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Xel Ohh

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Everything posted by Xel Ohh

  1. @Matthew Sorrels Yea same thought here.. The crazy thing is that it will play the delayed chords when its not playing or recording in the transport and you can see the chords being triggered in the vst but will not make a sound when the transport is activated. This is why im leaning toward it being something in cakewalk that is not allowing this to work. Hopefully some one can assist hopefully its a bug that can be fixed..?
  2. @Jim Fogle tried that as well .. I put it in the notes but didnt do it in the video.. It still does not work... Even if the volume was all the way down it would show that something is being pressed and in the video I show that i can turn off the start delay while its playing and it will play the note and once I move it the sound stops. So yea.. Not sure what else to try... But thanks @Jim Fogle
  3. Ok... Chordz works when you dont change any settings for timing but once you change the timing in velocity tab in chordz and change the start the key no longer plays when trying to record or just hitting play. I dont know if this is a bug or just something that Cakewalk doesnt allow. The feature works in all the other DAWs I have but Cakewalk. I made a video to show the issue and showed FL Studio using the same vsts and it works... Any feed back on this is welcome I have tried the keyboard all input option as well still nothing. The weird thing is if its not recording or playing in the transport the plugin works fine and you can hear the notes and everything but you will see in the video.. Its kinda long sorry but had to show everything I could to try and resolve.
  4. This is a bug that I get when trying to export from the arranger didnt know I should have posted it here...
  5. I have been having issues with the arranger when trying to click the down arrow to export the arrangement I have made. It does not open the drop down menu its like the button isnt there this happen if I make a beat from start to finish the try to export ...I like to export the arrangement before I commit so I can play it through and have different Ideas before the final mix but it will not let me do this anymore with the new 2020.08 build unless I close cakewalk and pull the project up again then I can use the drop down arrow and export the arrangement. Not sure if anyone else is having this issue it seems to be a bug in the build. Just wanted to inform you guys of what I found.
  6. Thats good to know.. Learn something new everyday... Thanks for the info
  7. I didnt realise this was needed until I started using the matrix more and more. I think this would be a great request for sure. I even made a video using matrix like an MPC..
  8. Yea @Mark Morgon-Shaw I saw all of these on the threads just wanted to add my 2 cents im glad im not the only one that feels that this needs to be done..
  9. I wanted to make a beat with the matrix view seeing that you can do audio and midi and people asked about this matrix and could you use it like an MPC so I made this video to show you the step I took to make a Boom Bap beat with the matrix view . Let me know if you have any questions.. ?
  10. It could be but its not user friendly at all It has a steep learning curve for people to grasp... Thats the same reason I dont really use the tx16w the learning curve is steep... And would take 2 or 3 videos just to explain all the buttons ...lol... I will be sticking with serato sample and komplete Kontrol at this time.. Maybe even the matrix in Cakewalk... It just needs al little more development... And could be so much better.. @aidan o driscoll have you tried Serato Studio.. Its free and has a better work flow than the mpc to me... Let me know what you think about it if you have..?
  11. I made 2 themes to celebrate my 400 subs on youtube they are free to download the link is in the video description. I made a light and dark theme... The dark theme has some elements from Grand Vista Black and Blue by @Canopus . Thanks for making yours so that I can make mine.. I change a few things like the console has blue in the mixer the knobs and meters have been changed but I keep the glossy look.. The light has most of the same elements as the dark I explain in the video.. Free to download and use. I also give some instructions on how to install in the video... Hope this helps and thanks for the support.
  12. I have come across users that dont have midi keyboards and still want to be able to play out on there keyboard like in FL Studio. So I made this video to help with using the computer keyboard as a midi controller. Hope this helps
  13. I understand the concept of getting samplers from other places but native samplers are a must to keep up with the other DAWs. I make videos and tutorials about Cakewalk. I use many different samplers to achieve something that should be native to Cakewalk. I change out drums alot so just using the waves doesnt work for me so I use other things like Sitala or Komplete Kontrol where I can swap out sample at will. I would say over 80% of all the popular music has samples in it. I know not everybody uses it to make music but even the Bandlab app has a sampler in it so you guys know the importance of having one on your app. It is the same for the desktop it needs to happen. The first thing I reach for to do drums or samples is another sampler and people do ask where is Cakewalks sampler and I have to say it doesnt have one.. ?They use to have cyclone or dropzone at least but this version has nothing for the people just finding Cakewalk. I know there have been other people asking for this several times and years have passed and still no sampler. Im just here to let you guys know again the we need a sampler in Cakewalk. This is why myself and others request a native sampler. Hopefully this request can be fulfilled. Thank you
  14. Starship Krupa thanks for the feed back. I know most people are visual beings that why people gravitate to youtube to see how its done... This is just my method of exporting Im pretty sure other people have other ways for doing this its all about preference. Im just trying to help where I can with some of the confusion.
  15. They help alot if your a person that gets beat block... It can make you come up with ideas you wouldnt think of... I know people want to use them but dont know how in Cakewalk thats why I made this video.. Thanks for watching.
  16. Has anyone tried the MPC Beats in the 2020.08? Wanted to know if that bug was fixed before I download the 2020.08 or if anyone can point to the thread where this is being discussed further. Thanks
  17. In this video I go over how to export out of cakewalk weather its for a video, track out, stems, waves or MP3. Let me know if you have any questions.
  18. In this tutorial I go over how to use chord generators in Cakewalk by Bandlab. In this video you will see how I use Reason Scales and Chords | InstaChord | Chordz to make chords. I will show step by step how to set it up in cakewalk so that you can make chords faster and easier.
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