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Everything posted by Amicus717

  1. At least the Eduardo Tarilonte libraries are included.
  2. I have Joshua Bell Essential. So far it does everything I'd want a solo violin library to do, and at the moment I have no urge to upgrade to the full version. It's a very nice library. I have the Friedlander one, too, and it's solid and expressive. I find Joshua Bell to be a bit more refined and elegant. Both are really good.
  3. I steer clear of Aria Sounds completely - I made the mistake of buying their first solo cello library from a few years ago, and it's flat out un-useable. And I've heard nothing but bad things about this string library.
  4. Good libraries. I have CineBrass Core and CineBrass Sonore, and like them a lot. These are pretty good deals.
  5. I bought a used RME Babyface for $300 a few years ago, and it has been the best interface I have ever owned, hands-down. Sounds great, works perfectly. In the entire time I've owned it, I don't recall a single crash caused by the hardware or drivers. At $300 it was a total steal, even for a 7 year old interface - I could sell it tomorrow for $500, and I bet it still has years of life left in it.
  6. Great. Love the vibe to this one. Nice and tight, and a really clear mix.
  7. VSL's own info page for the above product: https://www.vsl.co.at/en/Synchron_Series/Synchron_Strings_Pro#!Product_Info
  8. For what it's worth, I have Dark Era and it's pretty awesome -- if you like that kind of thing. Totally worth the crossgrade price.
  9. I assume its the mousepad that is 35" wide? 'cause that would be a pretty big mouse...
  10. Really nice song. Like the pacing and the relaxed vibe to it. I am wondering if I'm hearing a bit of vocal clipping in it? Example, at the 1:31 mark? Overall, I like it a lot, and the backing vocals are a really nice touch. Great stuff. Rob
  11. That is great, Wookie. Very chill, and a fun listen. Mix sounds very good to my ears - I can hear all the details, and there is a nice sense of space to it. Nice work!
  12. Thanks, Chandler! Appreciate the listen and comments. Thanks, Wook! Thanks garybrun! Appreciate it. Getting more clarity on the percussion was something I was deliberately attempting to do. Very kind words, Bitflipper. Thank-you very much. One of the real benefits that I've discovered in creating purpose-built music like this: you are given definite limits and requirements, and meeting those limits is both really instructive and, in my opinion, can greatly enhance creativity. It forces you to be very disciplined, but also pushes you to be very inventive at the same time. And I have been finding that a very productive place to be. Thanks for all the listens and kind words, folks. Very helpful, and greatly appreciated Rob
  13. I'm using AOL's browser, and this...
  14. Nice! Like this a lot. Really good mix, and a nice orchestration. I really enjoyed the main theme, and the thematic development during the piece. Also, I thought the mix of orchestra and keyboards/guitar/voice was really effective. The only suggestion I'd make is possibly a moment of dynamic variation later in the piece - maybe before the main theme gets stated in its fullest presentation, it might make for a nice contrast to pull the intensity right down for a bar or two, then bring it back with a bang. Also, a key change modulation somewhere in here might be a nice touch, too. Those aren't criticism, just observations. I like really enjoyed listening to this. Rob
  15. Naw, this happens on multiple computers, and manifests differently if I'm typing on my phone or one of my home computers.
  16. Is anyone else experiencing any kind of text spacing problems when typing a forum message? I find that every few words I have to hit the space bar more than a few times to shift the cursor over, and the finished post will look okay in one browser, but in other browser will have instances of excessive spaces between some words and no space between others. I’ve even noticed older posts from a few months ago will have some spacing issues when I call them up. Anyone else seeing this?
  17. Good song, and a nice spacious mix. I really liked the guitar work in this one. Enjoyed listening to it. Rob
  18. Thanks, HS - appreciate the listen and comments. Getting the right progression of instruments abd making it all sound organic took a surprising amount of try and re-try - one of the side-effects of having so many different options to choose from in my library collection Thanks Douglas! Glad to hear the mix worked for you -- this was a tough one to put together, from that perspective. There is so much going on, especially in the final quarter, that it was a real balancing act, and I've listened to it so much over the past few days, I no longer have perspective on it.
  19. That was really a fun listen. Enjoyed it a lot. Great song. I like the vibe of the piece, and I really like the vocal work. That's a lot of lyrics, and you flow through them smoothly and with l some nice control and authority. Sounds very good. The overall sound struck me as the performance of a really tight band rocking out at a bar. The only thing that sort of caught my attention was the sound of the lead guitar, which seems to be buried a bit in room ambiance. That's not a criticism, per se -- this genre of music is not my specialty and I don't feel like I can make really deep comments on it -- but it struck me as being almost in a different soundscape than the lead vocals, which are very forward and present, and I personally found the contrast to be a bit distracting. Not a really a criticism, just a personal observation. I also heard a bit of clipping (or maybe processing artifacts) at 1:21 and 1:23, and maybe a bit after (this is in reference to Mix 2). But overall I really like the song and the musicianship. Great performances all around. Rob
  20. Amicus717


    This is very, very nice. Relaxing, and with enough going on to maintain interest. Really enjoyed it. Also, the mix is clean and detailed, and came across as very three dimensional to my ears. A great listen, all around. Rob
  21. This is great - the 7/8 time works really well (and after a few bars begins to feel quite natural), and the vocal/instrumental work is really good. Nice mix, too. Good stuff all around. Rob
  22. Hi folks, I updated and revised a bit of this track, added some more details and improved (I think) the mix, including taming a few instruments that were getting a bit out of hand. I'd be very curious to hear folks comments on the newer version:
  23. Hey Wookie, this one is kind of hypnotic and yet slightly unsettling at the same time - which is an impressive combination. Nice combo of sounds and tones, and the mix is clear and has nice detail. Rob
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