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Jim Roseberry

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Everything posted by Jim Roseberry

  1. I'd reseat the CPU... That's more of a long-term solution (that was my point). You might also reseat all power connections to the motherboard (worth a try)
  2. FWIW, I would certainly not recommend this. If this is the "solution", there's a problem with the CPU (as mounted). You want the cooler surface to be making best contact possible.
  3. Recent Nvidia cards don't have issues with drivers causing high DPC Latency. In fact, if you're really pushing the limits of ultra low audio latency performance (say running at 32-sample ASIO buffer size or smaller), you're better off with a RTX-3xxx video card than AMD 6xxx. Audio will start glitching sooner with the AMD 6xxx series. I've tested side-by-side with otherwise identical configuration.
  4. Power spin up/down in endless loop is usually either power-supply, motherboard, or (less often) video card. As was suggested, I'd disconnect power, pull the CMOS battery for 12+ seconds, then reinsert the battery and try booting. This will reset the BIOS.
  5. I've got a client who (along with Tim Pierce) meets occasionally at JB's house. This client once accidentally bumped into his hanging 59 Les Pauls (swinging like wind-chimes). ? Note that these aren't reissue '59 LPs (which would still be $7-10k per guitar)... but the real thing. Talk about a brief moment of panic! In all seriousness, I wish IK would Capture JB's amps with ToneX.
  6. Most roomy Mid-Tower cases will accommodate that cooler.
  7. There's also coolers like the IceGiant ProSiphon Elite. It's sort of a hybrid between an air-cooler and water-cooler. It uses a radiator... but relies on gravity vs using a pump.
  8. Typical AIO (all-in-one) water-coolers are closed-loop (no maintenance). The water is circulated thru the radiator via a small pump (similar to how an auto engine is cooled). Custom Loop water-cooling is beyond what most folks want to deal with (both construction and maintenance). Distilled water doesn't conduct electricity. At trade shows, you'll sometimes see an electric device fully submerged in distilled water... running as normal.
  9. I get the fear... but the odds are greatly against a leak. FWIW, I've used scores and scores of AIO water-coolers. Out of all of those, one leaked (caught it before install so it wasn't an issue).
  10. ? With a large top-tier water-cooler, the temps really aren't bad. The 13900k next to me idles in the 30s C.
  11. It's about the same as a Noctual D15. If you're talking 7950x or 13900k, forget air cooling.
  12. I'd like to see more polyphony (32-64 voices)... and less aliasing on the classic waveforms. Great synth... just got a whole lot better I'm guessing the Qm2 will be in the mid $5k range.
  13. ASIO-4-ALL is a terrible "solution" (workaround) for audio interfaces that don't provide a proper ASIO driver. Do yourself a major favor... and grab an audio interface that provides a proper ASIO driver. This issue will be gone... and your overall DAW experience will be more robust. A side benefit will be lower round-trip latency.
  14. Latest Cab and Reverb updates are a huge improvement!
  15. FWIW, Bench fee would likely be significantly more than the unit is worth. I know our local repair facility (authorized for most popular brands) would be $100+/hour... and they have a minimum fee.
  16. Hi Jerry, Just saw this. Been crazy busy with the Holidays. Glad you figured it out.
  17. Once Thunderbolt didn't work for an audio interface, I wrote the Hubs off. USB audio interfaces should work just fine.
  18. Any hub I've tried (that involved Thunderbolt), a Thunderbolt audio interface wouldn't function properly when connected to the Hub. FWIW, A laptop will never be a complete desktop replacement... as there are too many performance limitations, cooling limitation, expansion limitations, etc.
  19. Yes, overheating The min temps are where you'd like to see the max temps.
  20. Have a 2021 MacBook Pro (to support clients) I'm the only one who sees/uses my computers. Having to enter a password every time I make a change (load a driver, etc) is a PITA. Having to verify my identity across devices is extremely annoying. The wife and I have two iPhones, three iPADs, and said laptop. Then... as a PC user, there's the abomination that is iTunes (crap substitute for proper drag/drop file management). Apple is all about control... their control I don't like my machines/gear getting in the way of my work/data. I don't care about any cult-of-personality (Microsoft, Gates, Apple, Jobs, etc). I see iPhone as the lesser of two evils (vs Android). ie: I often have to text video back/forth with bandmates. With Android, video is compressed so much it's useless.
  21. Download HWMonitor... and have a look at temps (under load). Otherwise, I'd have a look at the power-adapter and battery.
  22. Yes, I'm just trying to give a gentle reminder. ?
  23. Need to be able to run a drive/boost pedal captures (in addition to an amp capture)... without running multiple instances of Tonex. The CPU load of captures isn't particularly high. Why not let users configure several captures in a preset? That would offer FAR more flexibility... IK needs to address this.
  24. In my socks... dragging feet on wool carpet! ?
  25. In today's economic climate, it's not realistic. It would take thousands of man hours to re-write Cakewalk to run under Linux and Mac OS. Also, with Linux... it's like stepping back in time 20 years (lack of plugins/etc vs Windows/Mac). The entire DAW using niche is very small compared to general-purpose computer users. Linux DAW users are a tiny segment of all DAW users. The numbers (demand) don't justify the expenditure of time/money. Porting Cakewalk to Mac OS (as Jack mentioned) would require a complete re-write. That means employing more staff... and months of work. A company can't spend those resources... and (essentially) give the result away for free.
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