraries to the browser and see all the patches at a glance in the right side window is actually pretty nice. The patch window can be stretched, and you can expand it out so the various patches display in columns. I find this is particularly useful with libraries like the 8Dio Anthology Strings, which have a ton of articulations broken out a hundred different ways. You can scroll through the patches quickly, and stuff is easier to find. That has been my experience, so far. The new browser windows has already become my preferred view. The Factory Library 2 is a pretty solid upgrade to the aged original. Some pretty nice sounds in here: 1) The orchestral ones (created by Orchestral Tools) are quite good for basic patches, with scripted legatos and the minimum fundamental articulations. Nothing at all fancy, but perfectly useable for mockups or similar. 2) The Choir patches are pretty good, including a nice little set of Strezov-recorded basic vowel sounds. They don't have a ton of character, and I wouldn't use them if the choir was going to be overly exposed in the mix/arrangement, but in a strong, dense passage where you need to pump up the epic vibe, they'd work just fine. 3) I didn't spend a lot of time going through the Band and Acoustic patches, but the ones I did try were good. Not hugely detailed, but good quality samples and they play well. 4) The Synth patches and similar aren't on my radar, for the most part, so haven't even looked in those folders yet. I'll get around to them eventually. As for the high DPI interfaces: I work on a 55" 4K monitor, so bigger interface windows are usually better, and the high DPI ones in the Factory 2 library are nice to look at. But the control elements are not really any different, at least from the perspective of button/dial size and font size -- really just the same size controls, but spaced further apart. I can see this being a useful feature down the road when someone creates instrument panels that utilize it properly. But at the moment its neither here nor there. But overall, I'm happy with the update.
  9. Info here: https://8dio.com/products/the-new-hybrid-tools-1-instrument-for-kontakt-vst-au-aax
  10. I second this: $50 is a steal. For $35?... 8Dio seems to be a polarizing developer, but their flash sales and uber-deals helped me get started with all this midi nonsense and so I have a soft-spot for them. I picked up Anthology Strings pretty early in my library buying days, and since then I've added a lot of great string libaries to my collection, including Cinesamples, Sonokinetic, Orchestral Tools, Spitfire, Musical Sampling, Project SAM, EastWest etc and I use them all quite a bit (well, except for EastWest). But years later I still have Anthology Strings in my template because there is a certain vibe to their patches that I just don't get with other libraries. Not all their patches -- the shorts don't really thrill me (although they are quite useable), and the trems, marcatos and pizzicatos are decent but not spectacular. But to my ears, their legato patches are killer if you want angst and over-the-top schmaltz. Over-the-top schmaltz is kind of what I do, so I rarely finish an orchestral project that doesn't use the Anthology legatos in some capacity. It's not a subtle library, and it's got some age spots, etc. Blending them with other libraries isn't too difficult, although some libraries blend with Anthology easier than others, and it takes a bit of tweaking. But it's a full-throttle set of strings that you can do a LOT with, for the cost of a half-tank of gas. As noted: full Kontakt only.
  11. You are far too kind. Thanks. And yeah the demos for this one sound spectacular, to my ears. Solo clarinet libraries that sound this good are a real treasure. I often find that solo clarinet patches in other libraries don't quite capture the instrument the way I'd like, as the clarinet is really expressive and the contrast between soft and loud playing is pretty big; sometimes the transitions from soft to loud come with phasing effects or sound doubled or similiar. This one sounds like it won't do that. I haven't actually tested it yet -- gotta finish my workday -- but I can't wait to fire it up.
  12. I dropped a quick word to the Spitfire folks via their chat feature, and the live agent told me they are aware, and their "enginners are working on it".
  13. The site is almost unuseable, at the moment. Slower than molasses, and stuff doesn't stay in your cart...
  14. This is right in my wheelhouse. I bought before I even posted the link.
  15. Info here: https://www.spitfireaudio.com/instruments?is_on_promo=true Update: As I type this, the site is slooooow. They must be getting crushed. Or the new design is coughing up a hair-ball. I've tried to add something to my cart for a few mins, and haven't succeeded...just FYI
  16. Info here: https://musicalsampling.com/barker-clarinet/ "Barker Clarinet is a true legato clarinet library performed by conductor and educator, Joshua Barker. Recorded at Orb Studios in Austin, TX – we aimed to create an agile, emotive clarinet. We recorded all of the performances with natural, progressive vibrato. In our view, this helps warm up the sound and expands the emotional range of the instrument. Each patch was produced to more uniquely address certain contexts. The Emotional patch includes a more subtle style of vibrato – fragile but confident. The Workhorse patch is an agile, mezzo-forte instrument – great for traditional, upbeat contexts. The Fat Lead was actually recorded in the same space as Sasaki Trumpet/Austin Saxes – initially intended as an energetic compliment to those two libraries. What we found is that it also serves as an excellent, emotional instrument for strong, dramatic contexts where you really want the clarinet to properly sing. Lastly, we included a Breaths patch – to help sell the performance with both short inhales and longer, subdued inhales with the clarinetist in the ready position."
