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Everything posted by sadicus

  1. Duplicate and Piano Roll view Note names is great!
  2. well it's a solution and this will now be a good reference post for others, thanks for contributing!
  3. oThanks all, @James ArgI know 0 about CAL except how to use it. Also I might have some of the same scripts you do but if your willing to share please post a link! @Gswitz, this method is why i'm seeking a cal script. The notes are not consistent and I just need a way for it to read left to right and select every other note no matter the pitch or length. CAL challenge for anyone interested!
  4. sadicus

    Mix in mono?

    oh, that is way easier than changing the "interleave" on all tracks. Will give it a try.
  5. sadicus

    Mix in mono?

    How to go about mixing in mono in Cbb? Is it a matter of changing each stereo stem to mono (with the button),mixing, then turning stereo button for each stem back on?
  6. What are some ways to Select every other midi note no matter the pitch, or duration? Just whatever note is next. perhaps a CAL script could do this?
  7. looked everywhere but there! Interesting "left" is the default, not sure how it changed. Thanks so much
  8. After using "split" all tracks to the right are still selected. Is there a way to invert the selection or only have the tracks to the left of split to be selected?
  9. I would like to just set numerical parameters and Fill in or draw a straight line with the selected pattern. Grid snap to is = on How to Snap to grid so the vertical stays consistent when drawing to the right? If I stray up or down it does not stay snapped. How to make consistent, repeating patterns? With Sine, Square, Triangle or any of the "pattern" tools. 1.Click to set the center position of the shape. 2.Drag up/down to set the vertical range of the shape. 3.Drag left/right to set the duration of the shape. Holding "Shift" kinda works, for a little bit, then freaks out.
  10. ...well paying attention not to checkbox "exc" helps. Duration min/max Whole Note = 4:000 Quarter note = 1:000 Eighth = 480 Sixteenth = 240
  11. What is the method used to select (and delete) MIDI notes by length? "Delete Whole notes only" or Delete 16th notes only" I was trying "Deglitch" and looked at the Event Filter but not sure the best way.
  12. "CSTranspose in your FX Bin" that was it. I opened a version before this project and everything worked as expected, then added the CSTranspose and it went crazy! Haha Good eye Blogospherianman!
  13. Key Switch is correct. after play head passes KS, a different KS is selected. What might cause this to happen?
  14. Feature Request (entering in custom MIDI notes) Key Switches - a way to color code and label Piano Roll Keys would be helpful. Drum Maps are ok, but the ability to completely customize the PRV "Keys" themselves would be epic! Color code, and Label the Keys, with the label being either On, Off, or only visible on roll-over (like it is currently) https://postimg.cc/gallery/sop0293q/ Or Make it to where Drum Maps and PRV view are split but it's the same MIDI lane. (instead of how it is currently selecting two MIDI lanes, one to see Key Switches and the other to work with MIDI notes.)
  15. Seeking tips & tricks to get a good string Legato - Portamento. Working with a Legato patch (Kontakt Tina Guo + default orch strings) trying to get a Portamento (slide up to the next note) effect. Does a longer MIDI note overlap equal a longer portamento slide? I'm not really hearing a long enough "slide" to the next note, it sounds to fast.
  16. Thanks David Baay, There are not many Cakewalk videos showing this, please post if you find any links.
  17. I downloaded a few of the app and Spitfire Labs libraries, but they don't see how to use them in Kontakt, or standalone? This is a great thread for some nice sounding pianos, thanks!
  18. How to record MIDI data after notes have been placed in PRV? example: external MIDI Controller (with Volume pedal, Sliders, Mod wheel.) MIDI Notes and keyswitch articulations are laid out in PRV, what's the best way to record the Mod wheel + Vol slider, and what channel to record it to? track 1 channel 1 Violin 1 (Mod wheel + Vol slider on what channel?) track 2 channel 2 Flute (Mod wheel + Vol slider on what channel?) track 3 channel 3 Cello (Mod wheel + Vol slider on what channel?)
  19. "Seems to me that whether you name the track before or after the bounce, you're still naming the track." Track> Bounce to track> popup window. There's already a popup window with options, why not take care of business in that window? It would be consistent with the other "+" create track and Create Instrument popup window that allows setting buses etc.
  20. Ability to label, name, the track before it gets bounced.
  21. track 1 channel 2 | MIDI notes have various channels track has a channel and right click on MIDI also has a channel that can be assigned. Which channel is dominant, the track channel or the individual MIDI note? My hope is the Track channel will override any MIDI notes that are assigned different channels.
  22. Ah, ok yes it is working as expected, thought it would show in the clip realtime. Now these two options will work, thank you!
  23. @David Baay THAT is the only thing that worked. "There's a convenient function in the Clips menu to 'Convert MIDI Controllers to Envelopes'." @scookI am interested in the other methods, but will need tutorial. I don't want to see the controller data in the clip, not just filter it out. "apply effect." did not seem to do anything, will you elaborate? Event Filters have a "select all" but then what? Delete and Delete special just deleted the entire clip, not the selected data. Delete the data using the Event List or Piano Roll views. Both of these views may be used to directly access CC data. Add the MIDI Event Filter MFX to the MIDI FX Rack, filter out the unwanted data and apply effect. Convert CC data to envelopes and delete the envelope.
  24. @msmcleod downloading and trying it out today, thank!
  25. I don't know how controller data got into the MIDI. 'Convert MIDI Controllers to Envelopes'. thanks for the info, I'm sure a combination of all of th above will be needed. Haha! full velocity tails horror mode"
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