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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. Sweet tones and impressive playing. I know it's not about the song but I actually quite liked all the different sections accentuated by different tones.
  2. Might want to check out this thread before doing the update...
  3. Thanks Skyline and Mark. I was once caught out by a Melodyne upgrade on SPlat which was unusable for months so I always hold off doing upgrades immediately even though I keep previous versions which can be re-installed. I am still happily running Editor v4.1.1.011 which works without issue although I have downloaded v4.2.0.020 - is that the same sub-version as you Mark?
  4. Thanks Mibby. MTurboDelay has been nagging away at me so I finally got it before the end of the sale. I picked up MUnison in the APD deal Fleer and it certainly does a lot! Not even scratched the surface yet. Chandler's got a couple of YT vids on it which are worth a look.
  5. SPAK, Do you have loopback enabled in the dspmixfx program? This can cause feedback in some cases depending on your setup. See here.... https://www.steinberg.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=96907
  6. Excellent arrangement and recording Will. I think your vocals and guitar sound great together. That LR Baggs system sounds very natural. Will be interested to hear the baritone guitar version when you do one. BTW this time I am only listening to one song at a time and I'm sober ☺️
  7. Yes I always have to scratch my head to get this type of thing working. I have taken to saving a CbB project entitled, for example, "Obelisk Demo" or similar once I get it working to remind me later on what I did to get it working. Then I can refer back to the project when I next want to use it. Here is an example for Kirnu Cream which I own (the paid version of Kirnu listed in TS's post). Insert an instrument track (I used AAS Ultra Analogue Session) and select a sound that would work well for an ARP pattern. Split the track (into MIDI and Audio). You can of course drag and drop an instrument from the browser instead and use the defaults which will create a separate Instrument (Audio) and MIDI track. Insert another instrument track selecting Kirnu Cream (or whatever you want) and split this also. In Kirnu Cream UI go to the VST menu and make sure Enable MIDI input and output are both ticked. Record some notes in the Ultra Analogue Session MIDI track (long held notes work best for ARP generators). Set the output of the Ultra Analogue Session MIDI track that you just recorded to Kirnu Cream. Set the input of the Kirnu Cream MIDI track to All Inputs Omni (or a specific channel if you prefer). Set the output of the Kirnu Cream MIDI track to Ultra Analogue Session. Hit the play button and your recorded MIDI will now be modified by Kirnu Cream and playback through Ultra Analogue Session. N.B. In my example I notice that the Kirnu Cream MIDI input echo button is enabled and cannot be disabled (only toggled from On to Thru). So if you are having trouble make sure that this is enabled. None of the other tracks have any monitoring enabled. If anyone wants a copy of my project file showing the setup for Kirnu Cream, Riffer or Obelisk drop me a PM (you will need to own whichever ARP plugin is in use although it might still work for demo versions - not sure). This reply is probably better moved to the Q&A forum although it is directly relevant and might help anyone who downloads anything mentioned in TS's post.
  8. Thanks Larry. Seems pretty impressive for the money...
  9. Oh No! My GAS resistance is wavering. This looks quite unique and also for anyone without full Kontakt it uses Plogue Sforzando for a change. Would also be interested in the Defil Mambo bass library if they ever find one to sample.
  10. ZincT

    A new beginning

    We're going on a GAS hunt. We can't go over it. We can't go under it. Oh no! We've got to go through it!
  11. ZincT


    Oops, sorry about that, lol. I had St James Infirmary Blues open in one browser window on the old site and this open in another. Got my wires crossed. Nothing to do with this glass of wine I'm drinking at all. ?
  12. ZincT


    Lovely song, well played. The recording captures it perfectly. Do you play this kind of music live anywhere as you have a real talent for it?
  13. James, I really enjoyed your song and for me it had a really good U2 guitar/vocal vibe. In places the vocals also reminded me of Brian Connolly - singer with Sweet (they were British btw). I loved the vocal treatment throughout and the nifty guitar solo. Thanks for sharing.
  14. Really enjoyed this song Lynn and I gotta agree with the comments re the Joe Walsh vibe. It's got a very catchy groove and I also thought the slide guitar and harmonica worked well. Excellent vocals too! What a way to kick off 2019.
  15. ZincT

    After the Snow

    Dan, This is a first class piece of music and a lush production from beginning to end. I love all of the dark and light, ebb and flow that keeps the song interesting throughout. The feel of the music also fits the title perfectly. I can't think of anything I would change.
  16. Yes agreed it wouldn't take much for IE to add a total size for the bundles. With the Forum quotes I was getting an extra multi-quote popup which I didn't understand the mechanism for but I now realise how it works. Now it seems to quote straight away without any popup so it must be a "first use" thing. Thanks
  17. Thanks Mark (I have worked out the quote thing now , I have my buffer set to 256 samples which seems to work well for everything apart from VG-Silk and VG-Sparkle. I'm sure I tried freezing the track when loaded normally and it still played back with crackles. I will try freezing with the Jbridge method and see if that works. When it stops outputting audio using the Jbridge method I then have to close the project and re-open to get it working again (I don't have to close CbB fortunately) . I need to do some more experimenting.
  18. paulo, the disk size is shown in features against each individual library. I quickly totted them up for you as 27Gb in total for the bundle... Normal & Strum Nylon Gtr 3Gb & 2Gb Acoust Gtr 3Gb & 2Gb LP 5Gb & 4Gb TC 4Gb & 4Gb Total = 27 Gb Think I need a quick tutorial on this new forum as I hit quote on your post but your post didn't get quoted in mine!?! How does that work?
  19. Wishing a Happy, Peaceful and Deal-filled New Year to you Larry et al!
  20. Happy New year to one and all! ??
  21. If you have an iPad you can still buy the IOS version for around 20 bucks. This is the UK link so just search for sound canvas in your store https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/sound-canvas/id952549036?mt=8 Review here.. An app called studiomux lets you use it on a PC as if it were a vsti. https://zerodebug.com/studiomux
  22. I have Craig's book which I can recommend but would also be very interested in an updated version of your Power series updated for CbB Scott. Thanks
  23. Thanks for the update and for keeping up the development on this Steven!
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