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Xel Ohh

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Everything posted by Xel Ohh

  1. MPC Beats is alot harder to add to the cakewalk work flow to me .. everything is traped inside the vst when you are using MPC Beats and it has a limit of 8 tracks at a time and you cannot have more than one in any session... Sitala is very low on CPU usage and you can have multiple instances of the vst.. it's easy to make templates and easy to edit sounds... You can have all the pads assign to its own channel up to 16 tracks and the best part it's FREE... Hope this helps... Let me know if you have questions..???
  2. I'm going over Sitala in this New #youtube video ... FREEWARE Cookup 5... let me know if you have questions...??? Sitala seems to be a slept on drum sampler so I wanted to show what it can do while make a Boom Bap beat in the process. Until we get our own sampler this be a nice workaround for some.
  3. In this video I use Vinyl Guitar and Sine Player to make a beat from scratch. If you want to learn how to make beats in Cakewalk using free vsts this is the series for you FREEWARE Cookup 4....
  4. In this video I show how to structure your beats for placements. Let me know if you have questions.
  5. If anyone need some visuals on using the Cakewalk 2021.12 update I made a video showing how to use the nested folders ... Let me know how you guys will be using it..?
  6. Cakewalk 2021.12 What's New.. We now have an option for nested folders I give you a hands on how to use them..? Let me know how you will be using them in your projects.
  7. I used RipChord in this FREEWARE Cookup 3 video and it has some great feature that can be helpful in your music production. Let me know what you guys think. I drop alot of gems in this video. So check it out and let me know if you will be using RipChord as well...?
  8. That is true and they are willing to get cracked versions just to use it because they think it is easier and it's what everyone is using on YouTube.. there are only a hand full of people actually making videos for Cakewalk due to the saturation of FL Studio videos but I understand they didn't make Cakewalk for everyone or these things would have been addressed a while ago... What's crazy is that the Bandlab app has a sampler and beat machine built in but Cakewalk does not.. just my 2 cents.. lol .
  9. I figured that we asked for the sampler till we are blue in the face so why not ask for other things to help with work flow that might be easier to accomplish. Even acid pro has this option to turn on the draw an just place audio where you click... And of course FL Studio does this without even trying. The more videos I make the more I realize that people don't really like to download things they would rather use things in the DAW I think it takes away from the confusion for new users. So hopefully this is something that they can implement in Cakewalk and it's useful for all genre.
  10. I want to have the ability to just click in audio like kicks and snares in the clip view. Right now if I want to add a kick or snare or any audio you have to hold control and drag the audio to another place. We should have an option to turn on the draw tool and just click in the same audio that is selected. It is so much easier to do that hold control and try to move the audio clips around. I would like to make this a feature request. I would also like the option to change the audio if I drop it on the track view... Example... I put a kick in the track view laid out the kicks but now I want to change the kicks with a new one... As of now I have to create a new track of audio and redo all the kick I already put down there should be a way to drag a new kick one track view and it will change all the kicks in that track line. I know it's alot but these would be a future request. Thanks Baker's.
  11. Ok so it's like a master fader for a group... So that anything in that group is controlled by one fader weather that is sends aux or regular tracks as long as it's under that VCA fader... Ok.. I think I get it...
  12. What is so special about VCA faders? Maybe it's just me... I'm not knocking it in any way just don't get the importance of them. If someone can tell me it would be awesome. I have seen it requested before and have seen a few videos on them but I don't see it dramatically making a difference. Let me know what I'm missing.?
  13. #FREE Dynamic EQ and FX Bundle... Check it out let me know what you think... It's an FX Bundle by ToneBoosters really nice plugins... If you plan on buying Fab Filter you might want to check this one out first.
  14. There is a new VST called Scorch by Sauceware Audio... It's pretty good I did a review on it. Let me know what you guys think...?
  15. Twenty Five by #nativeinstruments .. you need to jump on this it is free for now but will be gone by December 31.... I made the video to show how it works and how you can make idea really quick with it ... Hope it helps...
  16. Organization in Cakewalk is a must, you ever wonder how to hide and organize instrument and plugins that you don't use? I made a video showing how to use the plugin manager to achieve this in Cakewalk. Let me know if you have questions..???
  17. I'm going to have to use this... It makes so much sense to put the date and time... Thanks for sharing..?
  18. Going over the export feature and other updates of the lastest release let me know if you have questions..?
  19. Ok.. 134 Build issue... I was doing an arranger export and I cannot. No error message or anything just does not work and the spinning circle does not stop the progress bar stops as well and goes back to the time on the track Video include
  20. +1 I was asking for this as well... https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/25056-feature-request-to-add-vst-from-the-piano-roll/
  21. Sorry about that forgot about that... Lol.. https://www.orchestraltools.com/store/get-sine
  22. Sine Player New FREE Instruments.. Church Organ and Guitars. Comment below if you have used these and what you think about them. I really like that they keep adding more instruments to this I remember when it was just the Layers. Now they have Piano.. Brass . Strings... Percussion... Church Organ and Guitars very nice.
  23. Thanks for the update so soon... It's working now .. with all the options Arranger .. track ..entire mix... Good job Bakers
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