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Everything posted by sadicus

  1. When Bouncing a track. Is there a way to setup parameters to: set I/O + bus? currently every-time this has to be set.
  2. "send from the trk you wan to record" THAT's the part I was missing, Haha thanks! I was creating Aux track and routing the the outs.
  3. Trying to get Vocalizer Pro, to 'record what you hear' The VST is working as expected but yet to figure out how to record just the effect. track 1 Simple Instrument Drums + Vocalizer + midi pattern (this track makes the combined sound) track 2 MIDI (controlling Vocalizer internal keyboard acting as a trigger) track 3 How to rout I/O to Record the Vocalizer effect only
  4. Trying to get Vocalizer Pro, to 'record what you hear' The VST is working as expected but yet to figure out how to record just the effect.
  5. Today I'm seeking ways to be more organized and efficient at creating Tracks using Soft Synths. example: Create single instance of Kontakt with one patch, then freeze track or Bounce the audio to a track label it and select a different patch in kontakt and repeat.
  6. its the most simple instrument to use when troubleshooting or experimenting with new VST routing. is there a better one to use without loading kontakt?
  7. Does Cbb AUX sends and Patch Points work the same as Blue Cat's PatchWork? So the lower keys are similar to traditional Key Switches? (Violins> Sustain, Tremolo, Staccato, etc.) No offense to the person that made THIS, people smarter than me also found it confusing. TRACKS Track 1 [ SL-Electric Piano ] *IN = set this to whatever your controller keyboard is Omni or Channel 1 Omni (Do not use All input Omni) OUT = Master SEND = Aux 1 Post = ON Track 2 Aux 1 (volume = 0) IN = [ TruePiano ] OUT = Master Track 3 Instachord 1 IN = All Inputs Omni OUT = Master SEND = Aux 1 Post = OFF * setting this to the actual keyboard fixes the "doubling of notes" Chromatic notes White/black pressed from external keyboard will play the Instachord + the black keys (a doubling effect) PRV keyboard only triggers the correct sounding Instachord (no doubling or black key notes)
  8. in the image it's just instascale and Kontakt 5 with a piano patch. input echo is on both tracks and it clearly shows and plays 2 notes.
  9. is there a way to get Cakewalk TTS1 to have midi out?
  10. PaulP setup works Is the "H" home always suppose to sound? There is a unison effect happening, InstaScale sounds more like Instachord. you can see the midi ALSO whats the deal when posing images? there all low res!
  11. Cthulhu chords by xfer is also good, and has a challenging setup.
  12. ...well dam, good 'ol TAB key. thanks! I only know how to open CAL scripts, not create it.
  13. Is there a CAL or Key control to move move now time forward/back to next midi note. Ctrl+Page Up and Ctrl+Page Down will move now time forward or back one measure (works in playback mode too). Trying to set markers at every midi note and would like to automate the process. don't want to mouse click all of them. something to do this: OPTIONS for CAL script Select x number midi notes place marker at midi note start place marker at midi note end place marker at both
  14. is there a way to get the built in MIDI track arp to accent notes? Press a single key and get a pattern accent like this: Accent on 1, 3, 4 1 and 2 and 3-4 and 5 6 perhaps there are additional ways to do this in Cbb? (preferably a more automated sequence way, you know, something that won't take talent or skill)
  15. Scook "After recording the MIDI track, then bounce the MIDI clips (Track view Clips menu) to render the arp pattern as MIDI. It has nothing to do with bouncing the MIDI track to audio." ...yep it works sometimes.
  16. There is a way to convert the two notes into the arp pattern but don't remember how. midi track arp=on record> arp is playing realtime and sounds as expected but only recording the two pressed keys midi, not recording the actual arp sequence. I thought "bounce to clip would convert the midi notes into the actual arp sequence, but it's not. the notes on the left are the keys being pressed triggering the arp. The note pattern on the right is drawn in just to show the arp pattern. When recording and the keys are pressed I want the midi arp pattern I hear, to record.
  17. While scaninig VST 32bit, Sonivox Vocalizer, auto opens the "Authorize" window. and never gets authorized and is now stuck. How to scan all other VST, and cancel the VST Scan?
  18. If you have them or willing to creates them, Seeking Key Switch + drum maps for: Garritan GPO5 Kontakt Library 5 "will pay" is used to avoid lectures about 'learning it yourself, or it's easy". If the Drum map is selected as Output, PRV does not draw midi notes, only drum notes. example: Clicking on the drum map name "Tremolo" send midi info, but is not changing the articulation in Kontakt. Drum Map Key Switch Note Equivalencies Orchestral --> Violin Ensemble 1 = C0 = Sustain (no it needs to change to 24 = C2) 2 = C#0/Db = Fortepiano 3 = D0 = Sforzando 4 = D#0/Eb = Staccato 5 = E0 = Tremolo 6 = F0 = Pizzicato
  19. Is there a way to create, save, copy/paste Controller data shapes like: Sawtooth, sine, etc. Looking for videos about: 'MIDI Transform tool' because it's not showing up when the tool is selected. Something similar the MIDI paint brush roller, for Controller Data. When in Piano Roll View, Controller data window (volume, Velocity, etc.) Middle mouse click is not bringing up any tools to draw. It only works in the Piano Roll window.
