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Everything posted by bayoubill

  1. Let me know if you get through to the end without killing yourself. If you don't make, I can only apologise. THAT's MY JOB! I made it to the end but have an urge to look for coconuts and find a cave
  2. I love the vibe on this! Lyrics and vocals are a perfect fit! keep them coming! Bass is heavy in the instrumentation playing back on my system. EQing each instruments will help clear that up Thanks for posting. I very much enjoyed listening
  3. Cept the pizza lately cuz I really like Johnnys Pizza House Sweep the Kitchen with extra cheese pizza
  4. Maple syrup is just behind Becan in my favorite food group. Then pizza, bbq ribs, ? and Mexican food
  5. A boy is born without a body, only a head. For his 18th birthday his father, takes him to a bar for a drink. The father orders his son a scotch and when the boy drinks it, an arm pops out of his head. He drinks another shot and another arm pops out. After the next shot a torso pops out. After more shots, suddenly, he has a whole body. he boy runs out of the bar and gets hit by a truck, killing him instantly. A drunkard in the corner looks at the father and says, "He should have quit while he was a head."
  6. I Am soooooo disappointed! All this time I've thought Special Ed WAS Bapu
  7. Ok, Here's a picture but I Am not Shure yew can make out the screen
  8. Thanks everyone for the help! scook - I noticed that having my guitar on and spinning around in my chair to close out my sessions I lay my forearms on the keyboard right across the Left/Right Arrows etc. It's a big keyboard and is on top of my desk. Don't ask me how I managed to do it more than once. CbB froze and I couldn't do anything. I closed and went back in but the same thing. After reboot and hitting ALL it's back to normal. I should have know it was a simple problem Thanks again all!
  9. MY kind of music!!! LOVE IT!! Thanks Gonzo
  10. Every time I save in a project and come back to it later the effects bin in the track view is gone. I don't know why. Has anyone else experienced this?
  11. bayoubill


    I Am so confused
  12. Well everything's on hold till drying can begin. Lots of unplanned and unwanted cleaning up
  13. all I kneed is boat, raincoat, pail and in that order!
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