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Jim Roseberry

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Everything posted by Jim Roseberry

  1. I'm not going to waste substantial time/energy arguing a point that's extremely obvious. Windows has a 30-year leap on Linux as a DAW platform. Why would anyone want migrate to a limited number of supported audio interfaces, a limited number of plugins, a very limited number of DAW application choices, a platform where they essentially are left fending for themselves (no real support), etc. None of the major DAW app and plugin developers are developing for Linux. It's not hard to understand... nor understand why (ridiculously small niche market, no profit). Linux DAWs are a "solution" to a problem that doesn't exist.
  2. It was an honorable thing (upon his passing) that Bob transferred ownership of Moog to his employees. IMO, It's sad that none of those employees had the passion, vision, drive to take Moog to even greater places. This is kind of like a capital finance company buying Guitar Center (and now Sweetwater). Sure hope Sweetwater stays relatively the same. My 30-year Sales Engineer Stuart Hisey retired just before the company was sold. Felt a strange sense of being abandoned. ? The one constant is that nothing stays the same.
  3. I'm sure there's overlap between VST3 specs and MIDI 2.0 specs. I'm not aware of any major piece of gear that's actually using MIDI 2.0 It'll probably be another decade before it's common. ?
  4. One of my best friends from HS (in my band) got the Juno-106 when it came out. I was never crazy about it. It's easy to program... because it doesn't have many options. The much lauded Chorus circuit is noisy. The Jupiter-8 isn't my favorite vintage synth, but I think it's better than the Juno-106. OB-X, Memory Moog, and MiniMoog are my favorites... with Prophet-5 also in the mix.
  5. I just saw the Email. When the founder passes (or even just moves on), a company is often never quite the same. The original passion and vision just aren't there. I hope this doesn't end up like Creative/Emu. I had an original MiniMoog Model D (bought it from a HS band-mate for $50). It was badly in need of service... and I let it sit and collect dust (for years). Finally sold it to a friend. Always loved that raw "electric" sound. It's almost like you can hear the electricity running thru it. Forward to a couple years ago. I saved and liquidated a lot of gear to grab a MoogOne. I was hoping it would be my one-and-done "be all" analog synth. On paper, it should have been exactly that. In reality, it had serious intonation issues... that go far beyond analog drift. The reissue Model D (MiniMoog) and Matriarch don't suffer from this issue... neither do the OB-X8 or Prophet 10 (or any other modern analog). Gave up on the idea of having a polyphonic Moog. Decided to get rid of several things and just grab the reissue Model D. It's uber simple... but it has THAT sound. I can leave the Model D on for days... and intonation is tighter than the One. Sad... but not surprising. Akai is still releasing new (somewhat innovative) products under InMusic... but I don't think it's the same as when Roger Linn was involved.
  6. One of the saddest (IMO) was when Creative bought Emu. Just quietly faded away...
  7. Took what, 40 years?! And how many devices are 2.0 capable?
  8. I generally don't like the idea of sampled analog synths... but this sounds particularly good.
  9. Aside from the CPU Core parking issue in later versions of Win10, there's no significant performance difference between Win10/Win11. For those running 12th/13th Gen Intel CPUs, it's that "compelling" reason we've been waiting for.
  10. I didn't like some of the default GUI changes in Win11. With some tweaks and a little time, I don't find it much different than Win10.
  11. If you're running 12th or 13th Gen Intel CPUs, you're currently (essentially) forced to move to Win11. Microsoft has broken the ability to disable CPU Core Parking in Win10. Have a look at your cores in Resource Monitor. If you've applied necessary tweaks to disable CPU Core Parking, you will see that it's (now) not disabled. If you're running heavy loads at low latency, this kills performance. The couple ms it takes to unpark the cores can cause glitches.
  12. My guess is that the existing (old???) user-base will need backward compatibility (for old/existing) projects.
  13. I think it's a good thing that Bandlab is finding a way to monetize Cakewalk/Sonar. To be taken seriously by the industry as a whole, Cakewalk/Sonar needs perceived value. To effectively re-enter the market and compete head-to-head with other top DAW applications, it can't be free. That doesn't mean it needs to be overly expensive... or an inflexible subscription. Seeing long-time Cakewalk staff returning under Bandlab's tenure is heartening. For Cakewalk/Sonar to have a future, there needs to be a vision/plan. It's good to see Bandlab showing the initiative. For those cautious about the future, I totally get that. Keep in mind that most of the major DAW applications have been sold to more broad-based companies. Cubase (Yamaha) Logic (Apple) Samplitude (Magix) Cakewalk (Roland/Gibson/Bandlab) Presonus Studio One is owned by a more broad-based company. IMO, Roland squandered an opportunity with Cakewalk/Sonar. Hardware synths, effects, etc are a natural extension of a DAW. Many brands/products have "gone away" under the umbrella of Gibson. IMO, Gibson needs to focus on being a Heritage guitar maker. Getting into fields where you have no expertise is risky. Putting robotic tuners (which don't work well - inaccurate tuning) on a coveted heritage US made $3000+ guitar is perhaps not the best decision. To ultimately get rid of those Les Pauls, they had to offer Grover Locking Tuners (so those who purchased could return the Les Paul to "normal"). With the right direction/funding/etc, Cakewalk/Sonar could compete with the best-of-the-best. That's what I'd like to see. Back to innovative features/developments. FWIW, I think Cakewalk should focus on what they know best. Virtual Instruments and Effects are a separate realm of knowledge/skill.