  17. Really like the chord progressions in this one. Quite lovely. I listened on my AT M50x earphones, and it all sounded nice to me. Clear and warm.
  18. I liked this a lot. Fun listen. And I also caught a Pink Floyd-ish vibe to all this. Pretty hypnotic.
  19. So, I spent yesterday evening messing around with Celtic ERA 2, and I like it quite a bit. However, I'm a total sucker for this kind of stuff -- I use these kind of ethnic libraries a lot, and can't get enough of them. So, take this mini-review with a chunk of salt. If you've already got Celtic ERA 1, and you like it, then I think this a great addition for $99. The new instruments are excellent, and I know I'll find them useful. The additional pipes and flutes are especially awesome, with a great vibe and lots of articulation options. I have a thing for wooden and folk flutes -- I must have 20 or 30 various folk flute patches from a whole bunch of libraries, including Tarilonte's other Eras, and they have become a huge part of my sound. Celtic ERA 2 adds some really nice ones, including the Asubia, which Tarilonte describes as a Galician Ocarinne. It's got a unique flavor, and I don't have anything quite like it in my collection. The additional bag pipes are great, and really nicely recorded. Same for the new percussion instruments. They added a skin snare and a tom that sound really good, to my ears, and should be easy to add to a percussion mix. Finally, Tarilonte tossed in a few extra Soundscape patches, which are always a welcome addition. I also like the new interface -- less busy, and much easier on the eyes. So, I think this is a no-brainer upgrade for original Celtic Era fans. If you're new to the Celtic Era library, but this kind of instrument collection would be useful, then you should give this library a serious look. These are great patches, and the instruments on offer cover a lot of ground. Of note: Personally, I find Tarilonte's libraries have a learning curve, and programming them takes a bit of work if you want things sounding realistic. Many of the instruments have lots of articulation selections beyond the basic legato/sustain/staccato options, including various ornaments, trills, slides, and the like. So, to get full value from them requires an investment of time. But if you put in the effort and have the knack for it, the results are usually pretty spectacular. Also, this is an Engine library, and I know some folks really don't like Engine's interface. I'm not exactly keen on it myself, with it's too-small controls and circa-1998 interface. But it gets the job done, it's quite stable on my system, and I really don't find it a problem. Considering how awesome Tarilonte's libraries are (I have all the Eras), it's totally worth the minor irritation. As always YMMV, but I'm really happy I got this one.
  20. Of course, I've already bought it, and will give it a run through tonight, let folks know how it all sounds. Not that we need to worry -- Eduardo's stuff is awesome...
  21. The upgrade page for Celtic Era owners: https://www.bestservice.com/celtic_era_2_upgrade.html $99 pricing...
  22. Info is here: https://www.bestservice.com/celtic_era_2.html The authentic Sound of Celtic Myths Let us take you on a musical journey back in time. With Celtic ERA 2 by Eduardo Tarilonte the gates to the high north have been unlocked. Discover Celtic culture through sounds which have shaped Ireland's landscape musically for generations. Eduardo Tarilonte's Celtic ERA 2 marks a major upgrade to his Celtic instrument collection, adding additional instruments as well as a revamped and streamlined GUI. Celtic ERA 2 proves to be not only the perfect instrument collection for film scores and TV documentaries about the Emerald Isle, but also for composers that want to add unique and high quality sounds to their music. Top Features at a Glance 25 GB library with a total of over 25,000 samples 36 Celtic Wind, String and Percussion instruments, rich in detail and recorded in pristine quality Four additional instruments from the Bronze Age: Cranyx, Cornu, Dord and War Horns All instruments consist of extensive multisamples (24 bit/44.1 kHz) with several dynamic levels, various articulations, round-robin, real legato as well as glissando samples Recorded using selected Kahayan U47-microphones into preamplifiers by the same manufacturer Recorded by outstanding musicians of the Irish music scene Including authentic phrases as MIDI-patterns as well as inspiring soundscapes
  23. I keep wondering if I'd find it useful. I've heard nothing but good things, but I honestly don't know if it would suit my kind of music...
  24. Just saw these (I don't check this forum nearly enough). Thanks for making them available. I use VSL stuff on a regular basis.
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