  20. New Cbb project (no tracks) trk1 = default settings: Insert Simple Instrument track trk1 = default settings: Insert Simple Instrument track Kontakt 5 K5 ch1 = chocolate lover K5ch2 = panda massacre After setting up the correct midi channels in Kontakt, In Cbb, just stay selected on track 1, and use the A-300 pro Value Dial to change the MIDI Channel then play the keyboard. (in this example change from 1 to 2 and hear the different sample in Kontakt5) * using this method by Jose7822 http://forum.cakewalk.com/Orchestral-Template-m2087571.aspx ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kontakt must be in the for-ground in order for the [MIDI Controller] to effect any Kontakt Dials -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cbb + EWQL - PLAY version or Kontakt Insert it as a Simple Instrument Track in Sonar Multiple instances of EWQL - PLAY Each Instrument Track hosts all the articulations (up to 16) for that particular instrument organize them all in folders based on their instrumental family. This way everything is kept clean, with the least amount of tracks possible. Trigger each articulation load them up into separate MIDI channels in PLAY Use the Event Inspector in Cbb to change MIDI note channels. For example, say for the "Violin I" instance only needs 3 articulations; Legato, Spiccato and Tremolo. Each of these would have their own MIDI channel in sequence; Legato (MIDI ch1), Spiccato (MIDI ch2) and Tremolo (MIDI ch3). Then select the Legato notes and, via the Event Inspector change their MIDI channels to correspond with the articulation needed. This gives the ability to work with one track per orchestral instrument and see all their notes from one MIDI track. The Multi-out method would use 1 Audio and 3 MIDI tracks, for a total of 4 tracks, just for one instrument. There are many more benefits to working this way, including not having to use keyswitch notes to change articulations, which potentially clutter your PRV as well as your score if you need to print your work. It spreads up the CPU load more evenly than housing all your articulations into 4 or 5 instances of PLAY/Kontakt. It's easy to mix your project since each instrument has its own track, so any effects or automation used will only apply to that instrument and not several of them. There are two ways, the method used will be based on how the "layered" articulations are being handled. Method 1 Used if you want to always use the supporting or "layered" articulation in conjunction with another, then all you do is assign it the same MIDI channel. EWQL - PLAY, Viola1 and Viola 2 will be triggered simultaneously every time a MIDI note that was assigned that MIDI channel is played. As an example, you could use this technique on 'Staccato Trumpets' and 'Cresc. Trumpets', assigning both to MIDI channel 3, to get a sforzando effect before the crescendo comes in. If you have room in your sampler, you could even load the Staccato articulation twice, on separate MIDI channels of course, so that one is being triggered with the crescendo notes and the other when you need regular staccato (no crescendo). Method 2 Used when you don't want to have the same MIDI channel for both articulations, and/or when you have two parts using different articulations simultaneously on the same instrument. In this case, use track layers, each with its own MIDI channel(s). For example, you have a Horn playing a melodic line while the other Horns are playing a staccato part in the background. With the use of track layers you can easily separate the two distinct parts in conjunction with the Mute button ("Q") as well as the option to hide muted clips in PRV. This way you only see the part you want to work with at a time without having a mess of notes, which would make editing their MIDI channel a nightmare.
  21. A page to host advice tips/tricks for organizing large instrument sets. Key Switch Drum Maps for EWQ SO KS by: FrankieC http://forum.cakewalk.com/tm.aspx?m=1965558 NI - Kontakt 5 Sibelius Sound Set
  22. Is there a way to create key switch by color in Cbb? BRSO Articulate (for FL studio) https://www.syntheticorchestra.com/articulate/
  23. install ASIO Link install ASIOLink Patch (fixed droputs) ok, some progress, getting MOTU Hardware input 1 /2 why would 2/3 and 7/8 not have connections? How to select and route the Yeti Mic to ASIOLink? haha, yea, i'm lost!
  24. Well I'm lost...Looks like More clarification will be needed. There are two apps ASIOLink Tool and ASIOLink Trial (how to get product key?) Also looks like Latency is 25ms If within Cakewalk, ASIOLink driver is audio interface, Where exactly will the headphones need to be to hear anything? Currently Headphones are connected to MOTU. and in Cbb a signal can be seen, but no way to hear it with ASIOLink driver. HARDWARE MOTU (48/24) XLR + Headphone monitoring Mic1 Guitar in Mic2 48 phantom power Yeti Mic3 16bit USB AXE S/PDIF or Audio out to MOTU KEYBOARD - MIDI
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