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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. Cheers Larry ? No brainer upgrade for 10 bucks.
  2. Hey abacab, I had the same deal for MAX but knew it would overfill my 1Tb "sample SSD" which I only bought in November to replace a 512Gb one. Of course I then wished I had gone for a 2Tb SSD but maybe that and the upgrade to MAX will happen at some point in the future. I also still have shed loads of ST3 libraries installed and full Miroslav Philharmonic (the ST3 folder alone is currently 172Gb!). What you say is true about the limited variety of instruments (even more so in the standard version) which is why I still have all that ST3 stuff installed.
  3. Thanks Peter! For me 4.0.3 has been pretty stable and with 4.0.4 the memory footprint is now also vastly improved. Overall it's a big improvement on ST3 but I wish the standard version (that I own) didn't have so many synths as I already have more than I know what to do with including Syntronik. Really love the pianos, guitar, brass and voices though. It looks like the MAX version will be a must at some point although ideally I would prefer a way of trading some of the synths for other acoustic instruments.
  4. $23.66 at Bestservice.... https://www.bestservice.com/ezx_metal_machine.html
  5. Tried the demo and instabuy for me. Haven't bought any PA for a while but they seem to be doing more of a "waves" pricing model these days.
  6. Thanks mono! I'm joining the band of fools, lol. Good suggestion bassdaddy and works out at around 8 gbp for all three with my t&s points. Edit: it wouldn't let me use my points but still a good deal.
  7. Glad I waited! Got it now, thanks Larry ?
  8. Got them now. No brainer at this price. Worked out at around 23 GBP.
  9. Scratch that! They got the total wrong... The total for all 6 packs = 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 19 + 19 = 74 Now 60% discount on 74 x 0.4 = 29.60 So it is actually 60% discount.
  10. Good point! I think they must mean 60% of the normal price ... 49 x 0.6 = 29.40 -- SEE UPDATE BELOW
  11. Not used it yet! I got the Studio version at Christmas and only used Jamstix in a couple of projects so far. It seems quite deep and unique and I hope to use it more in future. I do have an unfinished song which gets heavy in the middle and was thinking I might see what Jamstix metal drummer can come up with. The existing drum track is made in AD2.
  12. Tempted as those are the only bits I don't have. Does anyone have any of these and care to comment? Thanks Larry.
  13. First time I have been tempted by PA in a while. Still eyeing up Thorn, SpecOps and Metric A/B.
  14. Thanks Larry. I finally got around to demoing and ordering some more Kuassa bits. Already had Vermilion but after demo'ing the others have now added Creme, plus the Wah and Chorus (I'm a sucker for chorus and this one is great). I'll maybe add Cerberus when I get a bass guitar ?
  15. Thanks TS ? They certainly keep their products updated!
  16. So did I! Thanks for the heads-up Larry. Bad news the way that Steinberg handled your situation.
  17. It's of no use unless you have one (or more) of their products.
  18. Just a heads up in case anyone else has this.... I had a few problems with Play 6 crashing when loading samples in Hollywood Orchestra after updating to Play 6. It also reported a couple of corrupt samples. So I tried "Update Instruments" and when that didn't work "Download and Reinstall" in EW Installation Center. Still crashing and reporting corrupt samples. So I finally deleted the samples folder to force EW Installation Center re-download the samples and it has been fine since then.
  19. And here. Pretty painless experience.
  20. Another serial bites the dust! Thanks BassDaddy.
  21. That's great news, thanks TS.
  22. Thanks TS. Updated United Pop for me.
  23. ZincT

    SampleTank 4 is Out

    Version 4.0.2 now available in your account. I may actually try to install it now. More info here... https://cgi.ikmultimedia.com/ikforum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=20719
  24. Version 4.0.2 now available in your account. I may actually try to install it now. More info here... https://cgi.ikmultimedia.com/ikforum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=20719
  25. Didn't receive anything from AAS about this yet so thanks for the heads up TS.
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