  14. Not here to bash on RME, they've been great over many years. Myself and numerous professional clients are running Antelope audio interfaces 24/7. No glitches, no disconnects, nothing but 100% reliability... 100% of the time. I have zero regrets migrating from the UFX+. For the same cost (when I purchased): Better converters Better preamps Better DIs Significantly lower round-trip latency (sub 1ms) At 96k, the UFX+ won't let you use a 32-sample ASIO buffer size (let alone 24, 16, etc)
  15. RME is absolutely rock-solid. Their interfaces have been since the Prodif days (this was prior to the original Hammerfall). Orion Studio Synergy Core's round-trip latency is significantly lower than the Fireface UFX+ (also connected via Thunderbolt). The UFX+ can achieve sub 5ms RTL. That's a large factor in why I moved from the UFX+ to the Orion Studio Synergy Core. At 96k using a 32-sample ASIO buffer size, round-trip latency is 1ms (measured via RTL Utility). One critique of Antelope is that they have a way of over-complicating things. Look at the name Orion Studio Synergy Core. ? If you can get past the learning curve, their current generation audio interfaces are some of the best available.
  16. FWIW, I run an Orion Studio Synergy Core. Runs 24/7 connected via Thunderbolt. Absolutely rock-solid... Though I have many of their plugins, I'm not particularly crazy about them.
  17. Uhh... I don't recall saying the video was talking about DAW specific performance. I'm saying I don't have to watch someone else's video to extrapolate/gauge DAW performance. I've done extensive testing with both. I'm quite aware of his and other YouTube videos. If you actually spent time/resources directly comparing the two CPUs (vs reading and watching YouTube), you'd be directly aware of the differences. AMD has slightly better IPC. Intel manages to achieve higher turbo frequency across multiple cores. The 7950x is a great performer. The 13900k (for most purposes - including DAW) slightly outperforms the 7950x... and costs slightly less.
  18. FWIW, I don't need to watch a YouTube video to tell me about DAW performance. I've been doing this professionally for 30 years. ie: I was professionally building DAWs when the guy in the above video was born. Cinebench R23 is a quick/easy way to gauge multi-core performance. It's based on Cinema 4D (3D modeling and animation). That's not a synthetic benchmark in the realm of Passmark/etc. Both the 7950x and 13900k can run IK's ToneX at 96k using a 16-sample ASIO buffer size. If the audio interface can go that low, that translates to ~0.5ms total round-trip latency. I'm in no way saying 7950x performance is bad/poor. What I am saying is that the 7950x is slightly more expensive... for slightly lower performance (vs 13900k).
  19. I've tested the 7950x and 13900k side by side (extensively). The 7950x can't get more than one simultaneous core at Max Turbo. That's why the 13900k bests it in nearly all scenarios. All you have to do is look at Cinebench R23 multi-core test results: 13900k is over 40k 7950x is 38k
  20. I should also add that 12th and 13th Gen CPUs run fine under Win10. The problem (now) with Win10 is that Microsoft has broken the ability to disable CPU core parking. There's currently no way to disable it (if running 12th/13th Gen CPUs). Otherwise, there's little difference in performance. The new thread-scheduler in Win11 doesn't make a massive difference.
  21. IPC is important... but you can't ignore the importance of high clock-speed. ie: 7950x slightly bests the 13900k in IPC However, 13900k bests the 7950x in both single-core and multi-core performance (due to achieving higher clock-speed)
  22. The demo sounds (to my ears) are fantastic. Gonna have to get this.
  23. What you ideally want is highest clock-speed *and* highest core count. What you don't want is more cores... at the expense of significant clock-speed. Xeon CPUs have many cores... but significantly slower clock-speed that standard CPUs. They're terrible for DAW purposes (by comparison).
  24. Speaking of "Rage Against The Machine", Quad Cortex owners are still waiting on the editor, better file management, etc. ?
  25. Roger Linn himself demo'd the Linnstrument for me at Gearfest. It was great meeting and talking with him. That was ~3 years ago. I was impressed... so I ordered the larger Linnstrument. MPE was just getting started. Unfortunately, I didn't have time/patience to learn to play it (well). Also had a Roli Seaboard Rise. It was easier to grasp... but I never did get super comfortable playing it. Osmose feels more like playing a traditional keyboard (played one at Sweetwater). Unfortunately, it wasn't (isn't) in-stock to purchase.
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