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Everything posted by Greg

  1. I would have been better off with a $25 voucher vs $50 voucher. Had to get another plugin a already had for 29.to use the $50 voucher.
  2. anyone using this? There was a time I would have instantly got this at this price, but not sure what value I would be gaining after SD3, BFD3, AD, Groove Agent, umpteen kontakt libraries, Accent, Perfect Drums, East West. lol maybe I answered my own question.
  3. Finally heard back from support. After searching though my emails, looks like I bought s-gear from someone on kvr in 2012! Scuffham support told me to contact the guy who sold it to me over 7 years ago and ask him for the upgrade code because they don’t see that a transfer was done. Looks like I might be down one amp sim. Really surprised by the response. While I can’t recall all the details around that transfer, I know I never knowingly at least ever violate any transfer rules , etc.
  4. Looks cool. I wish they would have intro prices. Now l’ll just wait until it’s $79.
  5. Never got an email for the upgrade. Don’t see how to order on website.
  6. I wish they would show some life with an update or new features.
  7. I think they intentionally do this to have people buy the same thing multiple times so they can report higher numbers of products sold to look better to investors or would be buyers. Just my opinion.
  8. Greg

    PA $75 Voucher

    I went for focusrite sc and STD-1 for 74.98. $37.49 each is pretty good! Tempted to get the diezel and amped vr plugins I don’t have but may wait the next deal.
  9. Can get Abbey Road Studio 3 for $43.17 with this.
  10. Wow. Great deal. I just installed the 2TB version last week. I would have gotten the 4TB at that price. . My toontrack footprint fills most of the 2TB.
  11. Can get the new Eddie Kramer bundle for under $28.
  12. Greg

    WD 2 TB SSD

    FYI if you buy this at Amazon with an Amazon credit card you get an extra 10% cash back for a total of 15% back https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B073SBRHH6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1.
  13. What’s new in SampleTank 4.0.9 New Library sorting function lets the user rearrange the Library column View Libraries as text option Filter Library view by authorized / unauthorized New incremental database rebuild for faster sound content rescan time Support for new Libraries Compatible with macOS 10.15 Catalina SampleTank window is now resizable when using custom DPI scaling in Windows Fixed an issue where Cubase HiDPI setting broke SampleTank window resize General optimizations and bug fixes https://www.ikmultimedia.com/userarea/my-products/index.php?FILTER=-&SORT=rel#
  14. Nice. First update since this was released a year ago.
  15. I had a $10 coupon from them in my email from a couple of months ago that still worked so I upgraded FX 2 to Elite for $40. I think I’m getting amp sim fatigue at this point though.
  16. out now. also release notes updated WHAT'S NEW IN REVOICE PRO 4.2 PROCESSING Internal signal processing is now performed using 32 or 64 bit float values. Revoice Plug-ins will support audio with a levels greater than 0dB (If supported by the DAW) You can select to output file format. Now supports 64 bit float wave files. ARA2 Faster operation with large sessions WARP Tools have been redesigned to allow faster working. You can adjust the part of note used to calculate the average pitch You can slip the start and end of notes. Automatic Scale Detection, based on the pitch in your audio Formant shifting Bypass of processes audio (, key) APT Formant shifting New settings panel
  17. Usually updated with something new to follow.
  18. I ordered last night. Larry, did you get the serial #?
  19. I’ve had the subscription for 2 years but have so many other plugins I think I’m going to not renew this time around.
  20. I need a new 2TB. My drum sample 2TB is just about full of toontrack, fxpansion and drumcore samples!
  21. My FX2 upgrade to Elite was $80 last week and $90 with the sale this week. Lol.
  22. I can't order this. Says I have an invalid state. Strange.
  23. I hadn't heard of them before but they were $29 when launched in June as an intro price. Maybe I'll wait for black Friday and see if they match that again.
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