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Everything posted by SUPAREELS
Thanks Tom, regarding the snare, it's not something I thought about when recording this, as I left the rhythm more as a click guide .. I wish I had paid more attention to now 'cause your right .. ? All the best and stay well Steve
I agree with 'noynekker' it's true that you have used those samples in sympathetic way and it works for me. I think, going to your back catalog, the improvement in your creativity is really evident ! I listened to this in the lounge with a brew looking out at a rainy cold morning ..this somehow fitted my mood, very calming. Steve
If this were brandy it would have XO written on it .. bloody great !!! S
Nothing more to add but just loved it .. have to agree with Tom though ... too short, could listen to this stuff all day ! S
Great song ! for me I didn't think of Springsteen a got sort of Dylan vibe .. in any event great mix and very up ...which we all need ? S
Thanks mate, as regards to the YouTube post, I have had the software ( Power director 365 ) for a while and never used it and I wondered how they make music vids so I give it a shot ... lip sync is a bitch though LOL. Take your point about the drowning, think I got carried away a bit doing the whole thing. Thanks for your comments and keep well my friend. Steve
Just mucking around with Power Director 365
My god what a voice, and you have a professional rhythm in your phrasing .. have not heard anything here more polished ?well done and a big thankyou for the post. S
Having listened to your work over the years, and in comparison, there's so much attitude in this later stuff that works for me. The mix is clean enough and gives a pro feel to the song and your guitar work although a little fussy is top draw .. I think I mean to say ...Great song mate ! Stay well and I hope the misses had a good one ? S
The style of this song is that your vocal falls a little behind the beat, something I love about a lot of your stuff, and I think Daryl has it right as the cumulative result appears as though there is a slight time issue, yep I would say the bass is off a tad but I wouldn't loose sleep over it. Scratchy guitar ? just mix it with a little less high end on the acoustic see how that sounds ...but again, all good really. I believe you know the chorus needs beefing up as that's the message the whole lyric brings you to, so that needs work ... a female vocalist D/T at say 1/3rd left and right in the mix and you harmonizing ...well, who knows, could work .. But for me this sounded great in the studio ..love it and great to hear another KW song ? S
Lyrics right up there, great colab ... LOL S
Nice work and very much enjoyed it . S
Thanks Tom. As usual supa advice? Like a big bruvver you are ( although I'm an old fart sooo it's metaphoric LOL ) S
I always read your comments in high regard, you and Bjorn always seem to get the message in a song, which is refreshing and over the years of listening to your stuff I feel a bit of a fraud, in that you are a true musician as so many here .. I am a lyrics guy with frustrations that I'm not ... so I tip my hat to you and thankyou for listening ? S
Thanks mate, I did this many years ago and your comment is sound ...through time I have learned a lot and would never have mastered this so badly, I will revisit this and post .. thanks again ..stay well S
Sorry for the late response guys .. thankyou for the input as I was thinking of doing this again and it feels like it needs it ( Allan ), I have to do a lot of my mixes on cans ( DT 770 and DT 250s although I do finish a project on monitors ... nod to Bapu many thanks for the listen , the HD 600s are my dream cans, I have other open backs I use to reference, but when I've listened to stuff through them ( other peoples ) everything is so clear and loud ...Gosh I think I have cans envy .. LOL S
Well that's a blast .. your stuff improves all the while. I have to echo Gary's comment 'cause it creative and I thought the countdown was a good touch. I think you found your niche mate ..well done. S
Another laugh thanks ... Wonder what this we sound like back in the day if John / Paul did it ..cause apart from the fade out that's a ringer ... We been locked for what seems a lifetime as the wife was in hospital for 6 months last year with AML and now it starts all over again (Not the AML thank God ... the lock-down) ... and just because your a F/G songwriter I thought you might like to know when she came into the studio, we both had one of them pensive laughs you have one someone has nailed it ! Thanks Daryl S
Why ? It's the way every song of yours works ... kinda soft and unassuming ... ? S
Have to agree with Tom here ...plus the snare sounds a bit on the high side. That's all I got. S
How about a nice bit'O' Hammond, just to carry to carry the M8 @ 2.48 -216 , just for a bluesy feel .. Great voice though .. so different and unique ? S